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File: 1449228380764-0.png (1.95 MB,5740x2604,205:93,oxford up.png)

File: 1449228380765-1.png (1.99 MB,5792x3472,362:217,routledge.png)

File: 1449228380765-2.png (1.57 MB,2872x3472,359:434,univ presses.png)

ce1a3b No.3016

So a while back there was a data dump thread on >>>/cyber/ and there were these pretty schway torrents chock full of pdfs and serious knowledge, so I downloaded all of them and have this serious library of pdf's sitting on my hard drive.

So I'm making this thread to share all of them with you. Each pic is a different folder. Not organized by subject or anything, but on a broad variety of topics.

Make a request for any of the pdfs in any folder and I'll post them. Try to have the exact filename in your post so I can search for it easily, and include the folder the file is in.

Want any of these folders entirely? Here are torrent magnet links to the collections, thanks to some schway nigga on >>>/cyber/

>Univ Presses








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ce1a3b No.3017

File: 1449228413824.png (3.31 MB,5736x4424,717:553,cambridge university press.png)

other folder

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ce1a3b No.3028

how many GB is all this?

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ce1a3b No.3033

File: 1449523676384.png (3.28 MB,1200x1976,150:247,1449098787173.png)

all of it nigger, i want all of it.

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ce1a3b No.3036

File: 1449528467782-0.pdf (2.81 MB,0415324483.Routledge.Ancie….pdf)

File: 1449528467782-1.pdf (1.36 MB,0199579288.Oxford.Universi….pdf)


>cambridge 4.42 gb

>oxford 3.29 gb

>routledge 2.26 gb

>univ pres 2.37 gb

funny coincidence, the total comes out to 12.34 gb.


random selection for you then

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ce1a3b No.3133


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ce1a3b No.3208


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ce1a3b No.3253

I would like to request the following

>patterns in prehistory humankinds first three million years

>explorations in personality

>the chaning portrayal of adolecents in media

>medieval philosophy a new history of western philosophy

>faith in nation exclusiionary origins of nationalism

please and thank you

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ce1a3b No.3264


This folder contains all the documents requested, as well as documents that had been requested by others.

Anyone requests consisting of more than 2-3 files will be fulfilled with the mega.


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ce1a3b No.3356


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ce1a3b No.3365

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ce1a3b No.3371

Would you happen to have

"A Fresh Look at Empiricism"

By Bertrand Russell


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ad3aad No.7265


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3e6d79 No.7281



You, sir, are fugging BOSS

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63e263 No.8325

File: 8e7af3812eb027b⋯.pdf (45.32 KB,OLD origami dir.pdf)




I´ve found that making txt or excel list of files are good for when disseminating large collections, hope this helps

I have a decent sized collections of origami books if anybody is interested

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a74b1f No.10524

shameless necrobump

if the OP is still here, please upload everything. i'll pay you 100$

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b91af1 No.10525



there are several copies of these torrents. at least one of them has to still have seeds.

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75d6cd No.10526



Please IPFS everything, makes it easier to share them

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116df3 No.10786

wtf why does OP have the same ID as requests

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6cf8b8 No.11132



lol what a waste of intellect

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f37cd3 No.11686

File: 77fa518d39dbd49⋯.png (30.7 KB,501x436,501:436,Capture.PNG)

Here is a nice large collection of all non-fiction books that is just over 600GB. Please seed if you can!


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240a8a No.11688


damn, wish i could torrent where i am

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f6fc7a No.11704

File: 3747f6c39867a6f⋯.jpg (8.61 KB,298x379,298:379,RETARD.jpg)


>single rar file

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243ba2 No.11805

Can someone repost a mega with all of the files?

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01f111 No.12940

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8be02b No.13003

This looks like my kinda entertainment


many thanks, OP

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fe93f5 No.13043


Is that all what's in OP's library? I recognize the /x/ one from 'Occult Magick General'

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