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4c1a56  No.102545

The Trayvon Hoax

Documentary that completely deconstructs the Trayvon case and how the media used lies around it to push a political agenda. Very obvious stuff that everyone already knew, but its much more in depth

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247c3d  No.102590

Anyone worth their salt knows he was a Dindu asking to get shot.

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010ce1  No.102602


Not very thorough. He didn't even mention the MSM whitening Zimmerman's face. He spends all this time running us around just to make some corny montages, then at the very end he suddenly makes his big thesis that he should have been building up to. Distill it down to an hour, then add all the stuff that should be there, then it would be good.

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c98be7  No.102627


good jutube doc OP hope the faggot normes will watch it

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0cde13  No.102632


Trayvon was a crisis actor. He's still alive.

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