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998a38  No.100319

Hey there, I'm completely new to 8kun, and haven't figured out the lay-out quite well. So apologies in advance if this post has been made before, or if it is in the wrong place.

There had been a post on 4chan, claiming that dr. Zhengli Chan, from the 'Wuhan Institute of Virology', who was fired in a Virology research center in Canada, for obtaining (stealing) classified documents and research, has had a claim thrown against her for being the person who released the virus in the Wuhan animal market.. A CCTV video should exist of her placing a contaminated block of dry ice near ventilation, on the 19th of october 2019.. I'm trying to make a compelling case, to piece this puzzle together of how, who, when, where, why.. And use it for humanities best interest.

So anyone who has any missing pieces to this story, or anything related, I would be happy to see what else is out there

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998a38  No.100320

And if someone could provide the video, that would be the most compelling evidence in the case

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a98d90  No.100327


ask the turkish tv show that was displaying quality shitposting (an aussie of course)


around 16:50

there's another guy on youtube who pieced together the sequence of events

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998a38  No.100332

It's kind of hard to find, after they uploaded the video of scientist inside the Wuhan center, being filmed with cctv whilst working, all keywords regarding CCTV now lead to those articles..

My turkish is quite rusty lol, any idea on the name of the other guy on yt?

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6c625b  No.100339


I would be interested in finding this out. This has such huge financial ramifications (and YT is totally controlled by the disgusting bug people) that you won’t find it there (most likely).

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a98d90  No.100345


>there's another guy on youtube who pieced together the sequence of events


This guy is half way there, but doesn't know CCP were covering up what they knew was a bioweapon.*

Many know the bioweapon is "Casus belli" and have already started their war against the CCP. If you start your war late there might not be much left for you when the spoils are passed out.

*They warned their military and took certain actions to protect themselves weeks before they admitted anything to W.H.O.

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