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File: aae24db060d6021⋯.gif (2.74 MB, 262x264, 131:132, isnowlegal.gif)

ceafc9  No.111689

Trump made a post on Twitter two days ago saying mail in ballots were susceptible to voter fraud. In response, the Twitter corporation released an investigation they did in an attempt to contradict him. In a fit of rage, Trump today signed an executive order saying any media corporation which attempts to control the flow of information with a political agenda in mind will lose their liability protection which protects them from being held responsible for the actions of their users.


Luckily 8kun is a fair and impartial media platform, right guys!?

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de5e46  No.111693


>Luckily 8kun is a fair and impartial media platform, right guys!?

Sure is, you can open a board and post anything you want on it. Give it a try.

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de5e46  No.111712

File: 59ab929601c8a8c⋯.png (969.08 KB, 1000x9647, 1000:9647, Executive_Order_on_Prevent….png)

It appears this executive order was intended to combat censorship by the Thought Police Kikes who control all of the channels of mass communication such as faceberg, twitter, and google. However, I'm sure the militant kikes who endlessly spam us will find a way to exploit this executive order so they can portray themselves as victims of people paying attention to their never ending attacks on whites and white culture and discussing those attacks in a few little known websites.

As written, it appears they can spam never ending slide/off topic/low effort threads and shitpost every thread into oblivion.

I wonder how long it will take before people are allowed to say whatever they want on google, faceberg, and twitter. It will probably never happen. I suspect unfashionable political opinions that are critical of Jews will still remain wrongthink.

What do you guys think?

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48d459  No.111719

File: f0d61f6443544f4⋯.png (443.05 KB, 930x835, 186:167, Glock_Marie_by_PokeFan993.png)


Glad these motherfuckers are getting the nuking they deserve.

Maybe now they can fuck off with their ban abuses towards people like me who just want to chill and read gaming shit and shit-talk people who deserve to get shit on.

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86fbca  No.111725

>any media corporation which attempts to control the flow of information with a political agenda in mind will lose their liability protection which protects them from being held responsible for the actions of their users.

Shouldn't this make them increase censorship even more? Or the trick is that they won't have the resources to do that and will thus have to allow all legal content. Criticizing Jews is still legal in USA, or he signed an executive order banning that?

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a8e17a  No.111812

File: 5e0b350e913d311⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 120.23 KB, 950x1100, 19:22, 5e0b350e913d31110ad0d96905….jpg)

At the very least, this sends a clear message that big tech companies editorializing the public spaces that their platforms have become is well and truly on the President's radar. Maybe the simple threat of an executive order will be enough to curtail the worst of this behavior but if not than how effective it will be will depend on how intensely it is enforced. If the tech companies have the FCC constantly breathing down their necks it might compel the more pragmatic parts of their organizations to deal with the more ideologically driven thought police types. In other words, it may simply be too much of a burden to carry on with their Big Brother cosplay.

Don't expect censorship to go away though. A bunch of that is covered by ridiculous hate crime bullshit. There just may be less of the obnoxious "fact checking" and disappearing of politically conservative discourse. Too early at this point to really tell though.

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5c0b3c  No.112000

Fuck yea these small wins are important for morale. Attack with full force

Make an Instagram again. Make a Twitter. Get back on and test nuts

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ede89b  No.112014

so can we post loli again or not

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3fd22d  No.112080

It does nothing but allow Trumpniggers to convince themselves that they're winning as everything continues to get worse and worse.

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48d459  No.112239


Yeah, 'cause fagaloon motherfuckers like you are retarded fuckboys making shit worse. Fuck off back to Commieland demonshit pedo-faggotland, faggot.

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5bfe74  No.112240

Awesome. So, now I can go into the grocery store with a megaphone and shout about how all niggers should hang and they can't throw me out because businesses are no longer allowed to censor the customers! This gonna be fun.

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ad6844  No.112242


It's going to be used against White nationalists and Muslims will probably be tacked on, too. Listen to the latest episode of Strike and Mike, which gets into heavy detail about jewish efforts to censor and propagandize.


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52c2b1  No.112244


communism is awesome. I get free stuff.

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a331af  No.112245


Nah. Platforms have a specific exception where they can ban lewds without being considered a publisher.

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f344ae  No.112246


Commit suicide, yid.


>autistic explosion with no argument

No, the executive order does absolutely nothing at all to stop jewish censorship.

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6f265f  No.112268


Sounds like bullshit.

How do you prove someone has a "political agenda in mind"? Do you read their mind?

Just a poorly written piece of garbage that'll won't change anything but will make migatards think the orange nigger is doing something.

If this has any effect on the real world whatsoever, I'll believe it when I see it.

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f3a8c1  No.112361


what trump is suggesting, not sure why this isnt hyped up more, but from my perspective this means a 1000% increase in our total power. Almost overnight. This here could make or break everything lol

Can you imagine using our most sacred forbidden words on public twitter? or faceberg? "NIGGER", the most simple, yet one of the most powerful troll words. Simply terrifying in its potency. Imagine looking upon a negro, or a leftist talking about niggers, about how they are so bad and so boo and hoo…and the usual mods would censor you…but now…they dont.

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ad6844  No.112377


fuck off trumpnigger

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9de113  No.112395

Good. I hope youtube gets its ass sued for auto deleting comments on jewtube. The phrase "white supremacy is jewish projection" is always deleted by the system even when the writing is obfuscated. the kikes have a god damn AI looking for that phrase in all form of obfuscation to delete it!

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f3a8c1  No.112406


there were specific companies looking at combatting the keywords on jewtube. Faceberg also has extensive AI filters. With our current numbers these two platforms will be nearly 100% under our control within months, if not weeks. Individual moderators will be completely overwhelmed. Many models of money will be in chaos. It will be a complete win for us if this were to occur even for just a couple of days lol

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48d459  No.115870




Can't have both, retard, lmao. Commies are a kike thing that needs to be nuked off the face of the Earth.

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983cfc  No.136781

Aaaand, nothing came out of this.

Thank for nothing.

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9f2a66  No.136797

This site is just as bad as a bunch faggots and nasty hoes.

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9f2a66  No.136798


You have to go back Spigger.

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04baea  No.136835


No, seriously, get the fuck out of here. No one here supports Trump.

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