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Start with the Greeks

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File: 4884b7c35dd935b⋯.jpg (126.25 KB,1200x675,16:9,IMG_5973.JPG)

970fcd No.4879

How do you want to spend your last hours? Two of my family members died right after watching the news which I find pathetic waste of your last hours. Now I know when you're that old and sick you're just waiting to die so you might as well keep your old routine, but gathering information from the media when you're about to die is pointless. Since people are usually very accomodating of you and will try to listen to you, shouldn't your last minutes be teaching people about philosophy like Socrates did, or at least tell them stories from your life even though you may slide into incomprehensible delirium? Pic unrelated.

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970fcd No.4883

drugs like lsd or dmt

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970fcd No.4925

When I hit about 30 I'm going to try finding some stories that could be considered significant to write out several times.

I will then save these stories privately rehearsing them to myself often, but never telling them to anyone until I'm on my death bed. That way they seem more impactful, and maybe they'll turn into a meme or some shit.

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970fcd No.4927


>How to start a new religion in your family: the post.

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970fcd No.5071


I wasn't even talking about a meme as in Richard Dawkins meme. I was talking about a shitty .jpg with compression artifacts that narcissists kick around on facebook because they have nothing more personally edifying to do. At least if I do this people will read my words.

That's all I'm aspiring to.

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970fcd No.5073

Don't vote when you turn 70. Remind yourself of how retarded the Boomers generally were and never ever vote no matter how rational you think you are. Brain decay is a thing, let the younger generation rule when you retire.

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de7ee0 No.5118


Hello Mr. Marx I didn't think you posted here anymore.

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7b316b No.5122


Hello boomer apologist.

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820b24 No.5124

Dying from old age is stupid. I'll die bungee jumping or skydiving or too much salvia or some other fucked up shit

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fa9cbd No.5126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I would rather die like this if I could, or like Socrates and become a hero.

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3896bb No.5127

Old age, surrounded by a family who loved and appreciated me.

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2930f9 No.5146

Working to be honest.

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10c391 No.5295


>gather information from the news


News is not for education.

Fact is your family members probably wasted their entire lives, not just the bits before they died. They reproduced for the sake of reproducing, which is done for the sake of having reproduced.

If they were anything other than complicated-looking bacteria they would have thought about what they were doing and changed their behaviour when their incentives changed.

For normies, thinking is a 'not even once' sort of thing.

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