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File: 1448712746168.jpg (77.78 KB,467x350,467:350,brain-atrophy.jpg)

 No.1145 [View All]

Neuroscience Speaks: How Using Porn Destroys Your Brain

Neuroscience now knows that willpower is a function of the prefrontal lobes of the brain. Scientific studies have also confirmed that using porn over and over actually reshapes these areas of the brain, literally eroding our willpower and our moral compass.

Neuroscientists call it hypofrontality. Hypofrontality is a state in which there is decreased blood flow to the prefrontal lobes of the brain. Hypofrontality is observed in schizophrenia patients and is also observed in all manner of addictions.

“Compulsiveness is a good descriptor of hypofrontality. Many porn users feel focused on getting to porn and masturbating even when a big part of them is saying, ‘Don’t do this.’ Even when negative consequences seem imminent, impulse control is too weak to battle the cravings.”

The porn-addicted brain has trouble thinking logically. When impulses and desires come from the midbrain, instead of being moderated, the brain feels these desires as compelling needs. The prefrontal region is supposed to be able to weigh consequences and situations and judiciously shut down cravings, but hypofrontality means the addict’s ability to do this is impaired.

The more one masturbates to porn, the more dopamine is released in the brain. Eventually dopamine receptors and signals in the brain fatigue, leaving the viewer wanting more but unable to reach a level of satisfaction. The viewer becomes numb to things once considered pleasurable. “To escape this desensitization, people, and men especially, expand their pornographic tastes to more novel stimuli,” Black writes. This leads, again, to more fatigue.

To bring the prefrontal lobes back into working order, a two-pronged attack is needed: (1) the old neural pathways must be starved, and (2) new neural pathways must be built and fed, increasing dopamine levels in a way that build up the prefrontal cortex.


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Focus all your energy into DOING something rather than AVOIDING something.

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Oh my I came on here way to late

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>To remove

>>music everywhere

Curious - why remove music? What does it do to your brain?

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It is a way of escapism. Many people are really afraid to be alone with their own thoughts and thus put on some music. Is music bad? not really although there are some negro tones What matters is how you approach music. Do you use it to push aside "nasty" thoughts? Do you use songs to sing along with while drunk and with friends? Two very different uses, and they have very different effects.

So if you ever put on music while make a long trip, either by train, bus or car, dont put on any music, and just let yourself notice your environment. Don't isolate yourself.

To conclude: listening music everywhere is a means of escapism and has a very isolating effect.

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Thanks for the reply. I thought at first you meant stopping listening to music altogether by "music everywhere". Makes more sense now.

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not having a defined goal so I was doing random shit until fapping became one of them

i'll make a list of defined shit to do this time

day 1 down

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day 2 down

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day 3

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Have you made

>a list of defined shit to do

, anon? Did it help?

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okay fml I'm hopeless

never wrote one up, stayed up too late to have self control

Will retry this once more from this sunday to the next:

7 fucking days

i have a list, alarms, and people to contact, games to play, active tasks to distract me

if I fuck it up once more I'll just go "fuck it" as it'll be hopeless

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If you have the energy to stay up late then I suggest you exercise.

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after how long can I get joy from the life again? or is it fucked anyway because world is turning into hell for white hetero like me?

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nature works on good enoughs, if you can receive easy pleasure then theres no need to waste energy developing/upkeeping the rest of the brain. to progress is to suffer, to be curious is to feel dissatisfied

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And where are they now?

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> To bring the prefrontal lobes back into working order, a two-pronged attack is needed: (1) the old neural pathways must be starved, and (2) new neural pathways must be built and fed, increasing dopamine levels in a way that build up the prefrontal cortex.

So what do we need to get it in working order? From what I can understand from this phrase is to (1) stop feeding into the porn addiction and (2) take action that directly works on brain functioning.

Can someone expand on this, specially point two?

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>Yfw Israel is actually the one pushing for a more moral society

Am I the only one here that read this?

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only for their own country

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So I've been thinking, are all forms of porn bad, what about looking into pretty girl, or less lewd newds?

Just plainly seeing a sexy girl bad? Where is exactly the threshold?


>cut off foreskin to reduce penis pleasure

>arranged marriages and value of commitment

>ban porn and general degeneracy

really makes you think, should I convert to jude?

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That's it lads, I'm sold, no more pornography, I've consuming this since fucking puberty and I'm 32 fucking yo.

I literally let just a good portion of my whole life pass by in front of my eyes. Balls are already itching, but its goodbye porn collection, if I need to I'll go dry masturbation.

Anyone got any experience feedback from completely quitting porn?


Already got the book, will be reading it eventually, but you got any tl;dr about it?

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>cut off foreskin to reduce penis pleasure

>really makes you think, should I convert to jude?

Dunno, do you really want to castrate yourself so badly for something you can already do without submission?

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>castrate yourself so badly

I didn't mean that, and besides circumcision isn't castration.

But I mean the desirable side of jude, like being part of the caste that rules the world, don't have to worry with money anymore, have arranged marriage and serving wife (or at least a serving wageslave).

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>got any tl;dr about it?

I haven’t even gotten to it yet tbh. Fasting to kill the parasites is all I know this far. Also, high doses of lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil when you do eat to kill them.


>But I mean the desirable side of jude,


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But aren't these just parasites you can kill by using regular medicine?

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Does erotic fiction do the same thing as visual porn?

I write erotic fiction for myself when I'm super horny to prevent myself from looking up porn or fapping. I'm assuming it helps me improve my writing skills aswell as improve my visualization but I don't know.

I put myself in the stories having romantic and sexual encountres with different women and I try my best not to be degenerate but I do admit I might go off board sometimes.

But if it's just as bad as visual porn I should probably stop

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It probably has same effects on the brain, but the visual (porn/hentai) is probably worse, but what affects is the feeling of get hooked one, like the brain going dumb.

I dunno about writing them though, but if I were I'd stay away from degeneracy as whole, its what get us hooked, is what fuck us over and sap our will and motivation.

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Visualizing porn is always damaging, whether it's text or image. Ideally, you should be writing normal fiction instead of erotica. On the other hand, writing smut's still better than just beating one out to random porn online.

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If I only lasted 7 days did I make any progress at all?

Fuck I was doing so good then I made the mistake of sitting down at the computer. Why did I do that you know it only ends one way what was your plan here?

Posting this and getting the fuck out but I would like to know if I made any progress from 7 days. I certainly felt better. Full of energy. Now I just feel like a suicidal loser. Good stuff.

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>Good stuff

Well one week is something but its just the start. Most normies can do with fapping once a week and being sated. I'm afraid this doesn't work for the more addicted of us.

So consider it just a start, take the benefits you saw as a promise to what lies ahead, next try to get to 21 days, its a golden number of nofap and habit building.

I will also try to make this mark now, and it is said that within this mark that the drive starts to settle and we got to normal levels of hormone and brain chemistry.

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>regular medicine?

(((regular medicine)))

Anon pls. Chasing the money changers out of the temple was also an allegory for this. Oil of oregano, garlic, ginger, diatomaceous earth, and activated charcoal also help.

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Can the effects be reversed???

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Read the thread, this exact same question has been asked many times.

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Stickied when

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Garbage for thee and gold to me

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I'm glad I never slid that far down the slippery slope. One year into BBW and SSBBW porn I realized what was happening to me and knew it was not right. I was only seeking new shit too get off too and could lead to scat and eventually snuff CP. Now I feel really bad for pedophiles and child molesters. Chances are they are invisible victims and useful scapegoats of the porn industry.

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Fuck off retard

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This thread is fantastic

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Discipline, better face.

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This is what masturbation literally can do to your brain.

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Reverse the atrophy:

Cut off addictions, get rid of technology, actually do things, exercise, enjoy nature, talk with friends IRL, meditate, eat B vitamins, reduce stress.

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Is this permanent damage? Or will it go away after a long time after not using porn?

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I’m 20 btw


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You’re retarded there’s literally no difference between anime and any television show or piece of medís by that logic. It’s just animated and in fucking Japanese

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You can always heal. Neuroplasticity my friend

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No PMO not masturbation on its own

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After my porn habits kicked in, my ability to do and learn math diminished. The depression kicked in as well, multiplying the effect.

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dubs checked, and I see what you did there.

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