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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: a68a614cb65b622⋯.png (30.13 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, 1200px_Deutsche_Christen_F….png)

File: c9cf00529c90cc8⋯.jpg (44.49 KB, 355x555, 71:111, Karl_Alex_Wilke_Die_zehn_G….jpg)

File: f8c2532b920de42⋯.jpg (198.71 KB, 777x1000, 777:1000, Deutschland_erwacht.jpg)

File: e0e1927a92a26e8⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1468x1421, 1468:1421, ironmarch.png)

500d1d  No.107063

Hello, I've decided to stop being Jewish and start being a Christian National Socialist. Now that I am no longer in the kike cult I am ready to fight and die for the white race and exterminate the plague of Judentum off the face of the earth. I will fight ZOG for the rest of the days I have on this earth and when I am in white heaven I will meet Aryan Jesus and I will live with the white race for all of eternity and I can rest knowing Jews and brown people are burning in hell for all of eternity.

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c2658f  No.107069

dont forget to kill yourself

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bdb43b  No.107079


A good start should be leaking everything about the jewery, you know, tits or GTFO.

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b268dc  No.107087

File: f752c8a1ba465bd⋯.png (120.95 KB, 1160x666, 580:333, Oekaki.png)

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93ead3  No.107093

File: 7d56795ae80b84f⋯.jpg (49.52 KB, 720x406, 360:203, husband_kill_wife_hanging_….jpg)

File: 95eaf26edd5e140⋯.jpg (83.72 KB, 600x455, 120:91, la8PhDp.jpg)

File: 30216fbd0892c0c⋯.jpg (133.23 KB, 720x960, 3:4, thai_masseuse_hangs_hersel….jpg)

File: 161c9e0d4167921⋯.jpg (46.86 KB, 624x480, 13:10, horehronsky_ripper_last_ex….jpg)

File: 2b4322a16f81c67⋯.jpg (59.87 KB, 640x657, 640:657, AtG6QxJ.jpg)

In honor of your conversion you must only fap to this for a month. And carry out a lone wolf terror attack . https://www.xvideos.com/video46292361/dead_girl_fucked. Or we won't think you are cool. Real Nazis get turned on by the idea of subjagating the lessor races and exterminating them. Happy trails ;) oh and learn to love based rocketman!!! https://youtu.be/xvC1e4STgAo

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3915d8  No.107110



So you pretty much remain the Jewish supremacist?

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