halfkun deleted 2 posts in a row. This is about Bitchip - danish company that has deleted any link to Gates MS.Bitchip CEO is Torben Dhalvad and board memeber is Finn Rosenkranz Pedersen. While Torben Dhalvad might be more twisted and powerful than the late Jeffrey Epstein, Dhalvad’s connections to Israel’s spy agency Mossad are more known within Danish higher ups. Dhalvad was born in Israel and first came to Denmark as an attache to the Israeli embassy in Denmark. [1]
Dhalvad was involved in Pharma Nord (UK) and a shillin' e-book called ‘Q1O – Body Fuel’ with Dr Knut T Flytlie as co-author. [2]
According to El País, Torben Dhalvad was "editor de una revista pornográfica danesa". [3]
The name comes out from an haxx0r3d site: bezh d0t c0m
but, link 1 provided below is interesting:
>Through shipping company Maersk, Dhalvad traffics thousands of people from across the world who end up as slaves. But Dhalvad’s specialty is not human trafficking for slave labor, but rather as a pedophile child trafficker who sells children as prostitutes and sex slaves.