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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

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93272c  No.107140

The media is currently colluding to bury this bombshell news story exposing the obese transgender Jewish Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr. "Rachel" Levine murdering hundreds of elderly nursing home patients in cold blood while secretly transporting his own family members out of the facility. After outraged constituents demanded answers, the abomination quickly doubled down and justified his illegal actions and dismissed the legitimate grievances of the people of Pennsylvania.

When inconsequential white Republican Senator Richard Burr sells stock prior to a market drop, like every investor does, it's a national news story, but when morbidly obese transvestite medical doctor and Health Secretary (((Dr. Levine))) KILLS his constituents while saving only his family then covers it up the media looks the other way. What is going on here?

Watch the shocking video: https://youtu.be/W_wiSsWnbMU

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0c719f  No.107150



jew will jew, but the truth is that everybody will get wuhan bioweapon, so he didn't kill nor save anyone, everybody will get it, and those who'll live, may live, and those who don't, die

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113199  No.107163

File: 210b54d4051d8f0⋯.png (163.95 KB, 320x208, 20:13, ClipboardImage.png)


Besides, those nursing home patients were a burden to their families and the state and there is the whole quality of life issue.

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a24698  No.107172


I hope a tranny puts you out of your misery as well.

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