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File: c7171a4cdb3e7a6⋯.png (68.5 KB, 350x320, 35:32, kissclipart_sleeping_polic….png)

6468ae  No.117599

Police seriously need to go on strike for a week or two in places like NYC. As it stands, everyone already hates them for doing their job, they're overworked, they're undoubtedly getting burned out. I think peoples perspectives would really change if we experienced a week without police. They'd be begging for them to come back. As it stands now, they are simply going to reach a point where they'll stop showing up anyways, so it'd be better take a strategic break than be broken.

Once people realize they have no one to call to help them, public opinion on the police will do a 180 so fast it won't even be funny.

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50f756  No.117636

File: 6508f5d42e5507a⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 1079x1096, 1079:1096, 50f00c407907fb38b6533654ef….jpg)

Public opinion is already changing.

All of the meek people who are dutifully following orders, staying inside, and staying quiet are fucking pissed. We want to take time to get our information so it might take a week or two to see the response. We're not protesting, we're not marching, we're writing big letters to our representatives.

I live in a rich neighborhood in one of the largest cities and not a single peep here in my neighborhood, but my neighbors have been on call with local reps to voice their anger and are planning on moving the fuck out asap since property values are gonna temporarily increase here due to no rioting.

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8f1856  No.117642

You make a good point. People dont value law & order anymore

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05de8a  No.117700

I only hate LE when they inforce unconstitutional laws. Other than that they are a needed element of society. NYC is a shithole and these riots further prove it. If anything it should be made it's own non-state district like DC so it doesn't influence upstate politics.

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581a41  No.117753

The funny part is that the police like cracking open nig skulls too much to go on strike. Let them keep eating each other.

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