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File: 2581b814c445ae4⋯.png (188.15 KB, 580x773, 580:773, hillary_in_court.png)

File: a1561018fc609ea⋯.pdf (132.09 KB, JW_v_State_HRC_testimony_S….pdf)

fcc0b6  No.117097

Didn't see this in the catalog; can't believe you fuckers missed it.

Unless fake news, apparently Hillary was summoned to appear in court during the riots. Coincidence???

It seems that the court is asking for emails and texts. Regardless, here are the sources. PDF attached is the State Department's response to some court order. Not a lawfag so I'm not sure what's going on. Also, the screencap is from a tweet that I first saw regarding this. Lastly, we have a link:


To the DC court of appeals site, with the oral arguments. It's over an hour long, I'm just listening now. Seems like Hillary's lawyer is speaking first, saying that there are no other emails left. Idk why they are still asking for more…

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9f5a45  No.117342


We "missed" it because we know she will never be punished in any way, nor will anyone else. It just doesn't matter at all.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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