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efe8d5  No.107571

Is there a database on know Antifa members?

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97cdfd  No.107662



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efe8d5  No.107897

well…..its a large registered users list….guess i better get started.

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5d3e6a  No.107939

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2c30d7  No.107957


That is quite the list. We need a coalfax type page for these ‘people’ where we can look into their lives and reflect on their activities and jobs via their social media.


Obviously the government isn’t going to do shit about them destroying our nations.

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a3bbb8  No.107974

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ab8f84  No.108337


The government would never give a fuck about this. We can make them lose their jobs but there will never be the stigma around antifa that there is around us, unfortunately. However, their lives can be made miserable by online means only and that’s something we can achieve easily.

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2aafee  No.108540

I just made a website for this called antifax.zyrosite.com lmao

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