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The holocaust never happened

File: 5b29c926d20cd06⋯.jpg (116.79 KB, 960x678, 160:113, Big_PP.jpg)

080776  No.107654

I doubt this will take traction but wanted to share an idea before I forget about it maybe it will give rise to a better idea someone else will have? We all know what next month is… and personally I would have wished quarantine started then, but to get back on track here I am thinking we can use them… that month to force open the anus of lookdown. Backlash over this nonsense has been nil and I am thinking if we can get those fags and similar beings to have an outrage over their purades being cancelled maybe we can snowball everything into it so that everything opens up. I don't really know how it would work nor how to orchestrate it but maybe someone smarter than me can 4d chess this. C'mon guys.. I'm tired of this shit. good luck. only time im posting here in this thread. Share elsewhere if you know a better place to discuss this. Imagine having the cancel culture do the work for us. How funny would that be. It really would be something to have "pride" over. You have about 2 weeks to come up with something.. start planning ahead. I'm out.

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3fd3a8  No.107728

File: 25d94ed7f290709⋯.jpg (77.58 KB, 800x450, 16:9, img_1952_wide_e1615e189bc6….jpg)

Coofers get the rope.

I think the thing you don't get is that the reason the left is willing to physically fight Nazis isn't that we hate swastikas and ovens; it's that we hate anyone who's planning to kill a few million people, WHATEVER the method.

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82251c  No.107741

File: 9f8987f390c5d9a⋯.jpg (116.66 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Npc.jpg)

File: ddda5f4d15f8593⋯.jpg (157.65 KB, 921x693, 307:231, NPCs_protest.jpg)



It's because you're a brainwashed jewbot.

There are plenty of historical figures who killed millions and are loved by "the left". It's just a matter of who you're told to hate.

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3fd3a8  No.108038

File: 3a060f674101dd5⋯.png (60.59 KB, 500x449, 500:449, how_tankie_are_you_2_tanki….png)


Tankies are scum. The modern left isn't particularly fond of them; they do a bit better in Communist circles, but even there there are a lot of people who don't like 'em.

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aa128b  No.108052


I was talking about Barack Obama and the Clintons though.

And mass murderers like Nelson Mandela.

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f4533e  No.108053


They've already voluntarily shut down events like Southern Decadence, which doesn't happen until September, because fags know exactly what happens when you don't take a plague seriously.

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14f8f5  No.108055

File: c3519c96cb7cafe⋯.png (577.83 KB, 866x535, 866:535, communism_3_.png)


Name the Jew faggot

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