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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 1d128e22ce68619⋯.jpg (14.75 KB, 236x219, 236:219, human_brain_raw_pork_worms.jpg)

893bfd  No.108770

There isn't an edict of 'the gods' on this planet that you people haven't allowed the jews to trample on with their 'laws' and their (((governments))).

In reality the jews are your gods.

You cast aside the teachings, sayings, rules, morals and LAWS of your God(s) in favor of the jews laws, governments and edicts. When there is a question about the 'jewish ways and laws' or your own God(s)' you chose the jewish ways every time and discard your Gods and your ancestors and their teachings.


Those of you who claim that you are Hebrew, or whatever pagan God readily discarded everything about them so that you could live under the liberal, dysfunctional and dysgenic 'laws of the jews'.

I would like it if JUST ONE OF YOU could demonstrate that you listened TO YOUR GODS rather than to the jews. I see these debates on here 24/7 about 'muh jewish laws' (meaning jewish GOVERNMENT laws about what you can and can't do; what is 'legal' or not legal) and I never ever ever see even one of you who is faithful, rather, to the LAWS of your own God…and I mean, it doesn't really fucking matter WHICH GOD YOU CHOOSE, because choosing any of them and REMAINING FAITHFUL to their edicts would at least be obeying something OTHER THAN THE JEWS.

Fuck…I just don't think you all are ever going to be anything but fucking goy slaves…your minds are too small and too tightly confined by 'your worship' of YOUR CHOSENITES.

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9d0428  No.108794


Sage, report.

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893bfd  No.108841


Truth hurts.

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3ea286  No.109071


Sage, report.

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