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The holocaust never happened

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ae118a  No.107442

I found this German documentary about Germans in the Middle ages and I am shocked at how inaccurate it is; the Middle ages weren't just a bunch of white people they're were black and brown people everywhere in Europe much like today. Race back then wasn't a concept as it is just a social construct so when people in the middle ages depicted people they usually just drew them as white because they didn't see race. But these days we do see race because we invented it and Germany is filled with qualified potential black and brown actors and they are pretending they didn't have one black or brown actor that was qualified.

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d7813c  No.107451


lol wot

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d28ecf  No.107510

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31278d  No.107535

File: d2e1b4520cfa8d9⋯.gif (79.66 KB, 223x199, 223:199, 1549923874426.gif)

OP is not a faggot.


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