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f55e27  No.106211

Hello /pnd/, I come to request help in finding a certain document.

In the 1960s, GLR gave a speech on the racial composition of the Bolsheviks in Russia before, during, and after the (((October Revolution))).

In this speech, Rockwell names a document that was legally declassified by then U.S. Archivist Wayne C. Grover. This document is supposed to be an intelligence report, and it speaks of how the Jews comprised upwards of 90% of the first Soviet Congress.

Can a fellow goy get some help in digging?


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73a84c  No.106252

I could be wrong, but I think he may be talking about the Overman Committee, excerpts of which are included in Small, Maynard & Company's edition of The protocols.


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ef02a6  No.106915


while i don't have the answer to your question, i do have a lead to the same destination.

that link is to the archives of the Okhrana, the Russian Secret Police under the Tsar up until the 1918 Bolshevik revolution and Jewish murder of the Royal family.

while reading random documents, i found one from 1891 where the Okrana officer reports that of the 20,000 Bolsheviks they are monitoring, 89% of them are Jews. the Okrana knew very early on that the Communism Problem was a Jewish Problem.

if you search the Okrana archives you can find more documents about the Jews being behind the Bolsheviks. there are other Okrana archives online as well, including one in Russia, but i dont read Russian to make use of it.

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