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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: ff17efa473118f7⋯.jpg (46.27 KB, 430x275, 86:55, amberyateshouston.jpg)

ee6c96  No.112206

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bebf7a  No.112211


Account doesn't exist…

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e1d43c  No.112212


I don't care. If you're dumb enough to do shit using your own name and phone number and email address and have a social media presence, then you deserve to be doxxed, fired, and have feces put in your mailbox.

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bebf7a  No.112217


Yeah, I've seen crazy shit recently in posts about Ahmaud Arbery.

People who just say that they don't think the McMichaels are racists and that it wasn't a hate crime.

That's enough for 'Black Twitter' to make you famous and do the things you mentioned.

I could understand if somebody was really shitposting but for sharing your opinion… nah.

Totally fucked up.

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ee6c96  No.112218

You guys should buy some hand made pens from her. https://penturnerscorner.wixsite.com/penturnerscorner/copy-of-how-it-works

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e1d43c  No.112221


Even just "sharing your opinion' doesn't make a difference. If you see a pile of dog shit and you are aware that you're walking towards it and you know you're not wearing shoes and you step in the dog shit anyway, well, it may be your right to step in dog shit, but you can't then whine about there being dog shit all over your foot.

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bebf7a  No.112224

File: 53721ec58f1a574⋯.png (102.47 KB, 1270x600, 127:60, PenTurnersCorner.png)


Yeah, the fb page seems to work indeed.

So I have to redact my previous post. Dunno what happened.

You can buy a pen here:

18427 Willow Moss Dr

Katy, TX 77449

Open tot 17:00

(713) 858-1054


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bebf7a  No.112227


Yeah I agree. My rule is that usually your dealing with cult members. And you can't convincecult member. So either it will be a waste of time or it will be a troll fest

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9cf70e  No.112230

File: d1c3833be24a18b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 61.83 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 15241416_1852613024995773_….jpg)

From her FB pics. lol

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f44a96  No.112234


ask this bitch if she slid belly down on a cheese grater. It will explain her flat tits and fugly face

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1eff39  No.112241


Absolutely no one should send gore to her emails. DO NOT SEND GORE TO HER EMAILS

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ee6c96  No.112243

Oh, man. I wonder if anyone has called her? That certainly wouldn't be cool.

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79a0e7  No.112660


>and have feces put in your mailbox.

oddly specific

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41de02  No.112675


The scatological kikes just can't help themselves.

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87c8c6  No.112686


Can we buy some pens that say IOTBW or Something similar? Can we also get her email somehow so we can not send gore?

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bebf7a  No.112721


I can see an email address in pic related to this post >>112224

I also would like an IOTW pen and maybe a WLM pen too

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5ecc7e  No.112728

File: b90cd2f223107a0⋯.jpg (2.62 MB, 5216x8480, 163:265, muh_white_pill.jpg)


White women need to be hung with their niggers

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ac3ef1  No.112730


Remember to filter kikes

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621237  No.113182


This entrie chart is a kike psyop. Congrats, you managed to find 10 coalburners online profiles. The statistics are still against your argument.

Even the statistic you present show that white women have a high preference for dating within their race. You concluded that they are golddiggers. when in actuallity all it shows is that they are so unwilling to date outside their race that the only way theyll do it is if they are paid, alot. DUMBASS

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59beb7  No.113343

File: 3cbeeaf4baeb68f⋯.gif (564.42 KB, 800x430, 80:43, Glowing.gif)


>White women need to be hung with their niggers

its getting easier to spot your ilk

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