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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 6d892e2f29f7c55⋯.jpg (376.13 KB, 880x435, 176:87, future.jpg)

698488  No.109805

We can solve this problem just as we solved the problem of hunger in the 20th century. We must build special farms.

It is enough to take 10, 20, 30 million people and provide them with a high standard of living, a house, two cars, etc. Society will pay for it. And people will live in these special farms with only one condition: they must have at least 5 children per family.

They do not need to do anything other than giving birth and raising children. A bunch of people will agree to such conditions, simply by nature.

Just like now even a small country with the help of farms can feed half the world if it specializes in this, in the same way we can increase the population with the help of baby farms.

So what is the problem with this idea?

Sorry for the poor English, my native language is Russian.

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bd4eb9  No.109808


The problem is that “breeding farms” is a psychotic jewish idea that reduces whites to cattle. And also that it will never happen or be allowed to happen, nor will anyone choose to be a part of it. Ever.

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23cce3  No.109809


You have not read the OP post. I wrote about a high standard of living. In fact, these farms will be a kind of special cities only for those who can give birth to many children. Nothing like cattle.

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91dff1  No.109810


>farm, cattle

>breeding cities

>confined suffocation

I want an ethnoglobe without any other races. Then we can spread out all over the planet naturally.

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bd4eb9  No.109829


>you have not read

I read it. How else could I have commented on its subject matter. It’s a retarded jewish idea. You’ll never get anyone to support it.

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e273e4  No.109848

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dd5f7f  No.109898


So maybe you have better ideas for solving the demographic crisis? No? So shut the fuck up, nigger

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bd4eb9  No.109904


>oy vey you have to accept my single idea otherwise there are no other ideas

Yeah, you’re done here. Fuck off with your human farming kikery.

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8c56b1  No.109918


Create new political parties to flush out all of the immigrants, it's the only way.

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0121ca  No.109948


>So what is the problem with this idea?

Hypergamy. Once this is the standard women will want more. You're better off by developing artificial wombs, harvest millions of eggs from teen girls then "grow" people.

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91dff1  No.109974

File: a7f97bf29f396ec⋯.jpeg (125.92 KB, 480x471, 160:157, sesame_street_tranny_joke.jpeg)


Great! the fucking cocksucking discord trannies are back again. This should brighten everyones day because all they do is screech about their ability and right to murder White women and harvest their eggs to have a vast pool of pedophile sex slavery…sort of an "if you can raise it, you get to fuck it, mentality." The ultimate degradation and destruction of humanity; socially, morally and culturally.

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f97806  No.109997


No, this does not help to increase the birth rate. Poland has no immigrants and is dying out. Hungary has no immigrants and is dying out. Same thing in Japan. Even without immigrants, white countries will continue to die.

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c8d22e  No.110004

File: 31d8e6b2f3d9ec6⋯.png (53.18 KB, 615x211, 615:211, everything_turns_to_shit.png)


>We must build special farms.

Everybody knows this, Earth is lost, but how?

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454dac  No.110035


This is because populations are sinusoidal. This is the natural flux of population dynamics. Populations were never supposed to endlessly grow to support the kikes economic pyramid scheme. They have engineered this devastating unnatural and unsustainable rise in population solely to sustain their economic model. All populations on the planet follow a sinusoidal curve. Because the kikes are dumb as fuck, they think they can ‘cheat nature’ by importing subhumans to a region to make growth unsustainably match their own desire for economic growth….still people will not kill the kikes who are doing this so the whole system will probably experience Malthusian collapse and end with the full and total end of all humanity. I guess, since no one cares to stop this this is the natural end to human kind.

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575481  No.110046


>I wrote about a high standard of living.

As compared to living in nature and getting ripped apart by lions, a claustrophobic meat farm is a high standard of living to some.

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91dff1  No.110054

File: 0e71aeea5c08e92⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 62.22 KB, 316x323, 316:323, stop_white_peniscide.jpg)

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f97806  No.110061


Can you prove it? Can you prove that after some decline, population growth will inevitably begin? I have never heard of this before. At the moment, it looks like the population will decline to the end.

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f97806  No.110063


I wrote what I mean by a high standard of living.

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91dff1  No.110066


Of course anon. This is the natural population cycle all over the planet. You can observe it in everything that is living from bacteria to complex organisms like mammals. The only time there is something different is when there is a catastrophic environmental change that results in an ELE or a new bio-organism that results in a population crash. That is highly unusual. There are bigger Earth cycles that are taking place as well. There is a natural earth cycle that goes from mass extinction (which you would do well to survive) to a spike in CO2 (that has nothing to do with human output at all it is a natural earth cycle) that results in an explosion of life that is so profound that people and animals want for nothing at all…there is more food and life is part of the golden age…no more toiling or work anything you want is at your fingertips. This natural cycle is getting ready to happen on Earth as well. These are all extremely well documented and if you are even remotely curious I can find the sources for you (not going to do it if you are only mildly interested though because it is a lot of effort).

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f97806  No.110077


Yes, it is very interesting to me. I would be grateful for the link to the source. Specifically, I'm interested in how this happens technically? How will mankind step over from its "golden age" and again will have children with the same speed as before? Will humanity return to pre-industrial society? If so, how will this happen and how can this path be called natural? Or how will this happen?

Sorry for bad English, again.

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f97806  No.110078


Yes, it is very interesting to me. I would be grateful for the link to the source. Specifically, I'm interested in how this happens technically? How will mankind step over from its "golden age" and again will have children with the same speed as before? Will humanity return to pre-industrial society? If so, how will this happen and how can this path be called natural? Or how will this happen?

Sorry for bad English, again.

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48fd38  No.110121


agree and yes fuck the kikes, but john locke and adam smith, the founding fathers, and most of the retards that ushered in this neoliberal world order are white men. our race has a problem with individualism, greed, and sociopathy.

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bd4eb9  No.110158


>people who had nothing to do with jewish postmodernism are responsible for jewish postmodernism

Reddit is that way: >>>/suicide/

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285ee6  No.110179


1. They tried this in the 60s. They were called "communes" and they always failed due to infighting.

2. The closest thing to what you're describing is Amish communities. They work but they have a close-knit religious Christian culture. Not a bad idea. I would join but my gf wouldn't wanna become gung ho for Jesus.

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91dff1  No.110201


>I would join but my gf wouldn't wanna become gung ho for Jesus.

How do you think this is going to work out over the course of your lifetime?

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285ee6  No.110220


>How do you think this is going to work out over the course of your lifetime?

Not joining an Amish community? Well I guess it will work out pretty well. I have PhD and a nice job. I have actual reasons to NOT do a 90 degree turn with my life. My gf may become Christian, but as of yet I really only consider myself a Christian ally who reads the Bible for it's interesting parables. I grew up with a love of nature and survivalism. She is a woman and thus likes comfort.

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2543ac  No.110470


>whites who created the philosophical underpinnings of the most powerful political happening on earth second only to the 3rd reich 200 years later are responsible for the downfall of everything they stood for, it was not the kikes who we know actively unleash critical theory on every aspect of it

fuck off moishe

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ef6d03  No.112618


>nor will anyone choose to be a part of it. Ever.

Why do say that? I would gladly live in a place like the picture in the OP if that means I could have plenty of children. What's wrong with paying people to have children?

Also if it is a jewish idea is there any example of jews implementing it? You can't just call everything you don't like jewish

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01901d  No.112630

File: 2b2d608595ff5d9⋯.jpg (322.42 KB, 2000x880, 25:11, Ilya_Sergeyevich_Glazunov_….jpg)


You are overthinking it. The reason that people don't have children is because they don't see a good future for their children, they don't feel safe or stable in their society, the culture is too chaotic or toxic and wages are too low. We have already developed a framework to deal with these problems; to remove the foreign parasitic overclasses and underclasses, and to institute the National Socialist program of cultural, economic and civilizational revival. Without having an explicitly racial National Socialist state in the first place, you don't even know who your people are, who it is exactly whose births you would like to encourage, and how to assess the quality of those people to ensure fitness of future generations.

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989bf8  No.112631


Sorry, buddy, but no matter how much you fantasize, you're not getting laid. Nobody wants to breed with you, not even if coerced on a "baby farm".

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ef6d03  No.112647


Where does coercion come into it? OP said having children was the condition for living there, not that he wanted to kidnap people and force them to have children. I interpreted it as you get to live there for free if you agree too having many children.

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88fd1e  No.113390

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5105da  No.114015


I'd do it.

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20b519  No.114072

Just cut out the middleman. Genome libraries and clones are the way to ensure maximum genetic preservation. No need for nightmare rape farms. People already grow babies in tubes, and animals have been cloned. Genome sequencing is becoming easier and easier. DNA synthesis is still not up to task, but saving genomes is for future use.

It's still not very likely to happen, but that's just my take.

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f97806  No.114659


Yes, I know about this idea. But it seems to me that it has one significant drawback. It is difficult to imagine how a mentally healthy and full-fledged person can grow up without a family. We can create a lot of clones, but who will bring them up? We will simply create an army of orphans. Not a good idea.

>nightmare rape farms

I don’t know what you mean, but that’s definitely not what I wrote about in the OP-post.

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97c7dc  No.114707

The Israelis already do what OP is proposing.

Of course they do it for the Jews only.

The Haredi Jews, men all dressed in back, women with skin and hair covered, make up 15% of the Israeli population, already over 1 million. And they will soon reach 25%.

That's because the average number of kids in a Haredi family is 8.

Because of this alone, the Israeli Jews' fertility rate is over 3.0, and has overtaken that of the Arabs which is at 2.9.

The Haredim are disliked by the secular liberal Jews because they are given many privileges to pop out kids. But compared to the average Jew in the world, the Haredi is poor and lives off Jewish welfare.

The neighborhoods where they live have outlawed any miscegenation, either sexual or racial. The communities have their own schooling system, totally alien to the modern and postmodern. The army also caters to their needs.

You might say it's all good, until you know that the rebbes also take part in the slave trade of white women, mostly from Ukraine, Russia and other CIS countries, and brought in Israel by the Jewish Mafia (known by the goyim as the "Russian" Mafia). They're still kikes, that is.

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9bad97  No.114711


>And they will soon reach 25%

This is assuming that their children don't rebel against their religious extremism and become secular, cultural bolshevik Jews. correct?

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cbc9b1  No.114720


Or the other way around.

The secular Israelis are becoming fanatics in their own way.

You see that with the "Chardalim" and the widespread fascist discourses.

Even today's left-wing in Israel opposes mixed marriages with Arabs.

So the difference between secular and religious is likely to be blurred.

In fact it has always been like that.

Why would Bolsheviks come to the Holy land and create a Jewish-dominated state? Probably not for an Atheist Internationale – that's for exporting.

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b6ae57  No.114807


Or just take womens rights away, cuck

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5a501c  No.126834


This is not exactly what I suggest. These Jews have such a high birth rate because of their religious traditions. I did not say anything about this. My recipe is applicable to secular society. And I do not consider returning to a religious society a realistic option. I think this is a train that left.

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482c69  No.132854

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f989f9  No.132855



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961087  No.132993


Is our medicine advanced enough to give a high likelihood of having twins? That would be such an amazing way to boost our population exponentially.

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f08a28  No.133008

I doubt this would be allowed in western countries. Another option would be growing babies if we get working artificial wombs.I also doubt this would be allowed on a large scale specifically for white people in the west, but perhaps smaller scale operations could be made by private parties. I think just growing the children could make for a smaller operation than farms for large families, so maybe it could be kept more discreet.

Still, as someone pointed out here, there is the issue of raising these children. Growing up without parental figures is bad. And you would need a lot of people for a large number of kids, which means the whole thing is not any less visible than the farm thing. Maybe if we ever get humanoid enough robots? I don't really have a solution.

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e3d1a1  No.133066



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efd443  No.133088


Hmm what? Do you have anything resembling an argument?

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