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469209  No.100562

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6e7428  No.100570


>jean.basaraba@gatesfoundation.org F3lol1ta



>duncan.steele@gatesfoundation.org rotavirus


Oh shit, is this the next one?

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b08a1d  No.100581

Looking at the names list it looks like a huge pile of steaming multicultural crap (how does that place even function)?

And really? ‘Password1’?

Since WHO is now solely supported by the Gates Foundation (after the USA withdrew funding to their nigger in chief/terrorist/CCP puppet) It sort of makes sense that they are one and the same entity now. What an abomination of an organization.

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b08a1d  No.100583


So pedos…why am I not surprised?

I suppose it is a lot like poking a dog turd with a stick; no real surprises there…looks like shit, smells like shit, shithole people from shithole subhuman nations.

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28a60b  No.100988

>kirsten.smith@gatesfoundation.org poochez

A dirty Sanchez reference? Really, Kirsten?

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30abb4  No.100994

Oh damn, some of these are actually real.

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