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File: 978764f0a51a7f2⋯.jpg (8.91 KB, 194x259, 194:259, download.jpg)

84bfcb  No.119678

Is there a way we could Fedpost on forums Antifa browse frequently to try and bait them into building retarded weapons? You know, the kind of shit that gets 30 glowies doing a no knock raid but isn't that lethal and it's just the ATF being retarded. Give them an excuse to crack down a bit. I have a couple schematic ideas imma post in a bit. I'm unfamiliar with what forums the correct group of useful idiots browse frequently. Anyone know where exactly this could be dropped in at? Also thread to organize this if people are interested in the concept.

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a1244d  No.119696

wow dude yeah let's start an organisation to supply terrorists with weapon plans totally awesome dude

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a1244d  No.119699

File: e0ac812f5248590⋯.png (12.46 KB, 449x434, 449:434, weapon_plans.png)


wah lah

forgot secret footage sry

asterisk obvious glownigger thread reported

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