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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

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2ba5d1  No.106642


>Top Police Officer Requests Official List of All Jews in Ukrainian City, Sparking Fury

>A Ukrainian Jewish group accused the nation’s police force of “open anti-Semitism” after a high-ranking police official requested a list of all Jews in the western city of Kolomyya as part of an inquiry into organized crime.

>The official request to the head of Kolomyya’s Jewish community is dated February 18, 2020, according to a photograph of the document that Eduard Dolinsky, director of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, shared on Twitter Sunday.

>“Please provide us the following information regarding the Orthodox Jewish religious community of Kolomyya, namely: The organization’s charter; list of members of the Jewish religious community, with indication of data, mobile phones and their places of residence,” read the letter.

>The letter was signed by Myhaylo Bank, a high-ranking officer in the national police force who handles organized crime. The letter did not explain his unit’s particular interest in Kolomyya’s Jews.

>The head of the city’s Jewish community, Jacob Zalichker, declined on February 25 to provide the requested information, adding that his community would comply only when presented with a court-ordered warrant.

>“It’s a total disgrace and open anti-Semitism,” Dolinsky told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “It’s especially dangerous when it comes from a law enforcement agency that we have to fight the very thing it is perpetrating.”

>Kolomyya and its environs, located about 250 miles southwest of Kiev, has several hundred Jews.

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13a7f2  No.106906

File: 5111d65245134bc⋯.gif (211.02 KB, 549x598, 549:598, 5111d65245134bc8d1059723f4….gif)

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f2b041  No.106988


Top kek. Guy must've been naive to think he'd actually get any assistance from them, though.

Also, that video:

>are you Tibetan?

>I could be.


>800 million

Wew, lad. Is that how many times this lie has been used to extort people?

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e90558  No.107062

This is about to be #110

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3efe1b  No.107197


is this number 110 for them?

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