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Start with the Greeks

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[ Literature ] [ E-books ] [ Politics ] [ Science ] [ Religion ]

File: 1436987476582.jpg (110.35 KB,1000x654,500:327,library of alexandria.jpg)

e585ab No.1845


What would the world be like if the Library of Alexandria was never destroyed?

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e585ab No.1873


Is it known that there were philosophical works in the Library?

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e585ab No.1885


Nigga you kiddin'? A shitton of all sorts of shit was up in there. Had to be at least SOME philosophical papers smoked.

On the same train, the first emperor of China (forgot his name and lazy) killed off all the intellectuals that could pose a slight possibility of defiance, ganked their students, and burnt up all their works. (Nigga was paranoid as FUCK) Only a few survived the massacre, and only because the emperor view them as no threat (I.e. Confucius).

I wonder what kid of shit we lost from THAT

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e585ab No.1915

I don't know, but if it weren't for the dark ages we'd be colonizing the milky way by now.

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e585ab No.1921

I'd say it wouldn't be much different.

Though Alexandria itself was a great learning center, the greatest hurdle to scientific advance seems to be the diffusion of knowledge, not only because it makes knowledge resilient to political shocks -- you can put only so many scholars in a single place, and when you're done there's always an asshole to burn it down, like Genghis did in Baghdad -- but also because it reaches out more people to do science work, and eventually it seeps into daily life. So even if the Library had survived, it might have just become an insular institution, like an Irish monastery during the Dark Ages. Until the invention, or introduction, of the printing press in the West, knowledge was easily lost, and not easily applicable to life.

On the other hand, if they could have managed to maintain papyri up to the 19th century, doing history of philosophy would be much easier.

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322db0 No.5684



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777602 No.5703


Imagine an entire wall of writes about bump

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2a3da8 No.6846

I hate theoretical history but honestly we would likely be harvesting the energy of our sun by now, if humans only respected such a treasure now lost setting us back probably 10,000 years.

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193ff6 No.6847


All of Aristotle's dialogues (yes, Aristotle wrote dialogues which were said by Cicero to be better than Plato's), and La Comedia were lost in the destruction of the Library. His lecture notes are all we have.

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881232 No.6851


we are now harvestign energy of sun...

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7757a3 No.6865


The early Christians destroyed the last of the books. Edward Gibbon wrote about how they burned them all because they thought some contained occult books or paganism. Christians created the dark ages.

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