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/philosophy/ - Philosophy

Start with the Greeks

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[ Literature ] [ E-books ] [ Politics ] [ Science ] [ Religion ]

File: 0a96184f4cdc543⋯.png (136.59 KB,1150x418,575:209,Purity.png)

80041a No.5477

How has philosophy changed your views on the other fields of study?

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e3d94e No.5556

Define how

Define has

Define philosophy

Define changed

Define your

Define views

Define on

Define the

Define other

Define fields

Define of

Define study

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e0f093 No.5586


Define Define how

Define Define has

Define Define philosophy

Define Define changed

Define Define your

Define Define views

Define Define on

Define Define the

Define Define other

Define Define fields

Define Define of

Define Define study

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269442 No.5587

philosophy should be right of math.

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9ba4d5 No.5589

File: 4104dc3baf7ea4d⋯.png (240.39 KB,757x3030,757:3030,4104dc3baf7ea4db301f8c2583….png)


Philosophy shouldn't be here because this is quite a horrible MS Paint comic which is only recognized because its popular. Its just for people that want to feel smart.

While I'm at it I might as well post a response to one of his comics. Not the one in the OP but whatever.

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17e44a No.5590

What is Purity?

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046234 No.5591


Before knowing what is right and wrong is

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5281b6 No.5626

File: 4fcbdccd90d137e⋯.png (135.91 KB,1150x418,575:209,Purity.png)

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39e8af No.5659


Define fixed

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