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Start with the Greeks

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66fdff No.6328

Please no philosophers that weren't insightful enough not to be atheist

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099473 No.6329

Pick something not boring enough that it will make you want to be drunk. If you can't appreciate sobriety for what it is, regardless of whether there's really someone out there who can inspire you to it, finding someone better to do than drinking on the spare time in the mean time is easier than waiting until you find them. If you're drinking for other reasons, you might have more serious problems at hand.

Anyway, pick something manic, outrageous or edgy. Or not, of you ain't into it. Fuck you too. Anyway, try Nietzsche, or maybe Voltaire if you're okay with a "philosophe" instead of an actual philosopher. Nietzsche was a rather eloquent teetotaler, too, so he has his own thoughts on the subject to share. If you're not much given to edginess, try Leibniz's *Monadology*, Plato's *Symposium* or perhaps Augustine's *Confessions*. Kant would've been fine too, but the pacing of his writing is just too inconsistent. Mind you, these are to be taken a philosophy flavored literary recommendations. I ignore your requirement that recommendations be limited to atheists because: a) beggars can't be choosers; b) the vast majority of them were boring writers.

Best of luck to you.

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965884 No.6335

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efbcdd No.6339

I would suggest reading the literature on any aspect of life you deem degenerate.

In your example, read up on the positive and negative health impacts of alcohol (it can be a good blood thinner and contains antioxidants and other good fermented compounds, but alcohol deteriorates your brain+liver and prevents muscle synthesis). Or go meet some distillery/vinyard/cidery owners and observe how many are a bit "off" from excess drinking over a long period (in the way that Terrence Mckenna or Jerry Garcia are a bit "off" from too many psychedelics).


Watts would discourage alcohol, and is a fun read, but he's not super useful as a thinker.

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35b939 No.6351


Alcohol is only good for rinsing out your mouth, vodka is like listerine. Alcohol makes you stupid, but coffee is a thinking man's drink.

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efbcdd No.6355


Caffeine isn't good for you

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31d364 No.6373


Nothing is "good for you". You're gonna die anyways. Philosophy is about accepting and preparing for death.

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f50bef No.6382


Philosophy is about not presupposing death is any more possible than life.

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fb915d No.6402

Anything that talks about the wholeness of being that isn't boring, nihilistic or epicurist.


>Philosophy is about accepting and preparing for death.


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a83cda No.6404



>t. Haven't read the Phaedo

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965884 No.6407



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781844 No.6412

Aristotle, as far as I know. If you want something short, there's the spurious "On Virtues and Vices". If you want something meatier, there's always the Nicomachian Ethics, Magna Moralia, and Eudemian Ethics.

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efbcdd No.6461


Doesn't Aristotle recommend moderation though?

He would say refusing to drink could be conceived as rude or anti-social, but being drunk isn't socially beneficial and drinking any amount regularly is unhealthy.

He would advocate a glass of wine at a dinner or party once a month.

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8c1e75 No.6649


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daf157 No.6651

>please no philosophers that aren't fedora tipping faggots.

OP sucks rationalist cock. Again, Sage.

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