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Start with the Greeks

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278956 No.6706

We are rich, are we not? At any point prior in our species history have we ever been as nourished in our physical needs? Are not not living longer lives? If we have such wealth, how can anyone take issue with this world we have made?

However, even in this paradise of the material, there lies an underlying problem. Even with our full bellies, decent health, and access to to incredible technology we still find a quiet desperation in ourselves and others. What can a wealthy man lack? Purpose.

In my opinion, a well lived life is one that affirms life itself. Life is not happiness alone. Fulfillment is seldom found in brief sensory excitement. Agony and delight are married. If agony is negated, so is joy and therefore life. Our Occidental impoverishment is not material, it is the impotence of a once strong man. Our emptiness stems from our denial of the Faustian and masculine spirits that endure pain. We have become weak and sterile and therefore our world decays.

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1485cb No.6727

>You need to know Y to appreciate X

That's a spook, boss.

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