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553fd2 No.4105


Scott Adams has been in the limelight a lot lately due to his insight on the arts of persuasion; in fact he has recently released a list of books he thinks would help the average person to begin learning these arts.

I was able to find a few on my own, and a few others are already hosted here, but some of these are quite hard to find. Any help?

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553fd2 No.4106

File: 1468353205755-0.pdf (354.87 KB,Propaganda - Edward Bernay….pdf)

File: 1468353205757-1.pdf (1.09 MB,Reframing Neuro-Linguistic….pdf)

File: 1468353205758-2.pdf (224.44 KB,The One Sentence Persuasio….pdf)

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553fd2 No.4347

File: 2f8f38b72be29c6⋯.pdf (898.48 KB,Blair Warren - The Forbidd….pdf)

This book is remarkable.

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975b00 No.6076


I'm about 70 pages in. Pretty good. Seeing things I've read about in other books, but from a different perspective, in a different context.

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05931f No.7516


I read the dilbert principle by him. hes pretty smart and talks about basically how everyone is fat and dumb. one of the first books I read actually.

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3890c8 No.7725



I'd suggest reading the French book, by the same name, that wasn't written by a jew

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3374ae No.8243

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23c21d No.10104



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23c21d No.10105

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23c21d No.10106

File: d298f95c4e44a04⋯.pdf (1.68 MB,Robert B. Cialdini - Influ….pdf)

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23c21d No.10107

File: d9e4d6a2d0b8f8d⋯.pdf (2.67 MB,What Every Body Is Saying ….pdf)

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23c21d No.10108

File: 6c74ff8571731e9⋯.pdf (3.46 MB,How to win friends and inf….pdf)

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9266d9 No.10119

How To Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie.epub


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9266d9 No.10120

Influence - The Psychology of Persuasion - Robert B. Cialdini, PhD.epub


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cab4d1 No.10157

Pre-Suasion - A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade - Robert B. Cialdini, PhD.epub


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c96cef No.10169

The One Sentence Persuasion Course - 27 Words to Make the World Do Your Bidding - Blair Warren.epub


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c96cef No.10170

The Power of Habit - Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg.epub


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c96cef No.10171

Thinking, Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman.epub


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