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 No.1145 [Last50 Posts]

Neuroscience Speaks: How Using Porn Destroys Your Brain

Neuroscience now knows that willpower is a function of the prefrontal lobes of the brain. Scientific studies have also confirmed that using porn over and over actually reshapes these areas of the brain, literally eroding our willpower and our moral compass.

Neuroscientists call it hypofrontality. Hypofrontality is a state in which there is decreased blood flow to the prefrontal lobes of the brain. Hypofrontality is observed in schizophrenia patients and is also observed in all manner of addictions.

“Compulsiveness is a good descriptor of hypofrontality. Many porn users feel focused on getting to porn and masturbating even when a big part of them is saying, ‘Don’t do this.’ Even when negative consequences seem imminent, impulse control is too weak to battle the cravings.”

The porn-addicted brain has trouble thinking logically. When impulses and desires come from the midbrain, instead of being moderated, the brain feels these desires as compelling needs. The prefrontal region is supposed to be able to weigh consequences and situations and judiciously shut down cravings, but hypofrontality means the addict’s ability to do this is impaired.

The more one masturbates to porn, the more dopamine is released in the brain. Eventually dopamine receptors and signals in the brain fatigue, leaving the viewer wanting more but unable to reach a level of satisfaction. The viewer becomes numb to things once considered pleasurable. “To escape this desensitization, people, and men especially, expand their pornographic tastes to more novel stimuli,” Black writes. This leads, again, to more fatigue.

To bring the prefrontal lobes back into working order, a two-pronged attack is needed: (1) the old neural pathways must be starved, and (2) new neural pathways must be built and fed, increasing dopamine levels in a way that build up the prefrontal cortex.


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Viewing porn shrinks the brain: Researchers find first possible link between viewing pornography and physical harm

Study showed striatum was smaller the more porn someone had viewed

The striatum is a brain region linked with motivation and reward response

For the study, Dr Kuhn and her colleague Jurgen Gallinat from Charite University, also in Berlin, recruited 64 healthy men between the ages of 21 and 45 years and asked them questions about their porn-watching habits.

They also took images of the men’s brains to measure volume and to see how their brains reacted to pornographic pictures, says the study published in JAMA Psychiatry journal (must credit).

They found noticeable differences in the men who abstained compared with those who regularly accessed sexual videos or images.

Dr Kuhn said ‘We found that the volume of the so-called striatum, a brain region that has been associated with reward processing and motivated behaviour was smaller the more pornography consumption the participants reported.

‘Moreover we found that another brain region, that is also part of the striatum that is active when people see sexual stimuli, shows less activation the more pornography participants consumed.’

However other researchers claimed that pornography in moderation was probably not damaging.

‘Dr Gregory Tau of the Columbia University, said: ‘Everything is going to be bad in excess and it’s probably not terrible in moderation.’

Dr Tau, who was not involved with the study, said more research was needed, in particular longer studies to determine whether porn leads to brain changes.

He said ‘It is possible that there are individuals with a certain kind of brain that are more susceptible to these kinds of behaviours.

‘Or, it’s possible it’s the excessive use (of porn) that’s perpetuating itself to causing brain changes. Or, it could be both.’

Dr Kuhn said other behaviours, such as driving a taxi are linked to changes in brain size and functioning.

‘Basically everything that people do very frequently can shape their brain structure and function’ she added.


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Porn May 'Shut Down' Part of Your Brain

Watching pornography would seem to be a vision-intensive task. But new research finds that looking at erotic movies can actually quiet the part of the brain that processes visual stimuli.

Most of the time, watching movies or conducting any other visual task sends extra blood flow to this brain region. Not so when the movies are explicit, the researchers found. Instead, the brain seems to shunt blood — and therefore energy — elsewhere, perhaps to regions of the brain responsible for sexual arousal.

Turns out, the brain may not need to take in all the visual details of a sex scene, said study researcher Gert Holstege, a uroneurologist at the University of Groningen Medical Center in the Netherlands.

"If you look, for example, at your computer and you have to write something or whatever, then you have to look specifically and carefully at what you're doing because if you don't, it means you make mistakes," Holstege told LiveScience. "But the moment you are watching explicit sexual movies, that's not necessary, because you know exactly what's going on. It's not important that the door is green or yellow."

Anxiety vs. arousal

The brain can either be anxious or aroused (or neither), Holstege said, but not both. During orgasm, he has found, activity in brain regions associated with anxiety plummets. This phenomenon may explain why women with low levels of sexual desire often have high levels of anxiety, Holstege said. It makes sense; if you're looking around, focusing on visual details, scanning for danger, it may not be so easy to focus on arousal, he said. [The Sex Quiz: Myths, Taboos and Bizarre Facts]

"If you yourself are in a very dangerous situation, whatever the reason, you don't have sexual feelings, because you have to survive for yourself, not survive for the species," Holstege said.

Brain-scan research had previously turned up hints that explicit sexual images might quiet a brain area called Brodmann's area 17, also called the primary visual cortex, a region that does the first processing of incoming visual information in the brain. The data was spotty, however, and no one had looked into the question in women's brains.


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Masturbating to porn can cause panic disorder and physical withdrawals after orgasm

"You have to remember that compulsive PMO actually changes your brain. The limbic/pleasure part of your brain grows, while the prefrontal cortex–the part that controls logic, critical thinking, and articulateness–tends to diminish.

I've seen evidence of this in my own life. Despite having a lot of knowledge about the topics that interest me, I sometimes find myself stumbling over my words or having trouble articulating what I'm thinking–and I believe that's because of PMO."


Reddit users attempting nofap get panic attacks, hospitalized, and sent on an ambulance after passing out

"After around 100 days I was doing great as well, but I had a panic attack at work that came, really, out of nowhere. I was so intense that I FAINTED and had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance. I had only been on the job for 4 months so this was very embarrassing. I think in my case, I didn't know how to deal with tough situations without the help of fapping/overeating/alcohol - all three of which I had been without for quite some time. I don't know, I've been without alcohol for almost 3 years, cigarettes for two - the fapping withdrawals were the toughest."

"After that I had more panic attacks due to hypochondria and ended up in the mental hospital after developing intrusive suicidal thoughts. I got out without taking any medication and was fine for a while after that. I had consecutive 3-4 day no PMO streaks but kept relapsing- I wouldn't really call them streaks."










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Watching Porn Linked To Less Gray Matter In The Brain

To answer that question, German researchers recruited 64 men between the ages of 21 and 45 who watched an average of four hours of pornography per week. The researchers did MRI scans of men’s brains while showing them a mixture of sexually explicit images and non-sexual imagery. Their research was published May 28 in the journal JAMA Psychiatry.

"Our findings indicated that gray matter volume of the right caudate of the striatum is smaller with higher pornography use," the researchers wrote in the journal article, referring to an area of the brain associated with reward processing and motivation. Men who watched more porn also showed less activity in another area of the striatum, called the left putamen, which usually lights up in response to sexual images.

Heavy porn consumers also had a weaker connection between the striatum and the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain associated with decision-making.

"Dysfunction of this circuitry has been related to inappropriate behavioral choices, such as drug seeking, regardless of the potential negative outcome," the researchers wrote in the article.


Pea brain: watching porn online will wear out your brain and make it shrivel


For most of you, you can keep fapping. Just don't fucking watch porn. Ever.

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How porn is rewiring our brains

Along with a great number of porn users, they had rewired the arousal pathways in their brains. “Pornography,” writes Doidge, “satisfies every one of the prerequisites for neuroplastic change,” – that is, the brain’s ability to form new neural circuitry. The most important condition is the release of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that gives us a feeling of exciting pleasure, which porn triggers. The more often you watch porn and get the dopamine hit it delivers, the more the activity and the sensation become entwined in your brain.

Doidge puts it like this: “since neurons that fire together wire together, these men got massive amounts of practice wiring these images into the pleasure centres of the brain.” And, “because plasticity is competitive, the brain maps for new, exciting images increased at the expense of what had previously attracted them.”


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Can porn shrink the brain?






Porn Connoisseur

[Pin It] You're never alone with a laptop.

Credit: Zurijeta/Shutterstock

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The brains of men who watch lots of pornography tend to be smaller in certain key areas and have fewer connections than those of other men, a new study has found.

The differences appeared in a brain region called the striatum, which is associated with reward and motivation.

"Since the striatum is part of the brain network that is known to respond to sexual cues, one can assume that this reflects a blunting of the reaction to erotic stimuli," study co-author Simone Kühn, a psychologist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Germany, wrote in an email to Live Science.

But although the findings are suggestive, it's not clear that watching porn actually causes men's brains to shrink. Perhaps men who watch a lot of porn are different in some underlying way from those who don't, and that could explain the smaller size, experts said.

Sexual disorder?

With the rise of the Internet, people can now anonymously access pornography at all hours of the day with just the click of a mouse. [Hot Stuff! 10 Unusual Sexual Fixations]

"This has fostered the pervasiveness of pornography use and raises the question of whether it has any effects on brain structure and function," Kühn said.

Some psychologists argue that porn-watching is harmless, while others claim porn is bad for mental health and can spiral into sex addiction. (The most recent version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the DSM-5, doesn't include sex addiction as a separate disorder.) [Top 10 Controversial Psychiatric Disorders]

A 2013 study in the journal Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology, found that people who reported problems controlling their urge to view sexual images did not display brain patterns that are characteristic of people with addictions.

But even behavior that doesn’t rise to the level of an addiction or disorder can still be problematic, said William Struthers, a neuroscientist at Wheaton College in Illinois, who was not involved in the new study.

"We now need to acknowledge that this fits somewhere on a pathological spectrum," with some people affected relatively little by porn, while others may have their relationships and life compromised, he said.

Brain scans

To assess the effect of pervasive porn watching on the brain, Kühn and her colleague, Jürgen Gallinat, a researcher at the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Germany, placed 64 healthy men in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner, and measured the men's responses to sexual and neutral images. On average, outside of the lab, the men watched about four hours of pornography a week, with some of the respondents watching nearly 20 hours a week and others watching none at all.

The avid porn watchers showed lower activation of reward circuitry in the brain (as suggested by lower blood flow to certain brain regions) in response to the sexual images.

When their brains were at rest, they also had smaller grey matter volume in areas of the brain, such as the striatum, associated with reward processing and motivation, compared with men who watched less porn.

Past research, detailed in 2012 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, suggested watching porn can quiet a brain region that processes visual stimuli called the primary visual cortex.


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The symptoms of pornography addiction withdrawal are similar to withdrawal addiction symptoms from substances like alcohol, cocaine and heroin.

Many porn users in Utah and across the United States can find comfort knowing that other people are experiencing similar symptoms as they go through the withdrawal process. In general, some porn users have few symptoms, but others report severe symptoms.

The symptoms of pornography addiction withdrawal are similar to withdrawal addiction symptoms from substances like alcohol, cocaine and heroin.

Utah residents experience pornography addictions, just like individuals in other states. Porn addiction is different from drug addiction, but the withdrawal symptoms are similar because all addictions share certain neurochemical and cellular changes, which influence specific regions of the brain. The brain releases more dopamine for a new mate than a familiar one. It’s logical that porn triggers a neurochemical roller coaster in many brains because it’s like the individual is experiencing new partners.

Pornography addiction often causes highs to feel great and lows to feel really dark. This up and down is a withdrawal symptom many addicts experience. Furthermore, this symptom is not just physical; it’s emotional, too. Changing emotions can take over your thoughts and change your perception of the world. However, there is hope. Many men who suffer from these deep lows report seeing large improvements after being without porn for a while.

Pornography addiction withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, poor concentration, depression, social isolation and loss of libido. These symptoms can take days to occur, but might last for months to years.

Pornography addiction causes a chemical imbalance in the brain, which is much more than a moral weakness. The brain and body can heal, but it’s just like any addiction. Similar to other dependencies, a small dose here and there — even if infrequent — often renews the cycle.

Porn users in Utah and across the nation can be startled by the severity of their withdrawal symptoms when they stop using porn. These symptoms serve a purpose and help individuals understand the physical addictiveness of this type of dependency. It may take months to fully recover, but it’s important not to compare progress with anyone else.

If you or anyone you know is suffering with or recovering from a pornography addiction, consider working with one of Utah’s trained specialists that can help you or a loved one receive the proper care.


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Old brain pathways: Compulsive habits, addiction and stress

Humans are incredibly adaptable, brilliant learners. Advances in neuroscience show that we have a brain that is capable of changing itself [1]. While this confers enormous survival advantages, it also burdens us with unintended consequences: We can be reprogrammed to take pleasure from and crave almost anything.

This is no secret to Madison Avenue. Advertisers sow discontent, a kind of an itch that can be scratched only by designer handbags, sweet foods laced with chocolate, or hot videogames – all of which stimulate our pleasure centers, opening the door for addictions.

Fortunately natural, low-cost techniques can activate our innate recharging, healing, and self-soothing systems: the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS); the cuddle hormone, oxytocin; the calming neurotransmitter, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA); and feel-good endorphins. When we feel threatened, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) revs up, preparing for fight or flight, increasing heart rate and respiratory rate and heightening tension and alertness. Once danger has passed, the SNS should stand down while the PNS turns on to slow the heart and respiratory rates, relax the mind and body, repair damaged tissues, reduce inflammation, and induce feelings of safety. Unfortunately, in this high-stress world, our SNS is overactive, while its counterpoint, our PNS, is underactive. How can we amp down the SNS and crank up the PNS?

It is a fact that the PNS can be turned on by warm fuzzies: stroking, petting, hugging, holding a teddy bear, walking in the woods, yoga, qigong, meditation, or loving thoughts and feelings. Giving and receiving caretaking and helping others also mobilize the PNS [3]. In addition, warm fuzzies increase the release of oxytocin, the neurohormone that facilitates bonding. Moreover, activating the PNS increases activity of GABA, the inhibitory neurotransmitter, and improves the ability of regulatory centers (prefrontal cortex and insular cortex) to control the over-reactivity generated in the emotion processing centers (amygdala and hippocampus). Many addiction treatment programs include community service because helping others fosters a sense of meaningful connection, self worth, and the ability to experience the healthy addictive pleasures of giving.

There's more good news. Changing the pattern of our breathing is probably the fastest way to jump start the PNS and thereby increase oxytocin and GABA [4]. For most people, breathing gently at three to six breaths per minute with equal inhalation and exhalation induces a calm, alert state within 10 minutes [5]. This pattern has been called coherent breathing or resonant breathing because it induces the optimal balance between the SNS and PNS – a calm, alert, focused state of mind and synchronization of brain waves with respiration and heartbeat. Furthermore, breathing at this rate maximizes the amount of oxygen the lungs extract with each breath, leading to enhanced sports performance.

Many yoga and meditative practices include breath awareness and changing the pattern of the breath as a means to quiet the fluctuations of the mind, balance emotions, and improve stress resiliency [5,6]. Brain scans show that yoga and meditation can increase the size of critical brain areas and increase GABA activity [4,7]. Pilot studies are also indicating that mind-body practices can alter the expression of genes. One such study found that over time mind-body practices that elicited a relaxation response changed the expression of more than 1,000 genes, leading to altered metabolism, reduced production of destructive free radicals, and improved response to oxidative stress [8]. The iconic immutable DNA blueprint is giving away to evidence that many genes can be turned on (up-regulated) or turned off (down-regulated) by environmental events. Genomic research brings hope even to those with unfavorable polymorphisms. Changes in gene expression may be proven to underly many of the benefits that flow from mind-body practices, including resistance to addictions.


tl;dr any habit to the point of stress could cause addiction/withdrawal, which would require a long term break to let the brain repair itself

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Internet pornography by the numbers; a significant threat to society

Teenagers with frequent exposure to sexual content on TV have a substantially greater likelihood of teenage pregnancy; and the likelihood of teen pregnancy was twice as high when the quantity of sexual content exposure within the viewing episodes was highviii.

Pornography viewing by teens disorients them during the developmental phase when they have to learn how to handle their sexuality and when they are most vulnerable to uncertainty about their sexual beliefs and moral valuesix

A significant relationship also exists among teens between frequent pornography use and feelings of loneliness, including major depressionx

Adolescents exposed to high levels of pornography have lower levels of sexual self-esteem


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The growing epidemic of children addicted to Internet porn

Kids as young as 8 years old have become addicted to pornography.

Pornography has been the bane of many American communities for decades. With the advent of the Internet the problem has become exacerbated. Most parents are aware of the dangers of pedophiles, but other dangers lurk online that are just as potentially damaging to children–especially children between the ages of 8 to 12 years old.

Internet pornography has destroyed careers, broken up marriages and led to financial ruin … and those are just the downsides for adults who became addicted. Now a growing trend has emerged of addicted children–kids as young as 8 years old–who have become exposed and addicted to pornography.

Although the trend only surfaced a handful of years ago, research has already been done that draws very ominous conclusions. What has become apparent is the fact that if this new addiction among children is not addressed and quickly halted it can not only destroy the child's life, but destroy the American culture and society as well.

This article will present a very brief synopsis of the efforts of some of the people leading the charge to counteract this trend towards self-abasement, destruction and ruined lives. From learned psychologists and family counselors to esteemed neurologists and the clergy, the lines have been drawn and the battle is beginning for the hearts an minds of America's children–not to mention their souls.

Addictions are an insidious thing and often involve an insidious process. Neurological studies of children who have become addicted to Internet porn (including brain scans) has revealed that the physiological changes in the brain of a porn addict almost exactly match those who are addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Addictions change the physiology of the brain. An addiction especially has a deep impact on those brains between the ages of 8 to 12 that are still developing. This is the latest demographic group now becoming exposed and immersed to "sexting" (sexual flirting via text messages), user group "orgies" and triple X-rated pornography sites on the Web.


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More than 50 percent of men now look at pornography regularly, thanks to easy access and constant bombardment of images on the Internet. Men cannot go online without seeing air-brushed provocative women inviting them to click. Twenty-five percent of Internet searches are related to pornography, and one-third of all who look at porn on the Internet are women.

Looking at pornography frequently is an addiction. Yet society looks the other way at pornography, dismissing it as harmless “men’s entertainment.” The pornography industry renamed itself the “adult entertainment industry” to create the perception that it’s just entertainment. The reality is that porn is extremely addictive, and along with the addiction comes life-destroying side effects. It puts the addict into a creepy bondage that affects the lives of those around him or her. It is not a victimless crime. It has become a chilling epidemic that is ruining the minds, families and jobs of possibly half the men in the country.

Although porn eroticizes male supremacy and degrades women, it is ironically women who are responsible for instituting this laissez-faire attitude toward porn. Feminists in the 1960s ushered in a sexual revolution of anything goes, free love, free sex. Sexologist Alfred Kinsey also played a major role normalizing porn. He performed research on subjects that included a high percentage of pedophiles, inmates, sex offenders, pimps and prostitutes. He claimed his results proved that men need deviant sexual behavior and that it is normal. His findings were widely adopted in schools and universities and by psychologists, even though it became well-known later that he was a deviant himself who welcomed the sexualization of children. Culture theorist and author Jackson Katz explains what is wrong with normalizing pornography: “It normalizes the men’s pleasure-taking as it sexualizes the woman’s degradation.”


Internet Pornography Addiction is it a social epidemic or something more

Pornography is the most popular type of content available online. Every single second, 372 internet users type pornographic search terms into various search engines.

With the internet being so prevalent and widely available all over the world, it has made viewing pornography much easier than in the past.

About 12% of the internet is pornographic websites and about 42% of internet users view porn. The largest sections of people that view these pornographic sites are men in the ages 35 to 49.

Perhaps nothing in the mental health world has been more hotly contested than the extent of pornography’s addictiveness. Addiction is a term often bandied about rather carelessly, as we often label too much of anything an addiction.

Medically, a substance is addictive if and only if an addict experiences both physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms when the substance is no longer available.

Another component of addiction is the desire for more and more of the substance to achieve the same “high.” While many users of pornography have experienced symptoms that would classify pornography as an addiction, there’s still no substantiated proof that porn addiction actual exists.


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"How does it feel that you're participating in the great cuckold social experiment of the 21st century?

There's something anons and normies both have common ground in: Watching porn.

Internet porn is the great generational divide. It's the reason why this generation can tolerate a fuck of a lot less compared to previous generations. We're not the kind of people who can fight a war. We're not supposed to be this much fucking invested in sex. I think the idea that humans are built on sex is a modern oft-repeated lie. Historically, people never felt the need to do it this much, culture wasn't so built on sex and vulgarities until now. Everyone has the addiction to some degree. you can't even say anything remotely off otherwise it's innuendo.

Anime is a good example of this. Look at anime pre and post Internet porn.

Jews always operated by attacking sexuality. We're seeing irreversible damage. The libido was overridden and replaced with addiction."

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Alright! I already know how bad porn is for my mind, problem is, I don't give a shit once the urges start, I have like zero willpower, the longest I've gone in the 2+ years I've been trying this is only 20 fucking days…

How can I strengthen my will?

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The "addiction" part of noporn is easy if you fap. The porn withdrawals is the worst thing I have ever experienced in my life.

As for your question, your will is going to be strengthened when you start feeling the depression and it's unlikely that your dick will work after a certain point, putting you in forced nofap.

Nofap people tend to fuck up because they go on a rollercoaster of relapsing: nofap, pornfap, nofap, pornfap. It's insane. There's also no scientific or medical evidence to support nofap.

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I don't want to wait until my fucking dick stops working I want to quit NOW

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You can quit porn nigga. I'm just telling you that this is how you stop fapping.

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Wednesday, 10 July, 2002 Israel bans porn on TV

The Israeli parliament, the Knesset, has banned cable and satellite broadcasters from showing pornography.

In a rare display of unity, Arab members voted alongside right-wing and religious Jewish parties in favour of the bill.

The measure tightens a loophole in the law after television channels were prohibited from transmitting pornography last year.

Until now, cable and satellite companies had still been able to offer pornographic material on pay-per-view television.

Religious members of the Knesset argued that pornography was based on the exploitation of women and children and encouraged slave trade in women.

National Religious Party (NRP) member Zevulun Orlev, who sponsored the bill, said the measure was not "religious, but cultural and social".

'State censorship'

Left-wing and secular parties condemned the move, saying the law was tantamount to state censorship.

Eliezer Zandberg, of the secular Shinui party, said the law "brought Tehran and Jerusalem closer", referring to state control of the media in Iran.

Only three women voted in favour of the bill, while four others opposed it.


Women push pornography, nothing new here. Ever notice how feminists like to pretend porn doesn't exist? Jokes are not OK, but video footage to watch, is.

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Pornography: The Jewish Secret WMD

On February 15, 2015, Chris Hedges posted a lengthy article entitled, Pornography Is What the End of the World Looks Like. In the article Hedges claims how porn humiliates women who are portrayed pleading to be physically abused.

Hedges said:

“Women in porn are packaged commodities. They are pleasure dolls and sexual puppets. They are stripped of true emotions. Porn is not about sex, if one defines sex as a mutual act between two partners, but about masturbation, a solitary auto-arousal devoid of intimacy and love. The cult of the self—that is the essence of porn—lies at the core of corporate culture. Porn, like global capitalism, is where human beings are sent to die.”

However, in order to be attacked by organized Jewry, Hedges is very careful not to point a finger at the Jewish porn mafia which dominates the world’s $100 billion porn industry.

Professor Joshua N. Lambert ( University of Massachusetts) in his 2013 book Unclean Lips: Obscenity, Jews, and American Culture, admits that Jews dominate the porn industry. Lambert claims that he was influenced by Jewish authors, such as Philip Roth, Adele Wiseman, Edward De Grazia and Walter Kendrick, who were “obsessed with Jewishness and sex.”

In 2002, when Ramallah was under Jewish army siege, the Israeli army captured three of the four Palestinian TV stations. It used these TV stations to broadcast pornographic movies to Palestinian households in order to demoralize Muslims and Christians living in the West Bank.

When the US and its absurd allies occupied Iraq for Israel in 2003, Baghdad was flooded with porn DVDs and books within six months.


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/pol/ go home. Porn was big in ancient Rome, and Greece.

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Made by jewish potters. Fuck off kike.

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There's no comparison between that and video/Internet porn.

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Anime fans are similar to heroin addicts, displaying the same symptoms of addiction: Anxious, always on edge, anti-social, social anxiety, panic attacks, unable to empathize, have difficulty with facial expressions and social cues.

It doesn't actually create autism per se, it creates an addiction that manifests in similar symptoms. People can just tell that you seem like you jacked off to hentai one too many times.

Being addicted to porn, gambling, looking at your cell phone, etc. causes your brain's wiring to only derive pleasure from those things. If you do only one thing for a long time, your brain will optimize itself to only get pleasure from it. Chemical dependency is actually the weakest part of any addiction. The brain goes back to regular chemical regulation within 1-2 weeks. The real problem is the long term neuroplasticity from months/years of constant downregulation and dopamine pathway abuse. With the more fucked up porn you watch, you've trained yourself to derive reward from it, and you're going to want to keep that pathway lit up.

You can say you're not an addict, but I'm sure you've never been without hentai for a couple weeks just to see if you could. You'd start breaking down and begging to get your fix. Ever notice how anime fans and porn fans tend to pick one or another? It affects the same areas in the brain responsible for reward. Jews will fuck you up with porn, japs fuck you up with anime.

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Being trapped in an endless cycle of wanting sex, watching porn and feeling like shit afterwards is exactly what the feminists intended. Porn successfully pacifies the male sex drive and replaces it with an addiction for porn.

It's called a sex drive, not a masturbatng to porn drive.

Feminists have successfully used porn to destroy family and replace it with an irrational desire for watching a slut behind a camera. Porn is the feminist's method of supporting capitalism by keeping family-less men and women in the workplace, occasionally baited by porn and casual sex to keep the market going. Feminism is inherently anti-natal, with suicide as the goal. The future feminists won't be white, they will be muslim, and we all know porn is haram. Feminism is a suicide bombing on western civilization.

All porn is kek porn - masturbating to porn and being a kekold is doing the same thing.

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>tfw you'll never live in the pre-Internet porn world again

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>To bring the prefrontal lobes back into working order, a two-pronged attack is needed: (1) the old neural pathways must be starved, and (2) new neural pathways must be built and fed, increasing dopamine levels in a way that build up the prefrontal cortex.

So for the number one, don't fap or do fap but don't fap to porn? And for number 2? How do I build new neural pathways that give me dopamine in a way that builds up the prefrontal cortex?

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You can fap, just never watch porn. If you relapse, do NOT fap to porn, a relapse should be one or the other. The absolute goal is never watching porn again. Once you're noporn, nofap should be a breeze.

When an irresponsible addict starts a drug, he quits everything he loved, because he feels no motivation for those activities - the drug monopolized his reward system. This also fucks with memory, so you'll have to re-learn everything you liked to do if you're far into the addiction hole.

Addiction works the same way whether it's a drug or a habit, to the point that compulsive gambling has been said to be as bad as a heroin addiction. Things aren't actually addictive in itself, but it can be if you let it. The brain just tends to adapt and optimize around dominant pleasure sources. And even though it's theoretically possible to be addicted to anything, most things don't have addictive potential like porn or heroin does.

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Shut up and drink your red bull, while posting on a Chan for 16 hours straight. Just not this Chan.

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This is like blaming the Jews. It's stupid and irrational. Porn exists because people like it. It existed in ancient Rome in the form of live shows. You can't blame feminist for porn.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's actually a hilarious way to mess with the enemy. Broadcast pornography at them. That's hilarious, and actually a pretty harmless stunt. Have you watched Palestinian television? It's all kill all "blow yourself up" this and "the Jews and Christians" that. Porn is a clear improvement.

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The brain registers all pleasures in the same way, whether they originate with a psychoactive drug, a monetary reward, a sexual encounter, or a satisfying meal. In the brain, pleasure has a distinct signature: the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the nucleus accumbens, a cluster of nerve cells lying underneath the cerebral cortex (see illustration). Dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens is so consistently tied with pleasure that neuroscientists refer to the region as the brain’s pleasure center.

All drugs of abuse, from nicotine to heroin, cause a particularly powerful surge of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens. The likelihood that the use of a drug or participation in a rewarding activity will lead to addiction is directly linked to the speed with which it promotes dopamine release, the intensity of that release, and the reliability of that release.

Over time, the brain adapts in a way that actually makes the sought-after substance or activity less pleasurable.

In nature, rewards usually come only with time and effort. Addictive drugs and behaviors provide a shortcut, flooding the brain with dopamine and other neurotransmitters. Our brains do not have an easy way to withstand the onslaught.

Addictive drugs, for example, can release two to 10 times the amount of dopamine that natural rewards do, and they do it more quickly and more reliably. In a person who becomes addicted, brain receptors become overwhelmed. The brain responds by producing less dopamine or eliminating dopamine receptors—an adaptation similar to turning the volume down on a loudspeaker when noise becomes too loud.

As a result of these adaptations, dopamine has less impact on the brain’s reward center. People who develop an addiction typically find that, in time, the desired substance no longer gives them as much pleasure. They have to take more of it to obtain the same dopamine “high” because their brains have adapted—an effect known as tolerance.

It is not enough to “just say no”—as the 1980s slogan suggested. Instead, you can protect (and heal) yourself from addiction by saying “yes” to other things. Cultivate diverse interests that provide meaning to your life. Understand that your problems usually are transient, and perhaps most importantly, acknowledge that life is not always supposed to be pleasurable.


Reward dependence is characterized as a tendency to respond markedly to signals of reward, particularly to verbal signals of social approval, social support, and sentiment,[1] and learning to maintain and pursue behaviors which were previously associated with such rewards.[2] When reward dependence levels deviate from normal we see the rise of several personality and addictive disorders.

In psychology, reward dependence is considered a moderately heritable personality trait which is stable throughout our lives. It is an inherited neurophysiological mechanism that drives our perception of our society and the environment. Even though we are born with these personality traits, their expression during our life span can be modulated throughout our development.


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Maybe /nofap/ isn't for you.

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File: 1449617744908.jpg (183.77 KB,2382x1536,397:256,porn-addiction-brain-scan.jpg)

Both drug addiction and sexual addiction represent pathological forms of neuroplasticity along with the emergence of aberrant behaviors involving a cascade of neurochemical changes mainly in the brain's rewarding circuitry


"It has been found that deltaFosB gene in the NAc is critical for reinforcing effects of sexual reward. Pitchers and colleagues (2010) reported that sexual experience was shown to cause DeltaFosB accumulation in several limbic brain regions including the NAc, medial pre-frontal cortex, VTA, caudate, and putamen, but not the medial preoptic nucleus. Next, the induction of c-Fos, a downstream (repressed) target of DeltaFosB, was measured in sexually experienced and naive animals. The number of mating-induced c-Fos-IR cells was significantly decreased in sexually experienced animals compared to sexually naive controls. Finally, DeltaFosB levels and its activity in the NAc were manipulated using viral-mediated gene transfer to study its potential role in mediating sexual experience and experience-induced facilitation of sexual performance. Animals with DeltaFosB overexpression displayed enhanced facilitation of sexual performance with sexual experience relative to controls. In contrast, the expression of DeltaJunD, a dominant-negative binding partner of DeltaFosB, attenuated sexual experience-induced facilitation of sexual performance, and stunted long-term maintenance of facilitation compared to DeltaFosB overexpressing group. Together, these findings support a critical role for DeltaFosB expression in the NAc in the reinforcing effects of sexual behavior and sexual experience-induced facilitation of sexual performance. … both drug addiction and sexual addiction represent pathological forms of neuroplasticity along with the emergence of aberrant behaviors involving a cascade of neurochemical changes mainly in the brain's rewarding circuitry."

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Brain scans of porn addicts: what's wrong with this picture?

Teenagers' brains are especially plastic. Now, 24/7 access to internet porn is laying the foundation of their sexual tastes. In Beeban Kidron's InRealLife, a gripping film about the effects of the internet on teenagers, a 15-year-old boy of extraordinary honesty and courage articulates what is going on in the lives of millions of teen boys. He shows her the porn images that excite him and his friends, and describes how they have moulded their "real life" sexual activity. He says: "You'd try out a girl and get a perfect image of what you've watched on the internet … you'd want her to be exactly like the one you saw on the internet … I'm highly thankful to whoever made these websites, and that they're free, but in other senses it's ruined the whole sense of love. It hurts me because I find now it's so hard for me to actually find a connection to a girl."

The sexual tastes and the romantic longings of these boys have become dissociated from each other. Meanwhile, the girls have "downloaded" on to them the expectation that they play roles written by pornographers. Once, porn was used by teens to explore, prepare and relieve sexual tension, in anticipation of a real sexual relationship. Today, it supplants it.

In her book, Bunny Tales: Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion, Izabella St James, who was one of Hugh Hefner's former "official girlfriends", described sex with Hef. Hef, in his late 70s, would have sex twice a week, sometimes with four or more of his girlfriends at once, St James among them. He had novelty, variety, multiplicity and women willing to do what he pleased. At the end of the happy orgy, wrote St James, came "the grand finale: he masturbated while watching porn".

Here, the man who could actually live out the ultimate porn fantasy, with real porn stars, instead turned from their real flesh and touch, to the image on the screen. Now, I ask you, "what is wrong with this picture?".


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When you're getting off porn or gambling, you basically have to replace your addiction with another one. In other words, you need a healthy hobby.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good video, required watching for /nofap/

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that was pre internet porn. jews and internet pornography are highly linked.

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Speaking as a "sex addict" it was never about the sex. It was about the hunt. It's like gambling. I don't think your fapping addiction is all that related. You know what they call it when you have near daily sex with one partner? Well it's not called addiction.

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What? Look Jews and blacks and all things entertainment are highly linked. If you don't like Jews and blacks go throw out your record collections and delete all the movies off your dvr.

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Between live sexual performances and video?

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Thank you for posting this, this was the kick in the ass I needed to drop that degenerate habit.

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Director Seymore Butts tells you the Truth about what really happens in Porn


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Maybe it should be.

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>all this withdrawl shit

I'm scared anons

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It's more scary when you don't do anything about it.

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I've kind of extended this to all of media. Existential cuckoldry. All aspects of the self relate in someway to observing other peoples live an illusory life.

Take my life, PLEASE

I want to add some thoughts on why we have this dichotomy of seemingly loose women and yet fearful and scared introverted men. Now men do in fact over-report their sexual prowess, and womens slutty outward behavior is mainly social status competition. I in fact take the idea that 10% of men fuck 90% of women with a grain of salt. Sex is more talked about than done as far as I am concerned. The "sexual-market" approach as your pic describes is a flawed way of viewing the world. Not to mention the most reliable way of getting sex is in fact a long term partner, there is way too much extraneous and unpredictable relatively to hooking up. Its all illusion and as far as I care, its to make us all insecure consumers who buy more so we can become seemingly more attractive.

In our modern life we have nothing really tangible to fear. Yet one primal and sensual thing we still have with us is sexual appeal. With our idle fear system we then attach fears to sexuality, even our "sex-positive" SJW culture is a manifestation of this fear and puritanism. And it is appropriate to follow that this fear response is disproportionate to the phenomenon.

And for men, this is who gets hit with the fear the hardest, as there is nothing else in our time to occupy the fear system, no big wars or measures to prove social worth and so if there is a situation in which sexuality can be expressed (no matter how pithily.) safely, then it will be taken. Its why so many men "go their own way". And also the escapism, you get to cum without having to face the butterflies and the self-doubt and character growth that is necessary to face when attracting someone.

Men are the major subjects of fear, its why courage exists, the ability to act in spite of it. But when we have such a sterile environment, we take whatever gives us a primal sensation, and attribute fear to it and this is our bodies overreacting since we are evolutionarily borne out of an environment that would have consisted of so much more to be fearful of. This is the same mechanism that explains allergies in our modern time.


This. A huge issue is people conflate porn with fapping itself. Or they think that horny energy they feel is even a bad thing, sublimation is the name of the game. This is why romantic love is so important, it sublimates a base primal thing to a divine level.

If you are concerned you are going to flatline and your dick will fall off: Cui bono? What is this benefit that you will even miss? I am considering this with video games, my main fear of quitting vidya is I won't have an escape to mentally regress to. Rationally, this is not itself something to be missed. If all your dick was used for was masturbation, all the good for you its gone. This is hypothetical of course, the only way nofap can kill your penis for good is if you practice it long enough to become impotent via old age. Fundamentally you should either be able to sublimate your emotions into something more meaningful and/or use that time to find someone who would actually want to ride your dick.

Suffering itself is a driving force, and in a sense whatever you may suffer is a healthy response, just as our desire for porn itself COMES from a healthy place. Upon further inspection it is the media and society that is sick, and the varying reactions we all face are expected and natural.

Now I don't want to be misunderstood, I only mean healthy in the sense that you are not some lovecraftian monster for having attraction to porn, but that does not excuse it. Because we are talking about the RESPONSE to porn, not porn itself. Yeah its a part of my body that I like sugar, its healthy to sense the nutrition found in fruit, but can we extend that to its healthy to be attracted to chocolate bars? Well where that desire comes from is itself healthy, and here we land at the idea of corruption.

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I don't agree with the "it's OK to fap" idea. Orgasm is still extremely addictive. Yes, that means sex is addictive. Does that mean I'm anti sex? Take it as you want. The reason the researchers won't admit that masturbation is also harmful is because that would be spitting in the face of the sexual liberation movement that has been alive since the days of Playboy. The idea has always been that you should fuck all the time and there's nothing wrong with it and most people get really triggered if you argue against that.

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I've been wondering for a while, but how long would it take for your brain to be rewired. And also does text count as porn?

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>how long would it take for your brain to be rewired

Usually 1 to 3 months. Depends on how long you've been doing it.

>And also does text count as porn?

Yes. Everything outside of your imagination or an actual girl in front of you is porn.

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How long would it take if it's been 8 years?

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Yes it does shrink the brain, and then you get these stupid liberal news sources saying it doesn't cause that. And people believe it!!! People are idiots.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I despise LARPfags but honestly NS music is fucking amazing. Please check out this stuff,

This music is inspiring and is mentally rejuvenating.

BTW most of these were written before Hitler ever came to power, so calling them "natsoc" is a little bit erroneous. Anyway, great music. European people need to make music like this again, fucks sake! You also don't have to agree with "Nazism" to like this music, either.

Also, you can find similar songs from all over Europe, not just Germany.

***(It's harder to find high quality marching songs in other languages,

because modern versions suck and Germany mostly stopped recording this stuff post-WW2)***







This music comes from a time before men started to become cucked and weakened. They engender (no pun intended) masculinity and toughmindedness.


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I think calling it nationalistic music is a better description, anon.

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>Trannylover and pedo


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Can the effects be reversed by abstaining or will my brain forever be depleted?

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why wont we take dopamine pills straight to the anus?

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Yes. Your brain will heal and rewire itself if you abstain for a few months.


You are free to try heroin suppositories. It will kill your sex drive but you will be in an even bigger world of shit.

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This stuff should be stickied for newfags to read.

A ton of important info.

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I don't watch hentai or anime, but your argument is still on point about the brain optimizing itself.

That's fucked and scary.

Thanks for that.

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I know this is so normie but

I really wish I wouldve listened to my mother and church leaders about not watching porn and masturbating

You don't know degeneracy until you've fapped to CP.

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>he watches Jewish (read: any) television and movies

>he listens to black """music"""

>If you don't like Jews and blacks go throw out your record collections and delete all the movies off your dvr.

Already done, mate

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>Only one link is not blocked in Germany

Thanks, Jewtube

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So what theres no going back I'm completely fucked?

Why even bother with this shit then?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>its like blaming the jews

Well gee, I wonder who owns 90% of the porn industry.

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it's called neuroplasticity you retard

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This whole thread is a massive blackpill if you've been addicted to this shit from a young age.

Day 7 and going strong.

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Very, very good post.

>Upon further inspection it is the media and society that is sick

It's a tad bit deeper than that. It's on a spiritual level.

You have to heal your self from whatever bad energies you have been exposed to that you didn't have to capacity to love your self out of, and only then you can begin to handle the energies with neutrality instead of being drawn down from it.

It's like being able to mend a note on your flute that you've never been able to hear clearly. When you can hear it sounds good, everything you've suffered with foul tones suddenly makes sense. You are spot on about the fear aspect of it.

Much masturbation is the process of letting off the steam/energy that build up and one drains oneself from giving up of something without love. It's really bad spiritual practice to do that.

I'm still mending my flute. Godspeed anons.

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Pictures of what are basically stick figures having sex painted on pottery is not the same as constant unlimited access to videos of every type of porn imaginable on the Internet. You're fucking retarded.

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About my experiences with addictions and my positive experiennces:

I have been through a lot of shit as many anons here admit too and as I look back I see that redpilling has done more good than bad to me. Soma anon claim that it generally made them depressed and sad about everything. True, its a major stage of learning truth. I admit I cried like a baby for days after David Irving videos and Greatest Story Never Told and it took a good month to see it more neutrally. Taking more and more time to educate myself instead of playing games. After a while I realised how worthless many videogames became to me. Nowaday I just open Steam, look at my game list with like 20 games at most like: Nope, boring, repetitive, too much time, not worth it, why did I buy this… And most of my day is browsing for knowledge and of course fun. Cut all my ties from social media. No faceberg, no twatter. Only for direct messaging. You see its two step forward and one step backwards. Wasting time on forums is not good either so Im trying to sort my attention for better threads. Like this one. So here I am browsing /pol/ all day and now I decided for /nofap/ from today. Hopefully the PC habit will lower and I can free up time for all the books Ive been piling up and neglecting. I have no idea what treasures I have been sitting on.

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I have cried too. It's only natural to react to the feelings we discover. There's nothing wrong with honest sorrow. I guess what truth reveals to us is something along the process of being true to our core - our nature which is the strongest part in us. We laugh, we cry. We aspire to reach a higher vibration not only for ourselves, but the whole earth.

That's true emotions. The energies we simply are a channel to, leaving nothing in want or neglect behind for ourselves.

It's not good to be lured into the perversity. It's simply downgrading. I believe I have reached to my point of realization why masturbation is bad, and especially porn. It's basically playing along a very bad tune.

Also, sacrificing something doesn't mean you cut it away from your life. It means you make it sacred.

I believe sexual energy is something very primal in us. As such it is good to honor that accordingly and if you simply observe it for what it is, you don't have to react on it. That way you might even get to see let the magic play out, instead of bowing your head to the perversion you thought was real.

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I need to address something.

If you really feel bad about fapping. Ask yourself why.

If you genuinely want to stop watching porn - then ask yourself why.

If you're addressing your habit as an addiction and if you 'relapse' - ask yourself why.

To me the answers come quite naturally.

Why do I want to stop fapping?

Because I feel sad afterwards. There's nothing wrong with honest sexuality and attraction, but the perversion ruins what would have been something good and pure. Leading me to the next question.

Why am I fapping to porn?

Because it fuels my drive to cum. I have not once fapped and cum without being turned 'on'. The trick always has been being something perverse. Something >wrong< that had to be there, as an EXCUSE to be led astray to cum, because always knew it felt wrong.

Actually, I have never once cum when having sex with a woman, either. I never could be turned truly 'on' to the point of surrendering.

I have a drive to discover a partner intimately. Alas, I need a true partner to do that. But, it's only a desire, and as such not really important whether or not I will do that, because of circumstances.

Thankfully, these insights have been making it easier for me to realize why I have fapped. My fetishes have over and over again been expanded and have been revealed as excuses. Excuses to believe in the illusion of desire. Thankfully I have not been led too far down the path of perversion to forget in what direction home is. Having a strong sexual drive only made the ride bumpier.

I want to make my energy sacred. To discover my sexual drive in reality isn't something important. What I was looking for was to be loved.. Real love. Connection devoid of the illusions of perversion and desire. A free flow of energy with no loss to myself or the other. The expression of a pure heart. That, also, sexually.

When I 'relapse' it is simply happening out of poor mismanagement of my resources. Energy re-accumulates and scars can heal, but it's true you lose something every time you do not give it out of love. And the perversion is what corrupts us. Porn, in its essence, is perversion. This is why porn is bad.

Take anything pure, as a school girl or boy, young, unsullied bodies and spirits and put them on a suggestive display and there you have it. Something that corrupts is better without. Therefore it is best not to believe in it as being true to you.

When you realize you are true to your nature you gain everything. When you realize you can not obtain the school girl out of desire, only then you can bask it is beauty and joy without losing it, because you love it, just as you would be able to love you grandmother for her loving care and time she spent with you. The idea of connecting with something pure is good and true to your self. To desire it and obtain it is not. Knowing you would be able to enjoy something pure makes you heal. Looking for someone pure is understandable and not wrong.

Forgive yourself for not being strong enough when you give in to the perversion. Accept your mistakes and learn from them. Grow stronger in the belief that you have seen it for what it is, and you know what will happen if you give in once again. Something once overcome with love can not control or hurt you even if it tries to approach you.

Most importantly, the thing that makes it 'bad' is what makes it perverse.

School girls, for instance, are cute and possibly attractive for what they are. There is nothing wrong with this just as people who honestly are attracted to you make you shy and flattered. There is nothing wrong with this.

People who want to own and control you out of their own fears or desires make you hurt and afraid for being objectified. This is not good for you. Had those people understood what attraction really is would have made them honestly attracted to you. Also, when you realize how the play is written, you can act accordingly and not be drawn into it. Because, in reality, it's only a game, and not according to our true nature. Though it is true sex can be seen as a play of energies, and thus also seen as a game, it is at least not setting you up against your partner, as you can achieve greater heights together than alone.

The hardest part here lies in how you perceive your sexuality. If you first can live to accept how you react to behaviors and stimuli, then you can discern what is good and bad for you, and then act upon it..

I have been taking my progress very slow. The cold turkey is hard for me, though I am happy to know I have realized it is where I am heading. Some day it will simply happen.

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I am very happy to realize I have been turning down the frequency of faps, and I have been very happy to experience how I simply didn't care about porn any more.

It's a process, and believing you HAVE to do something is not the same as realizing what is good for you and acting upon it. Also, a lot of us didn't have the circumstances to do better than we have, so forgiving our selves for our transgressions of our nature always takes first priority. Then, when we realize what made us do it, we realize there is nothing left to forgive.

That way, even if you 'relapse' you will not accept defeat, but simply be ready to accept and love your flaws as well as your strengths, just as true courage only comes when the fears are faces in the darkest hours. Raising your vibration and making new leaps possible.

Peace and love, guys. Peace and love.

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considering i first saw BDSM shit at 9 or 10, doesn't really surprise me. I knew what bondage was in 2nd grade. i knew how to keep my viewing hidden from parents tho. was a little computer whiz. :D my parents raised me well, they monitored me, and whatnot, i just at the time didn't understand what i was looking at. i didnt think pornography actually when i was a child. my brain was kinda innocent in That way. until i saw the more… objectifying side of it, and more sadistic side. i look at that as the beginning of my curiosity, and descent into addiction to porn. i found all sorts of weird shit when i was 9 or 10. furries, (i hated them, especially after seeing disgusting shit) animegao kigurumi(not porn) BDSM, etc. was on fucking wikipedia and wikis for fucks sakes. a child never stood a chance of not seeing fucked shit… and now its worse than it was then! that was the dial up era. now we have broadband internet, where it is at your fingertips.

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I didnt fap for three months when I was at Parris Island, and I didnt develop any superpowers.

If you are going to nofap, do it for religious/moral reasons. Don't expect any major bodily changes.

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There is so much fear and guilt connected to sex, and few overcome it early enough to be able to teach their children about it.

Having strict and caring parents are increasingly important. Knowing what I have been through I wouldn't be surprised I wouldn't let my child browse the internet before I have shown him what isn't good for him and how to avoid it

Rather I would make him/her grow up in beautiful surroundings with art that would show him/her pictures of art where the female and male body are displayed beautifully and graciously, as in classical art and tell him why he's not allowed to be let loose on the internet before he's clear about why. That the place is trying to corrupt him to lose his innocence and make him desire others for cash and kicks.

To supply other things like refined sugar and caffeine given to developing children is downright wrong. Telling your kid that a healthy interest in sex is natural but that it fucks with your development and makes you unable to relate to and interact with the opposite sex naturally if you abuse it. Also telling him/her that getting embarrassed is completely natural and a good thing, because it shows you are pure at heart. Telling him/her others might want to have sex with you and try to play you into having sex with them, without getting any serious relation with them is very common, if not the most common thing out there, because people don't realize it is the norm or people are strong enough to not be dragged into it or react to it.

I would tell my boy that early developed girls might be very pretty, and suddenly almost be alien or frightening to a boy their own age for no particular reason. That you really, really, REALLY want to talk with them, but can feel unable to because you're shy or frightened..

To girls it might be that the shy boys suddenly become very boring and act different or even unnatural towards you, just because you change in physical appearance, or perhaps your whole being changes so drastically that you feel uncertain, sad or angry about others because they can't make you feel like you are the same any more. Maybe older boys become very interesting and that she might want to have sex with them, or fantasize about various situations that might make her feel good.

For girls I can't stress how that 'special' feeling might be the most important part of retaining the 'girl' part of her. That she can keep looking at and appreciate boys or men for their beauty, without acting out of place because of it. One day she will feel like a woman, but not because she had sex or because she would look or try to act like one, but because she had matured into one and could felt like one. Also telling her that sex might not even be important to do so, because being a woman does not take a man, and being a man does not take a woman.

Tell them that for both sexes it's impossible to 'attain' the other. You can appreciate or love it, feel secure or at place around it, but never 'aquire' it or 'dominate' it.

Any kind of stimulant or relaxant are dangerous to give to a child without telling them in advance how it will work on them and that it's not good for them. Porn is one such thing.

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>This is like blaming the Jews. It's stupid and irrational.

Do you really think antisemitism has no basis? Naive, deliberately blind or dumb?

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I sometimes start watching porn when i'm bored or need an excuse to procrastinate. Is this bad?

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It is.

Even if you do not fap it still damages your brain.

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>This is the same as watching Debby take cocks in every possible orifice and being able to access it instantly


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nice misdirect

jews didn't invent porn, and aren't responsible for your consumption of it.

they sell it because there is enormous demand for it. discussing their misdeeds is a minor factor in the story and only serves to distract you from the disgust you have with yourself.

quit complaining about hyenas and be a better lion.

i already know how you'll respond, with more misdirection


of course you're entitled, just like you're entitled to consume porn. you don't do it to improve yourself. it's just masturbation of a different sort.

the jews and women that browse this website will come to despise porn just as much as you do.

the "nationalist" component of nofap is only there for an introductory boost of self-esteem - after you get over you'll realize that more people hating porn means less propagators of porn in the world, less enemies to need dead.

everything you respond with after this are tenfold-removed hypothetical excuses.

>muh resource competition

>muh genetic hegemony

shit that comes from the mouth of a kid who's hardly even left the home yet, if that. from a kid who has IMMEDIATE concerns to excuse away under the guise of "preparing for the future".

>y-you just shill for instant gratification! i'm a pure soul who's prepared for the future!

yeah, whatever. says the guy who's more concerned with the immediate satisfaction of blaming x or y group of people for a momentary bolster.

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that's not the argument he's making.

(it wasn't just rocks, you know. the midget porn that mosaic is depicting existed in real life. who needs porn when you can just enter a bathhouse and wait?)

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Jesus fucking Christ you made a lot of assumptions trying to sound smart there Sigmund Freud.

Go read a bit and open your world view instead of projecting your insecurities on too others. Good starting point, libido dominandi E. Michael Jones.

>everything you respond with after this are tenfold-removed hypothetical excuses

Sorry for starting off as trying too give you a serious reply. Strut your stuff pigeon and shit all over the board.

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>no source on anime being inherently bad for your health

>addiction is just bad

And the fucking sky is blue

Jews fear the Samurai.

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Brothers, the hypofrontality makes me nervous. Years of masturbation could have destroyed my cognitive abilities I assume. I've read a bit through and major skills like problem solving and fluid thinking are dependant on the frontal cortex, which in hypofrontality is starved. (there are some lesser functions but those are, while important, not extremely important) Can I ever get them back? If so I would be extremely happy, but I fear that it is impossible for me to do. The things I've read about hypofrontality suggest that the damage is permanent. This would be a major downer, but at least I'll try to stop getting dumber.

Further, are there any games you guys know that are good for training problem solving? I think that if I can exercise that part of my brain, I can heal it a bit. I'm 20, so I have 5 more years of a relatively plastic brain, and I want to take full advantage of this. I hope I can reverse at least 50 % of the done damage, but I fear it wont be much I can do in these years. Even so, I wont give up.

I have started meditation and sometimes I feel funny in my frontal cortex, so I assume it is good for that part of the brain. I'd suggest doing meditation if you arent already.

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so if im beyond 25 that means im fucked in relation with plasticity of brain and reversing damage that fapping done?

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No, it'll be harder though.

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I am Saseestharan, working as a managing director at Spielemax in Berlin Mitte, my address is Fritz Erler Allee 62, 12351 Berlin, how are you

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I would like to meet girls around Berlin for sex

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Plasticity of the brain is ongoing, which means that you can indeed reverse the damage done. You just need to stop the bad habits now and get working on the good habits.

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hello i have big bob and vagene :)

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Assuming that one is able to /nofap/ and /noporn/ with few or no relapses, and that you're still in your teens, would the brain heal from atrophy over time?

Or is the point just to stop the brain/mental state from getting worst?

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Also how long would it take significantly improve your mental state?

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I think its clear to anyone with an IQ above room temperature that society, as it exists today is absolutely devolved and but a shell of what it once was

You can debate the reasons and causes all you want (but we know (((who))) did it) , but I want to know: How can you develop yourself into something moderately resembling a healthy person, in mind and body, with all the sythetic, fake, and degenerate shit you see and experience 24/7?

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Evola has written an entire book title "Ride the tiger". Further; the best answer is to refuse. Refuse the fake food and entertainment, you certainly can find real replacements. Refuse everything that wants to stimulate you like a Pavlov's dog or a Skinner's chicken. Try to let all that is modern be, and costruct your own existence from an endemic standpoint.

Now, this is very difficult, if not outright impossible in the modern world. We live in a society. You will need to share your environment with others, you probably will work a job in the system, you will go to supermarkets and other stores, you will (involuntary) notice things around you that you wish you didnt. For those things you need to be a rock in a storm. Hold fast and true to yourself.

Further, you probably have grown to depend on the modern world for many things. Your body expects those things like soda and entertainment. It's best to drop them in a 21-day cycle (that's how long it takes before new habits form). You drop soda&cetera and drink only water, coffee, tea, milk and fresh fruit juice. After 21 days, you'll start an exercise; like pushups every time you wake up. Next cycle you remove another thing: you stop watching netflix or anime or so. The following cycle you add reading the classics its impossible to call the classics like the iliad "waste time". And so on. In a pattern of removing something bad - adding something good, (cycles of 21 days) you'll change your life for the better.

The reason you will be doing this pattern is to spread it. In this day and age, there are none that have the olympian willpower to do all of this at once. If you try, you will fail. By doing this in a slower, more long term plan, you will make structural changes that will enhance the quality of your life in the long term.

I hope this was clear, I'll post a list below of things you can "cycle"

To remove


>candy/ sugar snacks

>modern entertainment

>porn/Nofap where_do_you_think_we_are.gif

>music everywhere (this is a difficult one)

>radio (ties in with the previous one)


>other bad habits

To add



>reading the classics

>learning the basics of a language

>skills like map reading, long-distance hiking,

>A crafting hobby

>as much as I hate peterson; cleaning your room (even if it is just putting everything on your desk in place.

>working towards a defined goal

I gave seven defined things each, so that'll last you less than a year (294 days). Try it and you'll see how much will change.

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okay I went 3 days without fapping, i realize that trying it for a massive amount of time at one (eg a month) is impossible at this point, so i'll try and up the day each time to see if this works

next goal: 4 days (wed)

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This Is Your Brain On Parasites

>"the parasite is going to alter dopamine, GABA, glutamate, and other key neurotransmitters at two hundred different places in the brain," said Evans, "so it's not surprising it's going to be subtly influencing human behavior" -or, if the cysts happen to cluster in certain regions, even contributing to psychiatric disease. "I do take seriously these reports of an increase in suicide and schizophrenia related to the parasite."


>inb4 not taking responsibility

I still own my faults/addiction.

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Boom, first day down

3 to go

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good post

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2 to go

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1 day to go and I fucked it up

guess I will try again until I get it right

nofap until saturday

any other tips on not fucking up so bad?

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How exactly have you fucked up, anon?

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Focus all your energy into DOING something rather than AVOIDING something.

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Oh my I came on here way to late

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>To remove

>>music everywhere

Curious - why remove music? What does it do to your brain?

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It is a way of escapism. Many people are really afraid to be alone with their own thoughts and thus put on some music. Is music bad? not really although there are some negro tones What matters is how you approach music. Do you use it to push aside "nasty" thoughts? Do you use songs to sing along with while drunk and with friends? Two very different uses, and they have very different effects.

So if you ever put on music while make a long trip, either by train, bus or car, dont put on any music, and just let yourself notice your environment. Don't isolate yourself.

To conclude: listening music everywhere is a means of escapism and has a very isolating effect.

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Thanks for the reply. I thought at first you meant stopping listening to music altogether by "music everywhere". Makes more sense now.

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not having a defined goal so I was doing random shit until fapping became one of them

i'll make a list of defined shit to do this time

day 1 down

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day 2 down

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day 3

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Have you made

>a list of defined shit to do

, anon? Did it help?

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okay fml I'm hopeless

never wrote one up, stayed up too late to have self control

Will retry this once more from this sunday to the next:

7 fucking days

i have a list, alarms, and people to contact, games to play, active tasks to distract me

if I fuck it up once more I'll just go "fuck it" as it'll be hopeless

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If you have the energy to stay up late then I suggest you exercise.

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after how long can I get joy from the life again? or is it fucked anyway because world is turning into hell for white hetero like me?

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nature works on good enoughs, if you can receive easy pleasure then theres no need to waste energy developing/upkeeping the rest of the brain. to progress is to suffer, to be curious is to feel dissatisfied

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And where are they now?

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> To bring the prefrontal lobes back into working order, a two-pronged attack is needed: (1) the old neural pathways must be starved, and (2) new neural pathways must be built and fed, increasing dopamine levels in a way that build up the prefrontal cortex.

So what do we need to get it in working order? From what I can understand from this phrase is to (1) stop feeding into the porn addiction and (2) take action that directly works on brain functioning.

Can someone expand on this, specially point two?

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>Yfw Israel is actually the one pushing for a more moral society

Am I the only one here that read this?

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only for their own country

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So I've been thinking, are all forms of porn bad, what about looking into pretty girl, or less lewd newds?

Just plainly seeing a sexy girl bad? Where is exactly the threshold?


>cut off foreskin to reduce penis pleasure

>arranged marriages and value of commitment

>ban porn and general degeneracy

really makes you think, should I convert to jude?

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That's it lads, I'm sold, no more pornography, I've consuming this since fucking puberty and I'm 32 fucking yo.

I literally let just a good portion of my whole life pass by in front of my eyes. Balls are already itching, but its goodbye porn collection, if I need to I'll go dry masturbation.

Anyone got any experience feedback from completely quitting porn?


Already got the book, will be reading it eventually, but you got any tl;dr about it?

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>cut off foreskin to reduce penis pleasure

>really makes you think, should I convert to jude?

Dunno, do you really want to castrate yourself so badly for something you can already do without submission?

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>castrate yourself so badly

I didn't mean that, and besides circumcision isn't castration.

But I mean the desirable side of jude, like being part of the caste that rules the world, don't have to worry with money anymore, have arranged marriage and serving wife (or at least a serving wageslave).

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>got any tl;dr about it?

I haven’t even gotten to it yet tbh. Fasting to kill the parasites is all I know this far. Also, high doses of lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil when you do eat to kill them.


>But I mean the desirable side of jude,


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But aren't these just parasites you can kill by using regular medicine?

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Does erotic fiction do the same thing as visual porn?

I write erotic fiction for myself when I'm super horny to prevent myself from looking up porn or fapping. I'm assuming it helps me improve my writing skills aswell as improve my visualization but I don't know.

I put myself in the stories having romantic and sexual encountres with different women and I try my best not to be degenerate but I do admit I might go off board sometimes.

But if it's just as bad as visual porn I should probably stop

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It probably has same effects on the brain, but the visual (porn/hentai) is probably worse, but what affects is the feeling of get hooked one, like the brain going dumb.

I dunno about writing them though, but if I were I'd stay away from degeneracy as whole, its what get us hooked, is what fuck us over and sap our will and motivation.

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Visualizing porn is always damaging, whether it's text or image. Ideally, you should be writing normal fiction instead of erotica. On the other hand, writing smut's still better than just beating one out to random porn online.

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If I only lasted 7 days did I make any progress at all?

Fuck I was doing so good then I made the mistake of sitting down at the computer. Why did I do that you know it only ends one way what was your plan here?

Posting this and getting the fuck out but I would like to know if I made any progress from 7 days. I certainly felt better. Full of energy. Now I just feel like a suicidal loser. Good stuff.

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>Good stuff

Well one week is something but its just the start. Most normies can do with fapping once a week and being sated. I'm afraid this doesn't work for the more addicted of us.

So consider it just a start, take the benefits you saw as a promise to what lies ahead, next try to get to 21 days, its a golden number of nofap and habit building.

I will also try to make this mark now, and it is said that within this mark that the drive starts to settle and we got to normal levels of hormone and brain chemistry.

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>regular medicine?

(((regular medicine)))

Anon pls. Chasing the money changers out of the temple was also an allegory for this. Oil of oregano, garlic, ginger, diatomaceous earth, and activated charcoal also help.

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Can the effects be reversed???

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Read the thread, this exact same question has been asked many times.

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Stickied when

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Garbage for thee and gold to me

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File: 254420ae36eb429⋯.jpg (103.23 KB,960x949,960:949,DbMjtLFWsAA8a66.jpg)


I'm glad I never slid that far down the slippery slope. One year into BBW and SSBBW porn I realized what was happening to me and knew it was not right. I was only seeking new shit too get off too and could lead to scat and eventually snuff CP. Now I feel really bad for pedophiles and child molesters. Chances are they are invisible victims and useful scapegoats of the porn industry.

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Fuck off retard

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This thread is fantastic

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Discipline, better face.

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This is what masturbation literally can do to your brain.

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Reverse the atrophy:

Cut off addictions, get rid of technology, actually do things, exercise, enjoy nature, talk with friends IRL, meditate, eat B vitamins, reduce stress.

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Is this permanent damage? Or will it go away after a long time after not using porn?

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I’m 20 btw


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You’re retarded there’s literally no difference between anime and any television show or piece of medís by that logic. It’s just animated and in fucking Japanese

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You can always heal. Neuroplasticity my friend

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No PMO not masturbation on its own

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After my porn habits kicked in, my ability to do and learn math diminished. The depression kicked in as well, multiplying the effect.

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dubs checked, and I see what you did there.

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