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Start with the Greeks

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File: 1470100105677.jpg (128.76 KB,696x720,29:30,1470001816287.jpg)

dd19d0 No.4340

I find the likes of Eckhart Tolle to be too "goody two-shoes" for my tastes.

Alan Watts gels well with me, as well as Taoism, but it's best to branch out instead of getting all from the same source.

What would you recommend?

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dd19d0 No.4341

File: 1470119765988.jpg (152.88 KB,800x441,800:441,n50qdyqa.jpg)

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dd19d0 No.4345

Read Hegel, particularly his Phenomenology chapters on religion and mysticism, the Unhappy Consciousness.

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