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Start with the Greeks

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[ Literature ] [ E-books ] [ Politics ] [ Science ] [ Religion ]

File: 1464438506770.jpg (19.99 KB,247x388,247:388,georgias1.jpg)

4509e7 No.4127

Plato talked mad shit about the sophists, but he's got me generally curious about learning to appeal to people.

What can I read to become the modern day Gorgias? (I can't find any of his works, does anyone have a link?)

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4509e7 No.4146

You should look into rhetoric and public speaking, not philosophy. And these are better covered in current day business literature.

Gorgias' "Encomium of Helen" and some paraphrases of his "On Nature" still survive. But whatever innovations he made in rhetoric are probably already commonplace.



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4509e7 No.4154


Thanks! I really wanted to get Gorigias' take on it, especially because it seems like he triggers Plato hard

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4509e7 No.4162


I don't think Plato was the kind of person who'd get "triggered" at all. But he was very averse to the greedy and power-hungry. Maybe because he lived through the dictatorship of the Thirty Tyrants, and then had to live under suspicion after their downfall (Critias was one of the Tyrants and part of Plato's extended family). Meanwhile all he wanted was just to study mathematics.

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4509e7 No.4998

File: 1c15d8d930d3e9b⋯.jpg (49.91 KB,850x400,17:8,quote-do-not-expect-plato-….jpg)

Recently the polls say that the number of young people who do not necessarily believe democracy is vital has risen in most countries, and there's a lot to say for that idea if you accept how many people are so incredibly stupid and unqualified to talk about politics that they shouldn't have any part in decision making which affects the rest of us-- (particularly when there are smarter or more educated people they refuse to even listen to, who could definitely make better decisions). The question then becomes of how to select those people so we get ruled by a meritocracy of the intelligentsia, instead of aristocracies run by unqualified "elites" that lack empathy towards the lives they're managing. Perhaps the best possible ruler would be a former selfless psychologist sent to law school, and then educated in the illusions and realities of world affairs, and mentored in good governance. Anyone who can't demonstrate community service can't be trusted to serve people of other classes and shouldn't lead.

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4509e7 No.5021

File: e7d83df15aca340⋯.jpg (77.85 KB,900x750,6:5,diogenes.jpg)

Plato didn't know shit.

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4509e7 No.5066


>Fuck Diogenes

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56cf37 No.5390


>small brain


>normie brain

Plato and Diogenes are both badasses who could would feed you your children for breakfast...metaphorically speaking.


Modern politicians are all practicing Sophists. If you want what Gorgias would say about a thing, just ask your local rep what they would say about it.

The difference is that Gorgias said things that appealed to local Greeks, whereas your local rep (or a revived Gorgias) will say things that appeal to your locals.

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6c66bb No.5565


wasn't plato a sophist just more hypocritical though? he wrote 38 books to prove that black is white

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