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The holocaust never happened

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0065ef  No.104570

The Communist Takeover has finally commenced and in the state many least expected it to: Texas. In an attempt to consolidate power amid a restless public, Texas governor (((Abbott))) made the risky move to deploy tanks, military and even SWAT teams onto the streets to enforce his tyrannical and widely unpopular policies [1]. Cementing himself further as an autocrat rather than a public servant, Abbott ordered a group of corrupt cops backed up by armored combat vehicles fitted with machine gun turrets – to mass jail and seize the weapons of law-abiding citizens legally open-carrying their own registered firearms.[2] In a feeble attempt at transparency aimed to placate the enraged public, a top Texas law enforcement officer doubled down in a press conference late yesterday justifying the illegal seizure of weapons and mass arrests of law-abiding citizens by the state government.

WE THE PEOPLE must resist tyrannical government measures, especially a governing apparatus infiltrated to the core by communist elements and ideals. SPREAD THIS EVERYWHERE and awaken the sleeping giant that is the great American people!


[1]: https://youtu.be/qT1CM-IrBG0

[2]: https://youtu.be/ZmIzrzFhT5w

[3]: https://youtu.be/cJ1C9fhuQnQ


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0065ef  No.104571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This will become the new normal if we do not hold these Communists accountable.


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8575a1  No.104587


Get back to me when one of you shoots the fucker in the head. Until then, who cares.

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d593b5  No.104621

even texans have become soys

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51383c  No.104626


It's the diaspora from California plus their long history of cross-breeding with Mexicans that has led to this. Oh, plus vote-rigging.

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6335b9  No.104628


Abbot's not a communist. If you had a private monopoly on the means of counterfeit, you wouldn't actually want an armed population.

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04f2c9  No.104634

friendly reminder

The Role of Rabbis Deep in the Heart of Texas



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81ebf2  No.104645

Outright lies. Abbot just lifted the corona lockdown. There ain't no tanks here

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120bdf  No.104647

But Abbott is a BASED Republikike?




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5b7236  No.104673

>Sheriff Mike Griffis took the morning to discuss recent arrests at a local bar.

>He began by stating he wants businesses to reopen as much as anyone, but what occurred Monday at the bar, was a “show of force” and not a protest.

>“This was not a protest of their second amendment rights, it was a show of force to ensure that this lady could violate the Governor’s order,” Sheriff Griffis said.

>In total, seven people were arrested at the business Monday.

>As you may recall, Gov. Greg Abbott declared that some businesses would be able to reopen at 25 percent capacity, amid the COVID-19 outbreak. However, certain businesses like bars and gyms were prohibited from opening in the phased plan.

>But what was intended to be a peaceful protest at Big Daddy Zane’s Bar Monday, quickly turned into an active scene as the ECSO arrived.

“>I’m ready for everything to open up,” Griffis said. “I don’t agree with everything Governor Abbott does, I don’t agree with everything the legislature does, (there are) some really ridiculous things that go on down there but he is our duly elected Governor and this is the order he has put forth for what he believes is the safety of the citizens of this state.”

>Griffis says they are working closely with the TABC on the incident and noted that while the property the group was on belonged to the bar owner, due to TABC regulations, weapons were not permitted.

>Some of the charges include, places weapons prohibited and violating the Governor’s order.

Zog arrests normal Americans for trying to work so they are not economically crushed.

The governor isn't a king. Americans have the right to be armed, the right to assemble, and the right to feed their families by going to work. If these moronic cops were not receiving their government guaranteed pay checks courtesy of the taxes extracted from the people they arrested, they would probably have a different attitude about what work is essential. I'd say sending a bunch of moron cops to arrest people FOR TRYING TO WORK isn't an essential function. Just dumb cops flexing as per usual.


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