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File: 1466690002403.pdf (1.69 MB,Andre-Oboler-The-Antisemit….pdf)

1261fc No.4048

Post PDFs on Memetics here.

I've gathered some PDFs on memetics from various universities. May be of use to /bmw/ as well

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1261fc No.4049

File: 1466690115124-0.pdf (1.72 MB,___blackmoreTheMemeMachine….pdf)

File: 1466690115124-1.pdf (832.38 KB,__CDI-PPT-Spitzberg-2013.1.pdf)

File: 1466690115124-2.pdf (254.23 KB,_organizational_change_pri….pdf)

File: 1466690115124-3.pdf (305.6 KB,07-Dawkins memetics.pdf)

File: 1466690115125-4.pdf (65.82 KB,08c_research paper 2.pdf)

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1261fc No.4050

File: 1466690148055-0.pdf (325.79 KB,2007.pdf)

File: 1466690148056-1.pdf (128 KB,2013-Modelling the Spread ….pdf)

File: 1466690148057-2.pdf (102.72 KB,15504016.pdf)

File: 1466690148058-3.pdf (345.12 KB,Blackmore_review.pdf)

File: 1466690148058-4.pdf (72.44 KB,Consciousness in Meme Mach….pdf)

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1261fc No.4051

File: 1466696556112-0.pdf (169.84 KB,stake012901.pdf)

File: 1466696556113-1.pdf (2.3 MB,tr1411.pdf)

File: 1466696556113-2.pdf (250.37 KB,vu05-w14 memetics voting.pdf)

File: 1466696556113-3.pdf (289.73 KB,yoscovits.pdf)

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1261fc No.4052

File: 1466696599462-0.pdf (1.24 MB,s9676.pdf)

File: 1466696599462-1.pdf (92.4 KB,Scientific Amer Memes.pdf)

File: 1466696599462-2.pdf (716.25 KB,soci360-fa14-F-Memetic-Con….pdf)

File: 1466696599462-3.pdf (563.9 KB,SpatialPrisonersDilemma.pdf)

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1261fc No.4053

File: 1466696637471-0.pdf (85.25 KB,Rivenburg_stuck_tune email.pdf)

File: 1466696637471-1.pdf (1.24 MB,s9676.pdf)

File: 1466696637471-2.pdf (92.4 KB,Scientific Amer Memes.pdf)

File: 1466696637471-3.pdf (716.25 KB,soci360-fa14-F-Memetic-Con….pdf)

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1261fc No.4054

File: 1466696683729-0.pdf (131.47 KB,MITES_256S08_Lec13.pdf)

File: 1466696683729-1.pdf (76.39 KB,mounting.pdf)

File: 1466696683729-2.pdf (101.9 KB,mrs2003.pdf)

File: 1466696683729-3.pdf (193.99 KB,PA200305022.pdf)

File: 1466696683729-4.pdf (129.86 KB,PerMIS06_Summary_paper.pdf)

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1261fc No.4055

File: 1466696730841-0.pdf (13.86 KB,J2216.pdf)

File: 1466696730842-1.pdf (573.21 KB,memes.pdf)

File: 1466696730842-2.pdf (216.85 KB,memes2.pdf)

File: 1466696730842-3.pdf (66.93 KB,Memes-as-Ideas-not-Infiltr….pdf)

File: 1466696730842-4.pdf (80.78 KB,Memetics of Music review B….pdf)

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1261fc No.4056

File: 1466697627635-0.pdf (5.96 MB,2010_02.pdf)

File: 1466697627635-1.pdf (454.8 KB,02-The_Evolution_of_Cultur….pdf)

File: 1466697627635-2.pdf (1.33 MB,37_HumanBehavior.pdf)

some of these are powerpoints turned into PDFs

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1261fc No.4057

File: 1466697663367-0.pdf (674.35 KB,eiben10.pdf)

File: 1466697663370-1.pdf (1.79 MB,lecture_slides.pdf)

File: 1466697663370-2.pdf (403.07 KB,LSS_Gun_Contagion.pdf)

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1261fc No.4058

File: 1466697944942.pdf (2.84 MB,mark_harris.pdf)

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1261fc No.4059

File: 1466698113187.pdf (6.56 MB,Memes effects on conscious….pdf)

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1261fc No.4060

File: 1466698167139.pdf (837.66 KB,wiechmannmemes.pdf)

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1261fc No.4061

relevant posts in "revolution" thread





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1261fc No.4352

File: cac6eb0049ff5f0⋯.pdf (5.29 MB,Kekinomicon#1.1.pdf)

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1261fc No.4787

can someone pls pack all this into a torrent with the memetic warfare files? it would be popular enough to keep rolling i think

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1261fc No.5437

kill yourself nigger OP

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1261fc No.5440


Care to explain why?

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32bc16 No.6609

File: e89649d8b57519d⋯.pdf (1.41 MB,4chan-ICWSM2017.pdf)

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39c162 No.6961

File: c65a90e7f1f3584⋯.pdf (3.72 MB,cyber-extremism_ isis and ….pdf)

File: 31ca42508916732⋯.pdf (2.99 MB,detecting rumor and disinf….pdf)

File: a83b791bdffdfaf⋯.pdf (418.25 KB,handbook of russian inform….pdf)

File: 9290e848930907b⋯.pdf (285.92 KB,cyber-enabled_influence_wa….pdf)

>Cyber-Extremism: Isis and the Power of Social Media


>Detecting Rumor and Disinformation by Web Mining … good reading for how to avoid detection


>Handbook of Russian Information Warfare


>On Cyber-Enabled Information/Influence Warfare and Manipulatio


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9b0eb4 No.7089

File: dc142c0ff5166f4⋯.pdf (11.69 MB,Propaganda - Jacques Ellul.pdf)

File: 3a1f6568c0825de⋯.jpg (15.04 KB,292x500,73:125,Propaganda - Jacques Ellul.jpg)

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4b6703 No.7707

File: 8ff13ae0da5bdb0⋯.png (468.31 KB,446x403,446:403,Screenshot_25.png)

File: e82ddd15386c570⋯.png (980.2 KB,641x647,641:647,1`-1000 (65).png)


holy shit anon, I made most of that o.c, feels good

have a special edition and a personal shitmeme of mine

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4c340b No.9338

File: 35aa710038343e3⋯.jpg (64.34 KB,340x500,17:25,trust me.jpg)


>Ryan Holiday - Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator

>You’ve seen it all before. A malicious online rumor costs a company millions. A political sideshow derails the national news cycle and destroys a candidate. Some product or celebrity zooms from total obscurity to viral sensation. What you don’t know is that someone is responsible for all this. Usually, someone like me.

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