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File: 5176ccd7a2a494e⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1143x8756, 1143:8756, SSL_Server_Test_8kun_top.png)

46c6a2  No.119415

Our server configuration has changed. This appears to be an HTTPS downgrade attack.

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4b0ded  No.119426

I don't know why anyone would bother attacking this shit hole at this point.

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d58f89  No.119451


Attacking a place like 8kun and its 75 users is like babby's first ddos. Though, honestly, I doubt anyone attacks this place at all. Q has this ideology that says, "If they're attacking us, we must be right!" so Jim and Ron occasionally claims 8kun is being attacked in order to keep the /qresearch/ boomer cult buying merch.

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