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I've been looking for something enjoyable that isn't porn.

Alex Jones is cool but eventually it gets old hearing him yell about the satanic globalists and the communist Chinese.





apparently they're shills



Isn't everyone?


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Those criticisms usually come from the Alt-Right, or other similar kosher Right-wing groups and personalities.

Anyway if you're looking for pro-Donald Trump, pro-kikes (Stefan Molyneux, Milo, etc.) or pro-yellow fever racemixers, you're not going to find them on Renegade Tribune, that's for sure.



Yeah, I mean it's guess disinformation that Facebook and Google are trying to censor conservative news and that the ultra rich such as Warren Buffet call for socialism because they're tax exempt.


*I guess it's

Phone keyboard is a bitch



Any website/person that clearly avoids naming the Jew and/or openly diverts attention away from them is pretty much disinfo. That's one of the general rules when it comes to alternative media.

Would you think me as a good doctor if I only told you the symptoms of your sickness but never the causes?



A good ASMR channel for relaxation



>>4520 Alex made a video about the accusations that he's received from white supremacist groups, and accusations that he's an employee of Israel. I would recommend you watch it




Water Filter Salesman has a point regarding divide & conquer tactics being constantly used on the people. However, if you've listened to David Duke before, he's nothing like the divisive FBI-infiltrated KKK white supremacist Jones is painting him to be. He then goes on in a tirade in typical exaggerated fashion against nameless racists and doesn't even address the criticisms raised against him concerning his own long-standing associations with various Jewish-controlled organizations that allegedly supports him:



File: e803a581cd985c9⋯.png (11.61 KB, 482x265, 482:265, Alex Jones CIA Family.png)

File: 1fc3f8a2d5c9dc0⋯.png (309.81 KB, 540x268, 135:67, Alex Jones CIA.png)



If anything, I think he's a wall street mouthpiece. He's against raising the interest rates, even though doing so would result in a stronger US dollar and would help everyone except those Wall Street brokers that want to keep the market artificially propped up with inflation.



>If anything, I think he's a wall street mouthpiece.

That's congruent with him being a C.I.A. agent.

Remember that the C.I.A. was founded by Wall Street lawyers.


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they are autistic fucks. Come over to the Stormer.




Im sure you get all the bitches with your Nazism. That's right, I'm pro Israel. Sue me, Cocksucker.



With your race-mixing sex tourist Neo-Nazi? >>4520 No thanks, NEETSoc weeaboo faggot.


You both should go into the oven.


>non porn sites

No, there are 500 exabytes of information on the internet, but no, no sites are good enough for you.


Molyneux and Varg's channel "thulean perspective".

But youtube is for entertainment.



You really got me there buddy, with your overused insult!



>Cody's lab

>Demolition Ranch

These are all top-tier comfy.



Daily reminder that constantly browsing the internet and especially doing so for the purpose of entertainment is nearly as bad as fapping.


If your Christian, and like astronomy, I recommend listening to Hugh Ross


The guy mostly explains the history of creation and Genesis of the Bible are not in conflict. No, he's not a young earth creationist. He takes from the actual big bang and proves it aligns with the Bible completely.



only reminder that you're trying to justify your cucked addiction to virtual women


Some youtube channels I recommend…

>Red Ice TV

>Rebel Media

>Mark Dice


>Tyrant Fashister

>Stefan Molyneux

>Alt-Right Andy

>Jordan B Peterson

>Alfred Alfer

>Mister Metokur



Various degrees of /pol/ from controlled op ( like our friend Alex Jones ) to full redpill mode.


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Also ThuleanPerspective; can't believe I forgot this one. It's late, I haven't slept.


File: 146893fb8c6fce1⋯.png (5.12 KB, 432x352, 27:22, ss+(2017-02-16+at+12.19.30….png)


>>Red Ice TV

>>Rebel Media


>>Tyrant Fashister

>>Stefan Molyneux

>>Alt-Right Andy

>>Mister Metokur

All Zionist owned and Zionist controlled, I don't know the other channels you listed but I'd bet that all of them are as jewish as these

>>Alfred Alfer

This one's more of a positive story, how a worst kind of a degenerate became redpilled, there's not much to catch here other than looking at her degenerate past as a "cringe compilation"

A channel I can remomend is Johnny Gat, I won't recommend more, once you start watching it you'll just go through the recommendations to other similar channels like Zionist Watch e.t.c.

PragerU is also an ok channel, it's Zionist controlled though so you should skip all the videos that are directly related to Israel

Aaron Kasparov 2976 zionist controlled too, but good stuff leaks out of it, this video for example is great for curing your addictions:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4ggHlx4y1Q (you can skip 3:00 through 6:00, it's just memes)


As bad as porn, not fapping

You don't release semen during internet browsing, you only rot your brains, and to be fair you don't always rot your brains, you learn stuff quite often. With fap you not only learn nothing but you also lose your life energy. Don't trivialise fap please.


Try alternatives to 8pol and 4pol too for a differing opinion, picrelated

Also, don't forget ol' ED! It can be fun for a while. And articles about your health are nice too, I've actually learned recently that fruit juice is not healthy, changed my diet.



fine I'm a fucking idiot sheep you don't need to fucking tell me



Anyone that doesn't support national socialism is a zionist shill to you, so it's difficult to take you seriously.

Stefan Molhn


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File: fdf5d6111272ad4⋯.jpg (27.46 KB, 1151x346, 1151:346, general molyneux.jpg)


>red ice

into the trash


>Molyneux is a zionist

>>>/israel/ is that way


File: 187e2bf9a22fc9a⋯.gif (14.63 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ed7.gif)


> fruit juice is not healthy

Spotted the kike.

Remember goyim, organic foods, vegetables and fruits are your greatest enemy. So is meat, you should switch to a grass only diet, after all you're only cattle in human form hehehe, meat and veggies and fruit are for the upper classes (us, jews)!


File: c848e5a3ae5dd88⋯.jpg (59.06 KB, 310x473, 310:473, smug himmler.jpg)


I mentioned some of them are controlled op; but just because ImKikefy or some other Jewish moderator labeled some e-celeb a zionist or some such doesn't make it true. Don't let the D&C faggots control your every thought. David Duke is a Jew too huh? What about Evalion? I'm sure someone said she's like 1/100th Jewish. Oh, let's not forget Hitler. He was probably a Jew.



Rebel Media is about on the same level as Infowars, and OP said he liked Alex Jones. As for Molyneux, whatever he is, he presents sane arguments that are good to use on blue pilled normies. Not saying they're all sainted Aryan saviors; but they have some interesting videos.

Also literally what is wrong with Red Ice TV?



Strawman? No, anyone who supports jews (while knowing the truth about them OR having direct ties to them) is a zionist shill


Molyneux NEVER says anything bad about Israel AND is a jew, any questions?


The only drink you should drink is water

Fruit>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fruit juice

Fruit juice has no fiber, less good shit than whole fruit, it doesn't make you full unlike whole fruit, the crappy stuff is digested faster because it's a juice, it's worse for the teeth since the sugars are all released and as a matter of fact fruit juice has as much sugar as fucking soda (250ml of orange juice is made from 5-6 oranges, go figure)

Read about it


The channels I greentexted are both controlled op and shit to watch

In fact I suggested some channels that are controlled op and not shit to watch, so I'm not a 1488 GTKRWN purist

I don't conform with 8pol since as you mentioned it's subverted and D&C faggots don't control me

Evalion and Hitler are most likely not controlled op

David Duke is a good watch, but he's still controlled op, he deleted a great 9/11 exposed documentary from his website if you didn't know, in fact he's not touching the 9/11 subject properly and is also conforming with alt-right faggots.


>what is wrong with Red Ice TV

They literally push the "Based nationalist jews (zionists)" narrative. In fact they started the meme with the based jews, and their content is Milo tier (haha, funny cringy feminists)



Molyneux has quoted Decartes: "Look to who you cannot criticize to see who rules you." And then said "I'll let you figure that one out for yourself." I for one am of the mind that while blood is extremely important, at this point in our movement we need to take as many allies as we can get- not alienate every single person who is not full-fash natsoc aryan. The purity spiral is a real thing.

Do you ever think a lot of these outlets avoid naming the Jew so they don't get shut the fuck down? Even better; pretend to love (((our greatest ally))) so they don't see you as a thread. Evalion named the jew, bravely and foolishly, and got shut the fuck down. The only thing that makes me question Dr. Duke's legitimacy is the fact he hasn't gotten taken out yet. The 9/11 thing you mentioned is certainly questionable as well, I'll have to look into it.

You're right about beverages though; anything but clean water is literally poison. The same goes for non-organic/processed foods and most meats, imo.



Whole fruit is only superior to fruit juice if starchy carbohydrates are part of the diet. Juicing gives you the calories and the micronutrients without the fiber, giving you more hunger which can be used on vegetables. The sugar content is only a problem if you drink all the juice at once instead of gradually throughout the day


>The same goes for non-organic/processed foods

lol non-organic produce is fine





File: 14ec8bb3eff7332⋯.png (53.84 KB, 500x534, 250:267, -when-someone-think-they-h….png)



i spoke out against national socialism on this board and I was called a shill and told to fuck off tbh



It wasn't a strawman. A strawman would be misrepresenting your argument. I'm just observing how people that belong to your group operate. Anyone who doesn't agree with you and talks about how they disagree is a zionist shill to your group.


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>/pol/ is one person

That's your problem.

Natsoc is fine as a system and jews should be limited in power, but I'm accepting of all cultures and nationalities if they stay in their countries.

8pol and 4pol are filled with kosher nationalists that just want to kill all nogs and gas the kikes, I don't conform with them.

Anyways there is a yuge interlap between "anyone who isn't natsoc" and "zio shill" as far as youtube entertainers that talk about politics go, I can't do anything about it.




Just watch this and you'll understand what everyone means when they say controlled opposition

This video has everything from TRS to David Duke

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