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File: e99499058424c97⋯.png (152.53 KB,540x960,9:16,Screenshot_2016-11-27-13-2….png)

 No.3559 [Last50 Posts]

I'm getting sick and tired of society promoting sex as the "ultimate" experience. It's not. I feel like a complete degenerate and disgusted after sex no matter how attractive the woman is. I feel its a fucking waste of time. Recently, I heard that sex originally wasn't meant to be for pleasure but I can't find any studies on it. The point here is that I want my mind off of sex because the more I think about sex, either I'm thinking of fucking some random girl like a degenerate or watch porn and relapse which I do not want. I want something that snaps me out of my sexual urges and see that sex isn't fucking goal in life here. Pic related sort of helped.

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>I want something that snaps me out of my sexual urges and see that sex isn't fucking goal in life here

For example, food is essential for survive but it isn't fucking everything in life. Sure I need it to survive but it isn't the holy grail that's going to change my life like some other people who are addicted to food see it. I understand eating triggers dopamine and dopamine = pleasure but that doesn't fucking mean I'm going to pretend eat my hand while looking pictures of pizza online or be obsessed and think of food 24/7.

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Consider that females are bags of slowly rotting flesh-and-bones, even full of microbes or viruses, their ass produce shit, excrement, their lips and toughe aren't very hygienic either!

Summon images of repulsion, bones and tendons when thinking of sex, visualize internal organs, so on.

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OP it sounds like you want a healthy relationship with a reliable girlfriend. That way you have your emotional and sexual needs met and you can focus your attention on other things in life.

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>sex as the "ultimate" experience. It's not.

>I feel like a complete degenerate and disgusted after sex no matter



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Stuff like this is so funny and mindblowing. We are literally just bacteria on a rock in space, but since we experience it from the first person it seems more important than it really is. But our consciousness is what allows us to view it from the 3rd person and make observations like ops pic. Truly amazing.

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Holy fuck your pic pisses me off. Reductionist garbage.

>You seem to think that romantic love is actually real. Romantic love is a chemical response..

No, you fucking retard. Romantic love is an intense REAL experience constructed of chemicals, altered thought patterns and a whole bunch of other changes in the body. If you see a beautiful sunset do you smirk to yourself and say "heh that's just rays of light." If you do anything in life or experience anything in life and then deconstruct it into its constituent parts you will find it less significant. That's because the experience itself is what you are supposed to attach value to. Do you enjoy the amino acids and calories in an ice cream or do you enjoy the sweet taste. Fucking teenage tier entry level nihilism.

To address the OP; what you're describing is quite unusual. Most people feel pretty good after sex. Maybe you've associated the same disgust you had with yourself after masturbating or watching pornography with all sexual activity. Do you feel the same if you're with a girl you have real feelings for? If you really can't get over this I'd suggest setting yourself a mission you can be totally engrossed in. You could probably focus your libido into self improvement or do that sexual transmutation shit.

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File: 5ebfd0bb24be322⋯.jpg (22.01 KB,480x600,4:5,1384701289385.jpg)


>We are literally just bacteria on a rock in space

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File: 119842da24173e5⋯.jpg (28.61 KB,636x344,159:86,lunatic asylum.jpg)


>we have invisible essences inside of us

>controlled by an imaginary friend

>who lives in the sky

>but he's real I swear

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File: aba267d738582d8⋯.jpg (147.85 KB,920x1280,23:32,HENRY SACHEVERELL.jpg)


May as well just kill yourself since you're just a bunch of cells

You'll reach a point in your life where you'll come out of your edgy nihilist atheist phase and finally understand that God exists.

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File: 01dce95d8e86479⋯.jpg (215.77 KB,710x886,355:443,Transcendence.jpg)






Love does exist. Why try to devalue everything by calling it a chemical process? Everything that is matter can be reduced to the terms of physics, biology, and chemistry. And? Really, the Entzauberung is one of the greatest sins of modern times.

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I will say though that the reason that most men love their girlfriend more than their normal friends, and vice versa, is purely because of sexual attraction. I think that's what he was trying to say. If you take the sexual attraction out of it it's just a regular friendship.

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I'd say now a days romantic love has been put way above other forms of love, and at the same time all expressions of love have been portrayed as bad.

>Paternal love->pedofilia, or indoctrination or something

>Friendly/Platonic/Comraderie love-> What are you gay?

And so forth, and love is now to like someone a lot, the part about respect, honor, responsibility has been downplayed.

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Fucking christians…

Learn how mythology works already you fags.

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File: 785920d50293f35⋯.jpg (14.74 KB,220x261,220:261,AMEN.jpg)


Triggered lad?

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File: a0448b3f4a933f9⋯.jpg (74.46 KB,850x400,17:8,quote-the-whole-earth-perp….jpg)


Kiss my grits

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File: 38ad00686732c75⋯.jpg (21.66 KB,367x500,367:500,1410520955226.jpg)


Don't worry, kid. You'll grow out of that phase soon.

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File: 33fd63479a0056e⋯.jpg (7.55 KB,231x218,231:218,hhh.jpg)


>I feel like a complete degenerate and disgusted after sex no matter how attractive the woman is. I feel its a fucking waste of time

1. You're literally gay

2. You're masturbating and incorrectly calling it "sex"

3. You're paying hookers for sex

4. You genuinely have brain-damage, are unhealthy and your dick isn't working properly

5. You're a virgin who fell for /b/ + /r9k/ memes

6. You had sex once and it was a bad experience with a hooker

That's the best I can do to explain this sort of shit.

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What? Its the truth.

I'm not trying to devalue life's experiences, but you have to be real about whats we are and how we work.

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File: f876589788cfd85⋯.webm (58.89 KB,350x295,70:59,1405123192655.webm)


>Its the truth

wtf i hate christianity now

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It's not the truth. You're not bacteria, you're a complex organism striving for even greater complexity. Bacteria is a much simpler form of life. You do have a lot of bacteria in you though so I suppose that could be what he meant. The earth isn't a rock either. It's a planet.

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Sure we are more complex, but its basically the same thing. We struggle, we consume, we reproduce, we die.

You can easily picture bacteria under a microscope doing the same thing. At the very heart of things that's what we are, just on a much larger scale. (And a lot more activities between the reproducing and the dying.)

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Kill yourself. Just do it.

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File: fc347e4b6b43408⋯.jpg (48.27 KB,720x540,4:3,2cuvIHj.jpg)


I bet you see yourself as that Hero too. Hey, why don't you bestow upon us poor folks more boons from this "Atheism" religion of yours, kiddo.

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Just because of I'm self aware of my status as a microbe doesn't mean I don't think life is amazing.

Its like watching a movie, you don't stop enjoying them just because you learn the process that goes into making them.

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It's not a book about heroes, but thanks for letting me know you have no intention of reading it, that way I can laugh at your dumb ass even harder.

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>calls people dumb ass

>is an atheist

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>has a superiority complex

>still has imaginary friends

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File: 162cb653e10f142⋯.jpg (71.39 KB,500x500,1:1,056L13132_6QZXL.jpg)



>Shills a religion and random books no one cares about on a Singaporean website dedicated to discussing Choson oil paintings

>Accuses others of superiority complexes

Atheists be funny

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>A book nobody cares about

Dude, are you actually serious? Do you even know who Joseph Campbell is? If you actually took the time to educate yourself on spiritual matters instead of spewing "PRAISE JAYSUS" every 5 minutes that's like the first book you'd be pointed to; that's how bad christians are.

Wait, why the fuck am I arguing with christians?

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Oh, and just by the by, no, I don't watch anime, no, I don't wear a fedora, no, I don't think I'm enlightened (though a toddler is more enlightened than you, so there's that.) Thank you for providing my argument some strength with some always welcome (if inaccurate), ad hominem, though.

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File: 4f4abfff32f6ba8⋯.png (504.02 KB,748x521,748:521,truck.PNG)

tfw you will never experience

>taking a girl's first kiss and virginity

>marrying her

>no condom, no pill, all-natural, happy, baby-making sex

>smoking a joint with her in an old rusty truck while the kids are inside asleep

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>Shills a religion

But I'm not the Christcuck though

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Please stop, I'm trying NOT to fap.

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File: ccf9af0e465ccc5⋯.jpg (32.06 KB,460x460,1:1,christianity summary.jpg)

File: 9fdb80cdcf876fe⋯.jpg (19.88 KB,478x355,478:355,dark ages.jpg)

File: fa8ed16438decb5⋯.jpg (42.29 KB,384x480,4:5,christianity summary 3.jpg)

File: eee9ee29e8fd05e⋯.jpg (110.61 KB,599x848,599:848,christianity summary 2.jpg)

File: 61151bf32c8dc4e⋯.jpg (52.14 KB,517x621,517:621,christianity cuckoldry.jpg)


of course he does

so do unicorns, mentioned 11 times in the bible

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File: a8f62b2263bb495⋯.png (55.59 KB,725x232,25:8,christianity summary.png)

File: 002bbceb5d324c3⋯.png (63.62 KB,802x419,802:419,christianity is proto marx….png)



>read more than 0 books in their lifetimes

pick one


>believes in magical fairies in the sky with beards

>believes in talking snakes

>thinks himself not a dumbass

you are on the wrong board, visit >>>/asylum/


>displays a superiority complex

>accuses others of superiority complexes

Never change SJWs.

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You aren't a microbe, anon.


>tfw you will never experience

Why not?

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>Hurr he doesn't like sex and doesn't put women on pedestal so something is obviously wrong with him


You're fucking retarded.

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>le dark ages maymay *tips fedora*

You might want to look into the collapse of the Roman empire. The Christians weren't the cause. Christian monks actually hid away and defended the important recorded works of the empire from the Huns who tried to burn everything they didn't like when they pillaged Rome. The dark ages would have actually been a lot worse and much harder to recover from.

Also trying to quantify "scientific advance" through a retarded graph like that takes a special kind of euphoria.

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>hurr he doesn't like sex

That's not the issue.

OP said he "feels like a degenerate" after sex. This doesn't make any sense, why would someone feel degenerate after sex in a healthy/loving relationship? OP is either lying or he has serious mental problems.

OP said he also "feels disgusted at sex" and he feels like he's "wasting time"— this sounds more like psychosis, or OP is mistakenly calling his Fapping Sessions "sex".

Healthy human adults don't feel disgusted after having sex with someone they are interested in. Is OP going to gay-glory holes and then regertting it later? Ok I understand that. He has mental problems. But a normal healthy adult doesn't think this way.

Basically OP sounds like Eliot Rodger's who developed the same "disdain" and "disgust" for sex [despite never having any] and even argued that no one should be having sex at all.

>he doesn't put women on a pedestal

so? and? what does that have to do with anything? If you have a normal view of women sex should feel fine. If you put women on a pedestal I guess sex might feel better? If you hate women and are a faggot then ya maybe you'll feel some regret afterwards

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>A virgin calling another anon a virgin

>All that useless text full of damage control but no credible arguments with back up

Holy shit I have never met a fucking virgin loser who watches too much porn. Its funny how you mention other people but not your own experiences because you know damn well you haven't seen a vagina in your life.

What happens to OP is understandable. There is a physiological reason for this. After orgasms, serotonin levels drop. Dopamine levels rise up during orgasm then drop after orgasms. Prolactin spikes up and makes the person not be interested in sex for a short while. This is needed for the body so it can recover. OP is interpreting this as "disgust".

>Basically OP sounds like Eliot Rodger's who developed the same "disdain" and "disgust" for sex [despite never having any] and even argued that no one should be having sex at all.

He never even said that you fucking retard. He said sex isn't the ultimate experience and heard that sex wasn't meant for pleasure. No where did he fucking said no one should be having sex.

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>sex is disgusting , it is degenerate and is a waste of time!!!! REEEEEEEEEE

Is very different than simply saying "sex isn't the Ultimate Experience and point of Human Life" which basically everyone agrees with…

OP is brain-damaged. That's that.

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>There is a physiological reason for this. After orgasms, serotonin levels drop. Dopamine levels rise up during orgasm then drop after orgasms. Prolactin spikes up and makes the person not be interested in sex for a short while.

It makes them less horny, it doesn't make them hate sex and become repulsed at what they did. That's what fapping to beastiality might do to some basement dwelling faggot.

After I have sex, ya I'm not horny, but I literally feel euphoric, proud and happy for a few hours later… if I don't immedately fall asleep.

What OP is talking about is something bizarre and psychotic. Not normal, or healthy.

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>I-it doesn't happen to me so its obviously not true

Many people feel guilt and disgusted after orgasm and its nothing new. Maybe OP isn't a beta cuck who wants to focus on purely on sex and wants to focus on other things. Successful people have done that before, and I'm guessing OP wants to be celibate which is great because orgasms are orgasms no matter what. You still lose minerals like magnesium and zinc after orgasm which are essential for your body and health. But go ahead, keep replying with more shit posts full of projection.

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>I literally feel euphoric, proud and happy for a few hours later…

Spotted the virgin. Go back /r/Nofap. Let the adults handle this thread.

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>I'm getting sick and tired of society promoting sex as the "ultimate" experience. It's not.

Clearly the rational response is to think of sex as disgusting and a waste of time that should be totally avoided!

>I heard that sex originally wasn't meant to be for pleasure but I can't find any studies on it.

Sex is designed to be pleasurable to motivate procreation and mate-bonding. If it physically or mentally hurts you go see a doctor asap.

>The point here is that I want my mind off of sex because the more I think about sex, either I'm thinking of fucking some random girl

so meditate, get some self-control and self-awareness, write down your goals, take little steps each day instead of going cold-turkey and failing over an dover etc… sounds like sex isn't your actual problem but how your mind relates to it, how you think about it.

> I want something that snaps me out of my sexual urges and see that sex isn't fucking goal in life here. Pic related sort of helped.

Instead of demonizing sex you could try to approach this problem rationally. If your libido is too high you could take drugs that lower it, like benzos.

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>first there was nothing, and then it exploded

Scientism is a religion, no, it's actually worse than one.

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Go full monk or marry a religious prude.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> The dark ages would have actually been a lot worse

I'm sure they would!

2016, pisstians still believe that without rabbi Yeshua and his 12 buttbuddies sheepherders we would have lived in sub-saharan african conditions.

>There is a physiological reason for this. After orgasms, serotonin levels drop. Dopamine levels rise up during orgasm then drop after orgasms. Prolactin spikes up and makes the person not be interested in sex for a short while. This is needed for the body so it can recover.

So you've never had sex.

If you did, you'd know that unless vid related happens, post-sex/orgasm/coitus the male feels amazing.

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>first there was a bearded man then there were light, fish, birds and shit

>he got bored so he origami'd a male out of dust

>he broke one of his ribs to make him a female

Nice "intelligent design" theory you got there: Eve was made from 1 rib but today males have a symmetrical number of ribs on each side.

Looks like mathematics wasn't yahweh's forte…


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>post-sex/orgasm/coitus the male feels amazing.

t. never heard of post-coital depression

>ITS 2016

kill yourself

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Why do we have to argue about religion? People can believe what they want as long as it doesn't hurt others

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>t. never heard of post-coital depression

t. woman/omega

sex is bad for you


because christianity is a mental illness (like all religions) (like all semitic belief systems and ideas)

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File: ddb0d74d2cbf46d⋯.png (449.03 KB,576x792,8:11,ddb.png)



I was 14 once and thought everyone was dumb except me too. I grew out of it and hopefully you will one day too.

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Do you have nothing better to do with your life than spam the same shit on this board day in day out?

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File: e9754f6730d5a9e⋯.gif (11.17 KB,501x585,167:195,1304772423.gif)


>Sapolsky was born in Brooklyn, New York to immigrants from the Soviet Union. He was raised as an Orthodox Jew and spent his time reading about and imagining living with silverback gorillas. By age 12, he was writing fan letters to primatologists. He attended John Dewey High School and, by that time, he was reading textbooks on the subject and teaching himself Swahili.[3]

>Sapolsky describes himself as an atheist.[4][5] He stated in his acceptance speech for the Emperor Has No Clothes Award, "I was raised in an Orthodox (Jewish) household, and I was raised devoutly religious up until around age 13 or so. In my adolescent years, one of the defining actions in my life was breaking away from all religious belief whatsoever."[6]

Remember that the Ashkenazim are much more pre-disposed to schizophrenia themselves. To hear of autistic Atheists shill and associate themselves with these kinds of people is unsurprising, to say the least.

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no you just became one of them

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>everyone who disagrees with me is dumb

>see you just disagreed with me that makes you dumb xd

>oh no I am by far the smartest person on earth

It must be difficult for you to deal with being fucked in the ass by your priest when you were 6 so I understand why this subject is so sensitive and triggering for you.


>how to: 20 fallacies in 1 single post

the post

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File: b0841d15e512764⋯.png (116.87 KB,500x597,500:597,if-you-see-this-image-whil….png)


I'm sorry I struck such a nerve with you. I guess not everybody can handle that level of euphoria.

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File: befe27b511e14b3⋯.jpeg (44.27 KB,600x450,4:3,befe27b511e14b3cd39a8b73d….jpeg)


>That fucking graph

Any retard that takes a graph with no vertical scale or measurable data (what exactly counts as a "scientific advance?") needs to stop trying to pretend to have any authority on intellect.

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>only Christians believe in god

>you have to be part of a mainstream religion to believe in god

Pleb, when you move out of your Christian parents house you may discover there are more ways of thinking than the two you've been exposed to thus far.

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post more fedora images, it's making everyone think you are really smart

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It's to make the atheists look dumb, dumbass.

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I looked for an appropriate reaction image but I could find quite the right one, just know that you are a fucking moron.

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Cool story bro.

p.s. Cry more bitch

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Don't argue with him. He's probably that godless commie that believes that daddy (the state) should pay for his mathematics degree. Or maybe you're him. I don't know.

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File: 02a93bdd740e9ad⋯.png (223.42 KB,800x600,4:3,fedora-linux-9-desktop-scr….png)


Well, if you insist

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I'd suggest an MMO really.

The grind puts you into a state of mind where you're too busy to even think about sex stuff, and with VLC player on another monitor or in always-on-top on the same screen creates even more of a distraction.

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MMO's (especially Korean ones) are full of fapbait material. Wouldn't advise it if you're of weaker will.

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Quality thread guys.

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Yeah let's swap one addiction with another. Video games in general are in cahoots with fapping. You play a game, you lose, you get frustrated - what do you do? Fap. Fap to feel better after losing.

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That's exactly what happens with me. It's extraordinarily pathetic to get a mad at a fucking game. I think fapping causes pettiness. When I was 10 and I started fapping I could already feel myself becoming increasingly petty and superficial. I didn't know what was causing it but it scared me.

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Fucking retards in this thread holy shit.

I feel exactly the same way OP. I'm a virgin yet feel immense peer pressure thanks to the internet and media to get laid.

I have a porn addiction that I'm trying to get rid of and I'm addicted the pleasure I get from orgasm. After it I feel disappointing with myself and I've wasted a colossal amount of time. If I fap I just lay in bed fapping all day.

I've been struggling with that for weeks now, whether or not I should have casual sex. Maybe it's the lack of physical contact or the lack of love. But everyone in this thread are gigantic retards. I'm just astonished at the quality of the answers to OP's genuine problem.

I think that despite society promoting free sex between anybody and everybody, it doesn't make us happy. I don't know if you should save your virginity for the one you will marry (despite me wanting a virgin to share my first time with) or that you should only have sex with your close friends (and only be friends with those who you respect and share similar morals). Ignoring the problem with STDs and the quality of women you are having sex with, I fear that if I participate in debauchery I'll become a slave to it much like I am to pornography.

I'm not advocating polyamory because of the risk of pregnancy and the fact that hedonism is not fulfilling. Porn isn't fulfilling is it? And the need of women who will share their body with you to validate you as a man is fucking pitiful.

It's a matter of choice and what kind of life you think would fulfill you. For me? I want to own my wife. And as a consequence for wanting that she must own me too. The only reason one would delve into promiscuity is if one was seeking pleasure. But why not just masturbate? Ah but you gain validation if a real girl would have sex with you. Unless you were using her to satisfy your lust, in which case you cannot control your urges. And have little self control.

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>Recently, I heard that sex originally wasn't meant to be for pleasure

I'm not sure what you mean by "for" or "not for" pleasure. Sex has always been extremely pleasurable and addictive. It's what ensures the continuation of every sexually reproducing species. Once upon a time our entire lives were nothing but searching for food to continue surviving. It was a very mechanical and dry existence. One of the only things that actually felt pleasurable and good was sex, and naturally everyone wanted to have it

>I'm getting sick and tired of society promoting sex as the "ultimate" experience

I agree, it's a drug addiction with extremely temporary effects on pleasure

>I feel its a fucking waste of time

It is. In order to get the drug you have to put in more work than you would to acquire any other drug. It is the unique kind of drug addiction that forces you to change your life path to acquire

>The point here is that I want my mind off of sex because the more I think about sex, either I'm thinking of fucking some random girl like a degenerate or watch porn and relapse which I do not want. I want something that snaps me out of my sexual urges and see that sex isn't fucking goal in life here

You could benefit from a chastity device. Combine it with goals, hobbies, and progress. There's no real mental trick you can use to make you not want to have sex women. You either have a sex drive or you don't. The only thing you can do is divert your sex drive and focus

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>I don't know if you should save your virginity for the one you will marry

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Do work.

Exercise, taxes, car maintenence, pushups, organizing your fridge, setting up a game night with friends, cleaning your room, working a job, working a second job, etc.

Do things that make it nearly impossible for you to think about sex. Use the sex drive to create positives, rather than endorse the negatives.

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sex increases your testosterone levels dramatically and thats the only reason I'm even doing no fap. No fap is not no sex, for me anyway

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Sex does cause increased testosterone but it only lasts a short time. Nofap causes a sustained increase in testosterone. Having sex and ejaculating ends all of the positive effects of semen retention on testosterone, making nofap useless for testosterone. Nofap is still good for porn addiction and dopamine, but combining it with sex isn't ideal for testosterone

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>love isn't real, it's just chemicals

>nothing is real, it's just chemicals

>why even bother with anything anymore


Nigger, reducing human life to "just chemicals lol" never works, nor ever will.

Read any of Dostojevskij's works. Notes from Underground said the most against this sort of bullshit.

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>muh chemical responses

this is one of the most judaic arguments there is. pic related


>I want something that snaps me out of my sexual urges and see that sex isn't fucking goal in life here

well you should already know that sex is meant for procreation only. no matter how bad the urge is, you will know in your heart that this is true. you just have to have faith that you are making a good sacrifice by resisting the urges, and trust that your future self will be thankful

to "snap out of it" you just need to control your mind. practice meditation daily (this will also work to prevent the urges from popping up in the first place) and realize that you are not your urges. eventually they will be like a slight breeze blowing against a rock; they will not be the master over you. you can also transmute that energy into other things through alchemy, e.g. turning sexual urges into distilled willpower that is directed towards self improvement. read the kybalion for basic info

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>religion is:

>1. theorize that there is a higher power at work (make paintings of a guy who has magic powers)

>2. treat theory as gospel and interpret future data to fit the theory

fool, you have it backwards

this is what religion actually is:

>1. collect data - real irrefutable phenomena that can be observed

>2. form theory that is simply a logical successive amalgamation of the data that has been collected, then attribute the word "god" to said amalgamation (make paintings that are nothing more than personifications that aid in the understanding and interpretation of natural and metaphysical phenomena through metaphorical means)

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>Convince me out of sex

Just read Pythagors, Plato, Aristotle. They were redpilled. Or read any book on Brahmacharya. Vedic Hindus were redpilled before anyone else were.

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Nofap out of spite.

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Go do other shit, op.

Read a book. Play the Witcher. Just don't watch CuckTV

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who have pedo?

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Stop looking at porn. Stop masturbating. Eventually your sick fetishes will leave you

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True. One of the bigger misconceptions of psychology today is that "fetishes" are permanent once acquired. Reality couldn't be further from the truth. "Pray the gay away" actually has a lot of wisdom in it. Fetishes are acquired by perversion of sexuality (which can be due to porn etc) and to undo those perversions, stop doing the actions through which you acquired them in the first place (i.e. stop porn/masturbation cold turkey). Ignore the urges, focus on other things. A little painful at first but eventually they go away. You begin to see women as human beings and not as sex objects or certain body parts.

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make white babies.

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what about mgtow

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>smoking weed

Take it from a former and still recovering stoner that shit is cancer and will kill your fucking brain.

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WE literally have a thread or two up full of scientific data that states you are wrong. Benefits of nofap aren't High T, you only get a spike after 7 days and then it goes away. The biggest benefit is an axing of estrogen receptor growth and restoration or androgen receptors to proper order.

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Thanks King Fedora.

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>see our (((science))), you don't get any T benefits after a week, so treat your hand like a vagina and keep on self mutilating yourself with masturbation and feeding your degenerate fetishes. Oh and peer reviewed (((science))) thinks porn is not actually bad for you, see this (((Harvard Study))). Also recent (((science))) shows pedos and trannies are not mentally ill, you bigot.

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underrated post

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