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File: 2c29d8b92de99f6⋯.png (688.98 KB, 1473x1198, 1473:1198, Europe_topography_map.png)

9ed760  No.114585

In this thread we discuss European issues and culture, while the Americans are busy with their 100th race riot that's spreading faster over the globe than covid.

Now that the Wuflu is in it's final stages and life is returning to normal, how will we deal with the coming conflict in the eastern med and the refugee crisis on our southern borders?

There's an increase amount of unrest in most nations pertaining to unhappiness over EU policy (yellow vests in france, orange vests in Italy and farmer protests in the Netherlands to name a few) are these movements beneficial to a new european idea or just another nothingburger?

What will we do against the encroaching darkness and the subversive elements in our societies? All our institutions are infiltrated and have non European or anti-European members deciding policy

Can we stop stabbing each other in the back for more say on an ever slanted table in Brussels?

And is the EU even salvageable or should we go back to the treaty of Rome and back to the drawing board from there?

These and other issues can be discussed in this thread.

Starting with what Europe could be if we broke the EU down and took a different approach: The Confederation(proper).

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9ed760  No.114586

File: abe0a0e71cd47c5⋯.png (143.15 KB, 1011x875, 1011:875, europa1.png)

>The EU is literally the only way forward for Europe unless we want to be geopolitical dwarves. We should be the united states of Europe.

This is the pro EU stance everyone hates and is frequently brought up, we do want to unite but not like this.

If Europe is ever to unite it should not be a federation but rather confederation, this way the right to self determine is kept for nations and we wont be reduced to a destructive globohomo mono culture.

Elements of federalism should remain in the sense that we should strive towards certain standards within the confederation such as wage,tax and infrastructure.

These standards should be made after great consideration and not be forced upon by countries like my own, differences even within these systems should continue to exist on a regional level and interchangeable when necessary this way developing nations with an interest in it could opt for better rates for developmental reasons, while the rest just sits on the standard rates.

This prevents continuous tax havens to leech from the rest of europe by more favourable/less fair policies.

Another talking point is maintaining decentralization, the current framework of a seat of power in Brussels and Strasbourg works against the proposed decentralized structure, a euro parliament and eurocrats are not necessary as they actively work against national interests in order to gather more power for themselves.

Rather than this delegations of foreign affairs can instead meet and bring forward new policy, this as it has become clear since the corona "crisis" is something that can be done without having to build a fortress in Brussels and with the help of technology can even be done on a daily basis without having to pay for travel expenses and the minimal creating of new positions and layers of governance.

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9ed760  No.114588

File: 74475f751f09e9e⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 534x567, 178:189, 89149187_144073063774970_4….jpg)


The confederation is not a state steered by a single head in a single direction but rather the representation of Europe's spirit in the sense that it is many doing their own thing while working towards unified goals such as the defense of the outer borders of Europa and the development of the continent.

It's first and foremost interest are those of all the European nations and peoples to be preserved and proliferated.

One Europe, with many cultures,languages and flags. working in tandem to achieve what we always have, that is to push the boundaries of mankind's limits.

Europa for European peoples and only European peoples will lead mankind in it's new era devoid of the outside degenerates and perversions that have been sweeping the world since the new world order, one that will will take it's rightful place at the top and will as it always has been a guiding beacon.

This will not become the century of American or Chinese hegemony but the century we'll take our rightful place back.


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9ed760  No.114589

File: f5d1248b5985b74⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1200x1681, 1200:1681, 55f2f958bd86ef1c008b9ab8.png)


Immigration is the greatest active threat to European nations in this point in time, we're not quite facing a demographic replacement but at the rate things are going it will very well be an issue in the future.

Most immigrants are economic migrants, male and between the ages of 20-50 looking for a better life without going trough the trouble of applying trough the right channels, clogging up our system and seeping trough the seams.

The main points of entry are the Mediterranean and the Turkish state, thus we should work on securing these borders, by a tighter and more aggressive approach in patrolling the Mediterranean and curtailing the NGO's working against the interests of Europe in the name of humanism and globalism we can significantly cut immigration trough the sea.

The Turkish state is another threat, while only a few years ago we were happily negotiating possible membership, today's dynamics have changed to one of looming war, once again threatening Greek and Cypriot sovereignty while extorting Brussels out out of Billions, this is an enemy that should be dealt with.

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9ed760  No.114590

File: 58b95836f8af483⋯.jpg (187.04 KB, 1500x1093, 1500:1093, AP_19106603016294_1500x109….jpg)

Identity politics

American identity politics do not have a place on our continent, they are a sole american issue and they should be the only ones to deal with it.

There's no need to empower non european and disruptive elements here to burn down our cities and cultural buildings.

The notre dame already took a hit as a result of these kind of tactics spilling over from the US, we will not see any more of our culture harmed by the misguided idea that foreigners have the same rights as blacks in america.

Safe for this other issues like gender identity have also made their way to europe. we should not let their dystopian ideas influence us any further.

There's no need for solidarity with the Americans they dug their hole now let them sit in it, do not go to these rallies to support only to piss these instigators off, do not validate them but judge them for fraternizing with hostile elements trying to bring in misplaced ideologies.

If we let it run it's course more of this will be the result


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9ed760  No.114592

File: 07f48953eb2e4d3⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 3099x4000, 3099:4000, DP249453.jpg)


Europa for European peoples and only European peoples

Fuck america and it's bullshit issues

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9ed760  No.114594

>It would take a lot of time, and probably a war or two

so? let it happen anything beats this, the EU is a complete shitshow.

I'm advocating for the dismantlement of the current EU, It's power structure shattered, it's eurocrats hung and flayed, they are traitors to the continent.

From it's ashes I'm proposing a true confederacy like outlined above, no nation should commit cultural suicide and not an inch should be given to those who wish to see it happen. less not more government is the answer to our woos, less not more immigrants will solve our problems.

On paper the current EU claims to be a confederacy but rather than doing that they are more of a centralized federation with brussels having absolute rule.

By a confederacy I mean a model which preserves the right and practice of self determination while only working together on a few fields, with no centralized army but rather a closer cooperation between current armies each suited to their own terrain and with it's own expertise, mostly what was outlined in the treaty of rome with a council of representatives only based on equal representation rather than population based so we don't have the same shitshow as we do now. also no centralized power structure but a decentralized system working on closer regional cooperation (Visegrad and Craiova come to mind) while facing the outside world as one front.

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68cb69  No.114731

File: db0bbdeca26d6f7⋯.jpg (135.42 KB, 739x518, 739:518, 1590878081669.jpg)

File: 97a8013871370d0⋯.png (1.09 MB, 2434x2110, 1217:1055, 1590524818822.png)

File: 76b7d2b82ff3c54⋯.jpg (182.44 KB, 807x1024, 807:1024, 1590089615556m.jpg)


Apologies for the poor style: you say identity politics has no place in Europe. I agree it has no place anywhere, but it has already taken Europe. As an example, when you mention the yellow vests, I think they were an important movement full of potential, essentially national populist. The last movement that threatened globohomo was occupy Wall Street, and it was successfully pozzed by identity politics. See pic related.

The exact same thing happened to the YV: as soon as they became relevant, pozzers infiltrated the moment and vomited their identity politics until the movement died (see Onfray's take). The same technique was used, but even earlier in it's development (and this may be unpopular here), to castrate Extinction Rebellion (see intersectional open letters of late 2019 demanding ER address nigger suffering in climate change).

I'm not trying to bring American politics to this thread, I'm trying to say that identity politics is already well instrulentalized, effective, and is here to stay until the great famine and fire cleansing.

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a59078  No.114740


lol that's an old ass map… the UK shouldn't be green anymore… I'm glad they're gone, they're the main source of idpol on our continent

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68cb69  No.114741


You Say

> immigration is the greatest active threat

> we're not quite facing replacement

> securing routes is priority

I disagree with all three points. Maybe because my point of view is from France. In my admittedly limited point of view : while immigration is deadly, stopping it will not save us: we have more than enough afroarab citizens here, with high enough fertility, that they *will* take over if things continue, even with 0 immigration.

You then say we're not quite there: 50% of French newborns are pure negro or pure arab (Google drépanocytose carte 2016). We are *past* the tipping point. Also, demographic growth has been exclusively due to foreigners in Germany, Belgium and France, for almost a decade.

Finally, you speak of securing the borders. This is necessary, of course, but in my view, our problem is the ethnosuocidal traitors inside, conscious, malicious, or naive liberals. when you're told you there awaits gaping infidel vagina and red probono lawyers working to get you a monthly stipend, when the French courts will jail the activists for symbolically painting a border at the border… the invaders will find a way to get here, and if we close one route, they'll find another. The priority must be to remove the promises that await inside.

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9ed760  No.114750


I see the extend of the problem however, I am still not convinced they have by any measure won.

sure the battle of the day was theirs but these cards are played too early by them, now even the normal people are getting tired of their ever expanding dialogue of who is a victim and why other fringe leftist should be heard out.

The current protests are another example of this, there is a relatively small turnout which consist mainly of the loud left minority spearheaded by antifa and their corporate overlords.

Discrediting them is less of a challenge than it seems, in politics all throughout the west they are well represented but take up only a small number total of seats.

Even in activism they are a hated force, older activist/environmentalist movements like greenpeace (bad example I know, but an example nonetheless) have been completely taken over by these same elements of identity politics and SJW's it's founders left and show a same hatred as your first picture illustrates.

As these cases pile up it becomes easier for us to discredit them in the same fashion they like to do to us, the increase of left leadership also makes them more vulnerable against their own tactics of discrediting and slander.

If we simply keep on making new movements we can expose their patterns and guard ourselves form it happening again, they have a playbook however it is thin and as is clear now they are overextending their hand. (the backlash on current and future actions will reach a limit)

Meanwhile, dissent and unhappiness under the general populations is only increasing and protests with an actual clear anti globohomo message will only increase. The YV movement is still there and will probably resume after this virus nonsense is over (which will be soon) other movements keep popping up throughout europe so do new more right political parties.

Our time is yet to come and the left has just about passed its peak. harder times are coming and with it harder ideologies, harder protests and harder people. these are all things the left cannot thrive under they need good times and weak men.

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9ed760  No.114756


>The priority must be to remove the promises that await inside.

I fully agree and I see your concern.

That is why my main point is: Europa for European peoples and only European peoples

by projecting this to the rest of the world it should become clear that they are not welcome, if that alone doesn't do it sink some barges to the bottom of the Mediterranean and they'll know we are ready to seal those words with blood.

another point I made is:

>I'm advocating for the dismantlement of the current EU, It's power structure shattered, it's eurocrats hung and flayed, they are traitors to the continent.

this should discourage that behavior.

I know it sounds crude and impossible in the current world, but it should be clear that we're going into different times.

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b887f6  No.114917


Can confirm. Was moderating streams for OWS. It started with the COINTELPRO psyops targeting emotionally weak usually female protesters. White males saw the game being played and started calling them out, posting examples of tactics… and then the SJWs appeared out of nowhere and destroyed it all. That's when the antiwhite racism started.

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