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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 6d35965ae6aad3e⋯.png (920.47 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, CasualtiesOFWar.png)

aaa348  No.108952

Youtube will take these down soon. These videos and books have taught me more about the nature of the terrible Red Dragon than many I have ever seen. Please save these and hold them until the end of time. These are the forbidden histories of this century. Part 4 describes my life of abuse. This monster is very powerful.






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97b04e  No.109020

You can’t have learned too much since you have a nigger singing on your soundtrack. That seems to be a part of the ‘mind control’ that you didn’t understand.

As part of my one person revolution I will not listen to, or partake in chimpanzee or foreign culture.

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b19ff0  No.109041


Q-uit this website please.

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