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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
Anarcho-fascist eco-accelerationism

File: 4d6a7e4f7761e0f⋯.jpg (95.91 KB, 480x623, 480:623, 4d6a7e4f7761e0f5a475a4230a….jpg)

9b6a96  No.100005

This is not my opinion; this is an observation. It's also what those who are running the Country believe. Surprise!

The Think Tanks, "Intelligence Agencies", and Government Managers that rule this country have learned a lot since Americans allowed the surveillance apparatus created after 9/11. It's no small leap to question the events surrounding each of you today, observing the reality that it's already led to the swift obliteration of what remains of Freedom, as well as continued acceptance of Government authority over the American way of life.

Your enemy is a newly-minted Government Agency, that emerged right under your noses. NSCAI - the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (also discussed in https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/3780842/). The NSCAI is chaired by Eric Schmidt, the previous CEO of Google, and Executive Chariamn of Alphabet. Eric Schmidt is also and chair of the US Department of Defense's Defense Innovation Advisory Board.

The vice-chair if NSCAI is Robert O. Work, a previous Secretary of Defense from 2015 to 2017 under both Obama and Trump. Robert Work currently works the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), which is a Think Tank led by John McCain's former Foreign Policy Advisor, and Joe Biden's former National Security Advisor. CNAS staff includes the first CEO of In-Q-Tel (the CIA's venture capital firm), as well as the current CEO of In-Q-Tel. The list of staff includes a literal "who's who" of Pentagon top brass - in addition tomajor executives from most of Silicon Valley, including Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Oracle.

Right under your noses, CNAS has combined leaders from the US Military, the Intelligence Community, and Silicone Valley into a single organization - with the core objective of creating a roadmap for the United States to not lose it's technological advantages over China in Artificial Intelligence - which they term "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" in a presentation obtained through a FOIA request.

You have, once again, been sold down the river by your own Government, given to the company that had to remove their own Do No Evil slogan once they became too evil for the slogan not to be hypocritical and ironic.

Want to learn more? Listen to Whitney Webb on Jimmy DoreYouTube.

What are you going to do about it?

Eric Snowden and Julian Assange tried to warn us.

Their warnings have fallen upon deaf ears, because the deaf are told that they hear the clearest.

The mass deception is complete. Now they're going after "dissenters" .

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9b6a96  No.100008

You are being conned.. again. To compete in a dystopian world ruled by mass surveillance, America must become a dystopian Country ruled by mass surveillance.

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000000  No.100031


Violence solves all problems.

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43f9d3  No.100041


>must become a dystopia

The world is already a dystopia and my people needs 24/7 indoctrination, propaganda and dopamine to ignore this fact. I am already in hell.

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000000  No.100052


Yes, but slavery doesn't lead to innovation. If American tech and science stagnates who will China steal from? The correct solution is to not do business with slave societies instead of foolishly believing you can take advantage of their bad fortune.

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874972  No.100053

File: 0aacac485c03c94⋯.jpg (13.61 KB, 255x249, 85:83, 1446819857029.jpg)


thank you for your plebbit spacing and voat zionism

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3e1f5d  No.100062



Check out this thread, Eric Schmidt is also tied to various other organisations and potentially with people like Bill Gates, Lieber (who "helped" the chinks build the Wuhan lab and do research there) and all other sorts of globalist kikes.

This virus was most likely a collaborative effort of the usual suspects who only used China for being cheap and being a convenient scapegoat. Designed in the US, made in China. Meanwhile, they draw goyim's attention to an imaginary conflict between US and China in a false dichotomy typical for kikes.

Problem, reaction, solution.

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