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The holocaust never happened

File: ef915a65b324975⋯.jpg (70.32 KB, 450x325, 18:13, Taliban_beating_woman_in_p….jpg)

1ca91e  No.105591

I'm not a liberal/leftist but I've been thinking about something. Maybe capitalism is behind a lot of degeneracy. It's possible capitalism and liberalism are two sides of the same coin. Take feminism for example. It requires certain laws that are leftist. But at the same time capitalism could be a driving force behind it. The Taliban don't allow depictions of women even. And hot women are in advertising a lot because it sells. Naturally the same companies that make money from such ads would not want a law that prohibits depiction of women. And if you had a number of companies that wanted such a law, competing against a number of companies that didn't want such a law, eventually, due to the fact hot women in ads sells more than no women in ads, those who were for a law prohibiting depiction of women would be phased out by those who were against such a law. The power of the companies that won would extend through all of society, the laws, the education, media, etc. This dynamic is probably one of the reasons why more developed countries are more leftist and more degenerate.

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f78f7c  No.105621

File: 7b849a0a656bad3⋯.pdf (116.52 KB, Towns_Women_as_Standard_of….pdf)


Consider that in pre-colonial Africa, things were inverted with women being deeply involved in the day to day running of many tribes and societies and yet the situation is similar- subversion of the native culture from an external force who, in their contempt for that culture, seek to change and mould it into their idealised image.

"Pre-colonial Africa saw a wide span of relations between women and politics, ranging from severely constrained to empowering. Under colonial rule, however, matrilinear kinship systems and female political authority were eliminated in the name of ‘progress’ all over the continent (e.g. Coquery-Vidrovitch, 1997; Parpart, 1988; Sacks, 1982). Women were excluded from the colonial state structures, even in systems of indirect colonial rule which recognized the authority of male chiefs at the local level."

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717bbd  No.105623

op just realized that the jews run both sides

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e3fc04  No.105624


No wonder they never evolved beyond the stone age stage then. The women that have a say due to feminism only have "power" because they're allowed to, which means it's not real power.

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