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File: d43efe63130ec35⋯.jpg (19.2 KB, 680x251, 680:251, 4chan_pedomodsgate.jpg)

a0ef7d  No.106105

holy fuck, I saw this thread on /qa/ today


OP looks like a schizo but I checked the threads and he's right, there's a lot of weird shit going on

it's all related to this story



then I went and made a thread on /pol/ and got banned in less than a minute and they immediately deleted the /qa/ too


this is suspicious as fuck, someone go and make a thread on /pol/ about this I'm banned now

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69c573  No.106108

>being this new

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2fe0af  No.106109


>cuckchan is compromised

Welcome to 2014. This isn’t news. We’re here for a reason.

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a0ef7d  No.106112


being compromised is one thing but this is messed up

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bf3f1e  No.106119


>someone go and make a thread on /pol/ about this I'm banned now

welcome to the club faggot. bet you can post again in 3 days, mine is a perma ban.

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b6cc51  No.106125

Deleted in one minute too. You might be onto something here.


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bf3f1e  No.106143


it's off topic. not political. not saying it's not tru cos i was perma banned couple weeks ago for pedo related stuff (global rule 1) tryna protect kids gets you b& from halfchan

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2fe0af  No.106152


What do you propose we do about it? Nothing. You won’t find and kill them. You won’t shut the site down. Why do we need a thread on this here? People came here to GET AWAY from that faggotry.

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b6cc51  No.106185


>it's off topic. not political.

That can explain the /pol/ ban but not the /qa/ bans and deleted threads.

>not saying it's not tru cos i was perma banned couple weeks ago for pedo related stuff (global rule 1) tryna protect kids gets you b& from halfchan

What the fuck, what happened?

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b6cc51  No.106198


Stop being so agro. This isn't news for most people here, but might serve as warning for those who still post in that shithole. It's also fun to see how low they can sink. This is a new low for me, personally.

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2f0a9c  No.106219

>normalfags on 4chan trying to oust /tv/s cunnyposters

honestly surprised they lasted this long, didn't think they'd still be there but I guess this site dying might have brought the ones that were left here to crosspost on 4chan along with the bunkers.

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2fe0af  No.106232



Make me. What are you going to do, faggot? Nothing.

>serve as a warning

No one who still goes there gives a shit about it being a leftist shithole. No one who knows about this place gives a shit about cuckchan. All imageboards are compromised, anon. It’s all fucking over.

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b6cc51  No.106257


Everyone on 4chan knows about "/tv/ - Pedophilia and Film", but maybe these are people who just found the site because of the 4plebs thing. I knew about the pedos but I didn't know about the mods being pedos too. It's kind of a surprise considering their main goal is to turn 4chan into reddit. Maybe there's an internal fight going on.


lol calm down. If this ends up causing some kind of social media shitstorm it could be a good laugh. stop being so bitter anon.

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2f0a9c  No.106286


just because the group of sjw mods moot let in had an agenda doesn't mean every mod on 4chan does, I'm sure the ones on /tv/ are just trying to retain its culture which I can understand considering its been destroyed even here now.

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665ead  No.106287


>calm down

Kill yourself, jew.

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b55f12  No.106290


>the mods being pedos too

>considering their main goal is to turn 4chan into reddit


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f5506c  No.106413

4chan is literally run straight out of Tel Aviv. Just have a look at the pol catalog thread titles. Blacked threads, subtle pro israel threads tranny threads, AOC threads. Its a straight up white demoralization psy-op.

This is the reason they killed the original 8chan but not 4chan, because they couldnt control the narrative.

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f8c07e  No.106483


>This is the reason they killed the original 8chan but not 4chan, because they couldnt control the narrative.

Makes sense. One can only dream about that place dying someday and all the life it would bring to alt-chans like this.

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528822  No.106703



this entire story is just a tool to connect white nationalism with pedophilia in the npc mind

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efc4f0  No.107028


That place has become a jew loving shithole. There seems to be some sort of reddit connection going on.

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8a47a6  No.107557

File: 5d73b65e90f21fc⋯.jpg (118.49 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 41h630_1_.jpg)

File: c156272f6a697f0⋯.jpg (86.87 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 41hbl9.jpg)

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Yes. This is the bunkers bunker!!!


I post on 4chan because as a necrosexual they were the first people on the internet to except me. I don't agree with the pedo stuff though. We've been in the shadows for too long, shunned because of the forbidden love we practice. I don't give a fuck necrosexual rights are human rights. I didn't choose who I love, and I didn't kill them, I wish they weren't dead so we could be together but because they are dead and therefore unattainable to me it's just extra hot idk maybe I'll make a necrosexual board and then from there use it as a spring board to raise awareness? https://tvch.moe/wooo/res/48.html#164

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117c1d  No.107776


No shit the cuckchan mods are pedos, all Jews are pedos.

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3f7f3d  No.112578


>4chan mods are PEDOS

The phrase "No shit, Sherlock" comes to mind

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bd2d86  No.133271

yeah /pol/ has been messed up for a long time now. just browse through the threads and the see the amount of loli thumbs there you'd be a fucking retard to not realise /pol/ is pedo central

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