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The holocaust never happened

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c349bb  No.110608

DISCLAIMER: The following is not a condoning of genocide, homicide, suicide, or any other harmful activity, but purely to satisfy intellectual curiosity by presenting a set of hypothetical scenarios. I oppose all forms of illegal activity, violence, hatred, and racism.

"You can't bleach niggers out of existence dude, niggers will just end up mutting up YOUR gene pool instead".

That would be true…if you were a total beta and SETTLED DOWN with niggers. If you married a niggress and stayed faithful to her, then yes, the above quote would absolutely be true, and same with kikes and arabs.

A white male can knock up thousands of kike, shitskin, liberal, anti-white, feminist, and nigger """"women"""" per year while being married to a white wife and having white children, even 10 white children. When his bastard half-breed nigger and shitskin spawn are born, some will be males, some will be females. His white sons (or someone else's white sons, to avoid inbreeding) can then repeat the process with the half-breed bastard shitskin, semite, and anti-white/feminist females, knocking them up and then dumping them, whilst cucking the bastard sons. If you repeat this process for a few generations, then EVENTUALLY THERE WILL BE NO MORE ANTI-WHITES.

Semites understand this VERY well. If you look at modern day Arabic populations, they are anywhere from 90-100% autosomally Middle Eastern, and yet their mitochondrial DNA (the one that's passed from only your mother) is anywhere from 25-55% NIGGER. They have done this with the niggers/Bushmen/Nilotes in the Near East, and that's why there's so little of them there today and why the entire Middle East is Semitic, by and large.

Semites understand that life is a biological competition, and they will try to strawman your (hypothetical) bleachkrieg arguments by saying that you will just end up with Brazil or Mexico. Again, that's true - but ONLY if you settle down with a non/anti-white and remain FAITHFUL to her. If you pump and dump, you will end up with Iceland or Japan, and if you DON'T pump and dump, whether you fuck shitskins or not, you WILL 100% end up with Brazil or Mexico. Except what's more likely is that you will end up wit hYemen or Israel since kikes understand that life is a biological competition and THEY 100% pump and dump niggers to (((BLEACH))) them.



"Approximately one-half of both Ethiopian (52.2%) and Yemeni (45.7%) mtDNA lineages belonged to clades specific to sub-Saharan Africa"

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25a810  No.110619


>The following is not a condoning of genocide

Then why would we care what you have to say? All nonwhites must be exterminated for the world to be safe.

>I oppose all forms of illegal activity, violence, hatred, and racism.

Then don’t post here ever again. You’re a worthless piece of shit.

>A white male can knock up

More jewish spam. Got it. Thanks. You made your quota today. Never post here again. We won’t be doing this. Ever.

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0e864b  No.110703


>All nonwhites must be exterminated for the world to be safe.

From your lips to God ear anon.

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87c5b3  No.111117


kys glownigger

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