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94364d No.2777

I have question to ask this guy, can you prove it?

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94364d No.2779


Offer a solution to Sextus Empiricus' dilemma of the criterion without doing a Kantian ontological spin. If you can, you'll be famous in philosophy beyond anyone else (barring Hegel, he's got his own thing).

Real skepticism can't be defeated with reason, it is pure reason itself.

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94364d No.2781

I am thinking, therefore I am completely certain I exist.

non-skeptics: 1

skeptics: 0

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94364d No.2788


That's an analytic truth, nobody really cares about those. What skepticism concerns is with how you know that you have truth. Truth here concerns the world.

Truth requires that you know the form of truth to be obtained already, and that you have a method of coherently grasping that truth and justifying it. Those are two contradictory positions. How do you know what truth looks like in order to even begin asking how to get it?

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94364d No.2789


How do I know you are thinking? How do I know that I am the originator of these thoughts, they could be holistic experience of external stimuli of which the true nature I could never know, as well as it's logic or lack thereof exist as more then our experience alone, and that indeed it is also wrong?

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94364d No.2939


What do you mean by I?

Any sort of self beyond thought is surely reliant on things subject to sceptical doubt (e.g. memory of past thoughts).

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94364d No.4886

Nothing can be truly known, not even this.

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