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Start with the Greeks

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File: 702de59ea7aea15⋯.png (174.24 KB,591x283,591:283,beatnik.png)

2623df No.4740

What do you think of the beatniks? Alan Watts was one of them. Shallow and pretentious folk who traded Christian spooks for a superficial knowledge of Buddhist dogma right?

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2623df No.4742

I don't know anything about them, but counter-culture in general a shit, and I think you're basically right.


I love Watts though. I don't care for his mysticism, but I love his lectures on Eastern thought and existential therapy.

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a14280 No.5325

A good idea that was ultimately half-assed. Probably half-assing it was the rational level of investment, but philosophy could have benefited from some proper translations of Eastern ideas.

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078fad No.5802

File: b948e1dd148ca9b⋯.jpeg (29.67 KB,460x368,5:4,Beatniks.jpeg)

File: 021e883eacc908a⋯.png (185.18 KB,600x420,10:7,Jean Paul Sartre.png)

you're forgetting how much of the beatnik culture was based on nihilism and even more so on existentialism.

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e9d334 No.5888

File: 1e572ff58aa2a0e⋯.jpg (46.13 KB,640x320,2:1,3713_640n.jpg)

Burroughs was based, probably a CIA assassin but that only makes him even cooler.

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