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The holocaust never happened

File: 667f5a47039362d⋯.jpg (103.96 KB, 800x405, 160:81, we_have_the_best_governmen….jpg)

62466c  No.107986

There has been a mechanism hidden deep inside the United States Postal Service that took advantage of a software ‘bug’ or ‘glitch’ that allowed certain people to gain access to tracking information of mail and packages outside of the normal course of business. (This would apply to any mail, ballot, legal filing or other wise any important person. with smoething to trade or spend, wanted to know the content of, or stop the delivery of.)

I am not sure if that system has been stopped but I do know Post Office Management alerts indicate it has and the technology arm of the post office has stopped that ‘bug’. There is a sure fire way to find out if that system has been stopped.


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