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43397b  No.10153

Merry Christmas, /pol/

Or until the real /pol/ comes back.

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67a677  No.10158


Fuck off, whore.

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000000  No.10166





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46aea7  No.10422

File: 0db9a97aefda470⋯.png (319.1 KB, 500x569, 500:569, 0db9a97aefda47067831a485eb….png)


Merry Christmas!

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08edeb  No.10424

Merry Christmas Anon. May the Lord grant us victory in the years to come.

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d5076d  No.10432

File: 0f4cdf118168757⋯.jpg (104.35 KB, 215x259, 215:259, 88j.jpg)


Merry Christmas fed

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00b296  No.10433

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Merry Christmas frens

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1ce721  No.10436

File: 17013529e65c270⋯.gif (2.76 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 422F13AE-76DB-4B71-86AA-5D….gif)


Whatsamatter don’t like the /pwnd/ board?

Yeah and Merry Christmas, I’ll be surprised is this site is still up 2 weeks after the New Year

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67a677  No.10448


It’s not actively being attacked anymore, but posting is still unusable. It’ll stick around and be even more worthless than it ever has been, thanks to the ownership.

>post submission error when replying, despite replying perfectly under 2 minutes ago

lol, kill yourselves Jim and Ron

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48eaa1  No.10457


Who the fuck even ironically posts gaygaygay shit? We all know that whole op glows in the dark. Get fucked, fed.

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9e6456  No.10460


Where's the gift we were supposed to get from that fat North Korean gook, Kim jung un?

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1bc4e0  No.10486

Merry fuck niggers and a happy dead kike

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fa7516  No.47634

This thread is still in the catalog. Dead fucking board.

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a0d8d0  No.47643


look on the bright side, theres still a board for video games thats alive enough for its christmas thread to be 404'd 55 days after the fact, that counts for something right?

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000000  No.82748



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1750b0  No.82880


this is /pol/, doesn't really matter what it calls itself, or who was using it before we arrived. /pol/acks outrank kun.ts anyway

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425baf  No.102892

File: 011ef1b135c5282⋯.jpg (27.67 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 011ef1b135c528220333b18493….jpg)

Yet another example of wahmen including themselves, only to achieve counter-productive ends, while remaining unaccountable for the cultural debt burden foisted onto men for their banal attention seeking.

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4d4c9d  No.102962


How many dead threads are you gonna bump with this bullshit today Herschel?

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645ab7  No.102994

This is still up, dead board. Dead fucking board

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ea924a  No.103594


>real /pol/ comes back.

Weeeee're heeeeeeeeeeere

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ea924a  No.103596


fucking neck your self fagot imbred piece of shit, gtf off our board now

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6602dd  No.130383

If this thread survives another six months we don't need to make another one.

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