>2017 Year of our Lord and Savior, Saint Max
>still sacrificing yourself to abstract immaterial ideas over your own will
>still constraining yourself with ridiculous notions such as rights and social limitations
>not being in a union of egoists
>still worshiping "god"
>still willing to die for your "country"
>not doing things because they're "immoral"
>still thinking there's a such thing as value outside yourself
>not being a nominalist
>still thinking arbitrary abstract definitions can ever actually apply to the unique one when he is really an undefinable enigmatic entity that can only be decribed as his ownness
>being a moralist ragamuffin
>not drinking milk
>not starting a co-op with your best bros
>still reading watered-down hacks like Friedrich "A horse is a horse, I had a mental breakdown of course, of course" Nietzche
>taking Ayn "Every Man's self-interest is his, now let me define what yours is" Rand seriously
Why do you insist on being so spooked?