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File: ea97e37532aa203⋯.jpg (30.06 KB,554x554,1:1,1560472572298.jpg)

c6a628 No.7452

The universe and everything in itself is my will.

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90beab No.7455


I'm not too familiar with Shopenhauer, but I feel like the world being will is correct as so far as you believe a higher-being (God/Gods) willed it into existense. The concept of everything in the material world being of my own will is absurd because this implies that the universe only exists when I will it to, and that means that the universe has only existed for the amount of time that I have had my will.

But I'm pretty new to the ideas of idealism, so what do I know.

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20555f No.7466

Schopenhauer is decent. I'm a big Fichte and Schelling fan though if we're talking romantic period philosophers.

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4836c9 No.7467

>The universe and everything in itself is my will.

If you can't tell the difference between will and the universe, then how does one know either of them exist?

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70a8f3 No.7468

File: 579939abe117eda⋯.jpg (45.21 KB,396x396,1:1,c2872fd02cdb5ea00355e5ba97….jpg)

*Blocks your path*

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5a1f3c No.7472


Schopenhauer never said "the universe and everything in itself is MY will". The thing-in-itself is Will (note the capital W which express transcendence), then, logically, Will is the kernel of all beings; me and the universe share the same essence of the irrational Will-to-live. Will is not will.


Never talk about what you don't know, that's an advice for life in general. Anyways, what OP said is incorrect.

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20555f No.7482

I just noticed something

Schopenhauer's ideology that talks about antinatalism in his "Studies In Pessimism" it kind of reeks of boomer autism and thinks future generations of people can't improve on anything

he also talks a lot about Sophistry when his ideas somewhat reek of it. but he's not as bad as some say he is

just constructive criticism

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