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File: f447355c0d017a4⋯.png (229.51 KB, 924x877, 924:877, DeutschesReichStandortKart….png)

File: a2f6b5e2bfb918f⋯.png (353.42 KB, 1388x1281, 1388:1281, Maas_etsch_memel_belt.png)

File: 4e3e1175a3d8b25⋯.png (48.28 KB, 800x522, 400:261, Reichsadler_Hoheitszeichen….png)

File: 1bce51299dce48d⋯.png (12.12 KB, 800x480, 5:3, partei_flagge.png)

ed5f08  No.119297

It should be a top priority for us to unite the Deutsche Volk under a fourth Reich. We need to make the Deutsches Reich the new Israel vs Palestine; it needs to be that contentious of an issue. We should start by changing our language; there is no "Germany" there is the BRD but the BRD has no right to represent the Deutsche Volk. Once we unite the Deutsche Volk we will have the Deutsches Reich and I suppose that could be "Germany".

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82e7a8  No.119308

File: 348f253fc760bdf⋯.png (2.53 MB, 2362x2362, 1:1, Deutsches_Reich_1871_1918_.png)


It's probably not super realistic because there are simply less Germans living in those areas now. The real priority needs to be destroying the pro-US government in Poland, which will be used to attack Germany and Russia and spread further niggerization in the former Warsaw Pact.

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7eebbb  No.119313


All the Germans outside of the borders of modern Germany have been exterminated from the face of the Earth. Most of the Germans within Germany have also been exterminated and replaced. There’s no fucking point in your revanchism when there’s nothing to revanch. You’re fucking brain damaged. You don’t even remotely understand the nature of our conflict, and that’s why you continue to fail every waking moment of your life.

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c1e745  No.119444

German irredentism only makes sense in Austria, where German language is still dominant. Not anywhere else.

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b91ba7  No.119679


>Once we unite the Deutsche Volk

Our last unification is 30 years ago. It's a tiring, still ongoing, process with winners and losers.

I feel no need for another unification.

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