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File: defe884ccbc6267⋯.png (248.9 KB,709x410,709:410,Brahmacharya.png)

File: 87e77a28d546e5c⋯.png (31.18 KB,733x229,733:229,Celibacy to longevity.png)

File: 82bdf8d8d8aaad7⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,2160x3840,9:16,DSC_0006[1].jpg)

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File: 2ab65edb65451f2⋯.jpg (624.31 KB,998x1219,998:1219,nofap numericals.jpg)

 No.10619 [View All]

The ultimate redpill is is that recreational sex itself leads to decadence of society. The more it is practiced, the faster it will fall. The ultimate path to recovery of almost all plagues of society is to keep the mind completely away from the idea of sex itself. Is it a wonder almost every time tested religion requires chastity.

The Brahmacharis (Vedic hindus who invented yoga) and the Buddhist Monks including Guatama Buddha himself made this crystal clear too. The Bible also almost says this. A few philosophers of orthodox Christianity (such as Clement of Alexandria, pic related) have said the same thing.

Modern science proclaiming "Have more sex, masturbate more, watch more porn goy, or you'll get cancer!" is all bullshit. All of it. It reeks of jew engineered studies to keep the goyim confused and weak and rob them of their masculinity to keep them from rebelling. These are the same people pushing "gender fluidity" and transexuality on children. It makes so much sense that they get their own dicks cut, which lessens the sensations of orgasms so they won't be as attracted to sex thus spending more time conquering the goyim.

32 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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>He lived a celibate life even though he was married, he fathered no children and slept in a bedroom separate from his wife. Though he ended up adopting 42 kids

Top cuckold, should've adopted 4000000 children from Africa to show his virtue.

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>a jew and a cryptojew

Worst thread of this board. When you fap, you look ridiculous, when you have sex you look glorious

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>"it is not when truth is dirty, but when it is shallow, that the lover of knowledge is reluctant to step into its water"

- nietzsche in thus spoke zarathustra, 'on chastity'

having sex with your wife for the purpose of procreation is not shallow, or at least it doesnt have to be. "artificial insemination" is ungodly

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File: 6bdcf1008a54729⋯.png (4.6 MB,2000x3472,125:217,lady elain.png)

Only good post in this thread >>10727

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you dont need to be "brought close" by sex unless it's with your wife and you intend to make a baby in the process. what else would that bond be necessary for? and if you had premarital sex then the bonding effect would be weaker when you do it with your wife when you actually need it


>tantra and love tao

plebs who dont even do daily meditation use this as an excuse for degeneracy

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Sex's only natural purpose is procreation. The thing is its easy for man to be addicted to and misuse it which leads to more depravity. If a man can have that self control over him, more power to him. Gandhi struggled with this thought a lot, he hated his father for getting him married at such a young age, he wanted to live a celibate life but having a women next to him often made him weak.

Here's the point though - God (Universe or whatever you believe is the source) made sex for procreation, but sex is also a pit of depravity and enslavement if misused. What if we skip the sex bit altogether? Just have couples extract the sperm and egg (without masturbation) and fuse that into a baby. That way a man doesn't taste depravity and steers clear from it for the rest of his life.

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To have children in such an unnatural way is also depravity

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File: 8ac68e8897f5b18⋯.jpg (161.91 KB,1058x705,1058:705,8ac68e8897f5b186d8c27179a4….jpg)


Holy shit, m8

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File: 92d5ea9aa31b7ad⋯.jpg (50.16 KB,623x421,623:421,yesdear.JPG)

Is it that no sex in life helps you cope better with everything that is bad? Or is it that no sex leads to more things that are good? Is this thread another see things in a different view sort of idea or are we talking about no cum = i could possibly become a doctor

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File: 9204cfe48943efd⋯.png (12.58 KB,842x108,421:54,gandhi.png)

File: f38d12b57f4e943⋯.jpg (129.14 KB,662x921,662:921,marriagelaw.jpg)

File: e4f95383ef23dfa⋯.png (30.01 KB,1281x229,1281:229,plato socrates.png)


Preservation of semen is the name of the game if you ask the ancients.

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File: af4e7a6c7afe84c⋯.png (1.42 MB,1917x574,1917:574,In the Loo.png)

File: f4e05668dc3d8eb⋯.png (43.87 KB,710x309,710:309,Paki Boys Muh Dicking Each….png)


>You need to get out of the country and go live for a few years in subcontinental Asia or Mid-East.

>Pretending that the Middle East isn't filled with STDs and boyfucking. And that Pajeet women aren't sluts when not kept in check

>Having any children interracially

Found cuck.

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File: ac30f3053927de5⋯.png (26.67 KB,960x232,120:29,hthg.png)

File: 43152dc49811e14⋯.png (361.38 KB,846x447,282:149,pak.png)

File: a08f6f61f44d574⋯.png (33.51 KB,639x574,639:574,r32r.png)

File: cd30b5e85adf297⋯.png (9.91 KB,665x202,665:202,rg.png)


I can nitpick too. Its not Asia or Mid-East where faggots can get married now is it? lol get rekt faggot.

>>Pretending that the Middle East isn't filled with STDs and boyfucking. And that Pajeet women aren't sluts when not kept in check

Pajeet women and men for that matter who grow up with good and deep rooted conservative/religious upbringing are far more principled than western sluts. Hard concept to swallow but there are societies where women would rather kill themselves than act promiscuous. Its sad the west is so degenerate that you think such societies cannot even exist.

It'll get better. Either at the hands of muzzies who invade white countries and overthrow the kikes and their white marxist pets or perhaps whites may just wake up (low probability but can happen).

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File: 89cc47899c776e0⋯.png (123.76 KB,832x865,832:865,HIV For Muds.png)


>I can nitpick too. Its not Asia or Mid-East where faggots can get married now is it? lol get rekt faggot.

>Caring about gay marriage

Loads of fags don't care about getting married and at best are just out to trigger White Men. Cuckservatives like you fixate on First World Problems like that instead of dealing with little things like race and granting women the ordered brutality needed.

>Pajeet women and men for that matter who grow up with good and deep rooted conservative/religious upbringing are far more principled than western sluts.

>Your country is so garbage (and filled with designated shitting streets) you have to migrate to the West to not be trash

>Hard concept to swallow but there are societies where women would rather kill themselves than act promiscuous.

Women care more losing status/face in the eyes of their peers when it comes to sexuality than men. This is from both an implied threat of violence and a lower shot at roping a desired male. Take those away and women will act the sluts they evolved to be. This is the case across all races. Just look at all the STDs in Shitskin countries.

>Its sad the west is so degenerate that you think such societies cannot even exist.

Go look up where HIV and other STDs are at at an all time high. It's where Shitskins like you live.

>It'll get better. Either at the hands of muzzies who invade white countries and overthrow the kikes and their white marxist pets or perhaps whites may just wake up (low probability but can happen).

lol, Arabs and Jews are both Semitic trash. Muslims have repeatedly used the help of Jews against Whites and vice-versa. Even today there are Jews pushing for Islamic immigration. And Muslims suck at advanced warfare (see their laughable record against the mongrels in Israel) and have to depend on swarming in with help from enablers (must be the inbreeding). Keep up the shitskin revenge fantasy though, Muds like you can be roped into progressive civilization easy enough (see all the Shitskins in the Democrat party and Women's March), if only from giving you all the welfare you can eat (see all the Niggers and Muslims usings gibsmedats in America and United Kingdom).

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File: 42fef6765c41da0⋯.jpg (16 KB,319x320,319:320,1511820042754.jpg)


>muh std stats the post

Jesus Christ you're a desperate cuck. Obviously countries with lower quality care than the west will more case of aids. Fact still remains its your white (56% white, top kek) countries which are literally legalizing degeneracy.

>muh we need to go back to beating women

We need to go back to beating ANYONE who partakes in promiscuity. Period. If you think females are any more or less prone to being degenerates than males then your head is so far up your own ass I don't think you're worth helping.


Samefag, but I'll reply to your garbage nonetheless.

I know ISIS is a Mossad op, but their culture is Middle Eastern. Something you seem to admire in your hardon for beating women so idk where the hostility towards ME is coming from? Did a muzzie fuck your gf or something.

>muh porn stats

Yeah like watching cuckold porn is so much better than pig fucker porn right, kek

At least porn is banned in most Islamic countries and many other non Islamic countries in Asia. A jew wouldn't dare go to an Islamic country and produce porn like they do in Kikewood. Heck, a jew wouldn't dare step in an islamic country regardless. And you are here raging about shitskins when kikes rape your culture so hard its producing child transgenders and white guilt enough enough to kill your white race out of existence. Top fucking kek, kill yourself.

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File: 662fc8da6ed93bb⋯.png (162.05 KB,1024x896,8:7,Mud Disease.png)

File: 6e921f82f25f08e⋯.jpg (142.4 KB,1127x828,49:36,Muds And HIV.jpg)

File: 6fe7d27a5abc0ca⋯.jpg (142.91 KB,1151x853,1151:853,Muds And HIV 2.jpg)

File: b8a0464a772c969⋯.png (70.51 KB,811x790,811:790,Muds Are Fags.png)

File: ceacb983a66d515⋯.png (198.24 KB,1535x813,1535:813,Nigger Fags.png)

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File: ed5f50e98ade804⋯.png (60.27 KB,626x584,313:292,Shulchan Arukh, Even HaEze….png)

Directly from the Halakhah (Jewish code of laws derived from the Torah). It reads the exact same as Hindu and Buddhist texts regarding sexuality - strictly forbids it outside the confines of procreation within marriage.

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File: 75038ee9114d067⋯.png (107.99 KB,605x276,605:276,prevalence_map.png)

File: c631a9120b133cf⋯.jpg (27.71 KB,402x243,134:81,muslimsmap.jpg)


>Go look up where HIV and other STDs are at at an all time high. It's where Shitskins like you live.

Piece of shit retard. Most STDs are not from "Shitskins", dumb fuck, they are from sub-saharian africans. Muslims have the lowest STD rates because they are not sexual degenerates, unlike you. Pic related.

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File: c12e7d6f1c69469⋯.jpg (61.78 KB,794x495,794:495,EuropeansMuslimsvsFree.jpg)

File: 75e57be0df23429⋯.jpg (243.77 KB,1200x1096,150:137,EuropeansCucked.jpg)

File: f6d487c9445ca52⋯.jpg (191.36 KB,907x1200,907:1200,EuropeDegenerates.jpg)

File: 1ead55ca743826f⋯.jpg (51.03 KB,500x627,500:627,Europeans.jpg)


>Muh muds are so degenerate !

Faggot european.

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You are right , recreational sex is bad, that's why every one should be a Christian and only have sex when married.

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This is very much what I have been realizing too.

Logically we can go from the fact that wasting your energy through 'leakage' is 'sinful', or not in the best interests of life. All spiritual practices work with the thing called bio-electricial-energy, or just Chi, as the chinks call it. How you vibrate, your frequency and your charge is all in all just energy.

The collective consciousness in your body is very much what others call our "spirit" or the, infact, real interconnectedness living beings are driven from. The materialization, ie. grown cells are driven from the drive of this "spirit". Every spiritual practice in a short time after 'drainage' of 'sacrificial liquid' is inferior to one who is full of energy and can focus on other aspects of the spiritual beings doings, such as enlightenment or just plain physical labor. The saying 'to feel drained' must be coming from this aspect.

The thing is, that the human soul is 'split' or "has chosen' physical aspects of it self. And beings who are more or less enlightened are capable of higher expressions of this lifeform thorugh different practices. Sex is one of them.

It is giving to give. And imagine being plugged right into another being who also gives really gives a lot of caring energy to both through the most direct line - the sexual. It is a very sacred practice, if not the most holy of all - the reunification of both aspects of the dualistic entity called man for the greater good and higher expression of itself.

All beings are sacred, or holy. Children always have been more aligned with their nature, or given drives dictated by the higher benevolent power - God, the Tao, or whatever you wish to call the source of all things. This is because they haven been defiled or engineered to act in certain ways – directed by the Ego mind we all share on a individual but also collective way.

It's all or noone. We all have to evolve out of it together or this planet is set back to a primal stage again. Some spiritual beings stand by to help out though.

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Sex is very important for pair-bonding. Not enough sex destroys relationships. See r/deadbedrooms

Most women in movies, who are dissatisfied with their partner are portrayed as him not fucking her enough or ignoring her and not giving her enough love.

I also read many anecdotes of girls becoming clingy after you fucked them/ came inside them. I also read some articles that sperm gets absorbed by women and make them happier, more content, etc.

Also fuck off with your insane puritan Christcuckery. The sex drive of men is not evil. You sound like a TERF, who talks about how every instance of heterosexual sex is rape and therefore evil and how everything masculine is toxic.

We already tried your way and it ended up in many bright people wasting away in monestaries and not procreating. That kind of stuff is on a similar level as some very weird roman pagan cults, where men publically castrated themselves to join that fucked up goddess cult and other such degeneracies.

This mystery cult Gnostic bullshit about how everything physical and real is sin and how everything spiritual is good is an absolute cancer. These people probably think that doing mind exercises and meditation is better than building a rocket to reach Mars.

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>See these porn addicted reddit normies for muh proof

>Unironically using jewish movie propaganda as a reference for normal behaviour

Kill yourself, for real.

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Bumping this truth

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No the ultimate redpill is that sex should only be between husband and wife.

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File: f680ca808e4b1ff⋯.png (493.64 KB,764x615,764:615,Mike Tyson.png)

File: 28fcf02d91792f8⋯.png (1.39 MB,917x688,917:688,Nietzsche_nofap.png)

File: 1576e6895937ff0⋯.png (180.29 KB,1080x713,1080:713,retention1.png)

File: b7762a4ce8b9d8f⋯.png (748.23 KB,1361x811,1361:811,Tissot_Galen_nofap.png)

File: 4fd5ab2fd178d65⋯.png (259.21 KB,918x445,918:445,Trump nofap.png)


You're close, and this thread is close. Semen Retention = Ultimate Redpill.

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>>t makes so much sense that they get their own dicks cut, which lessens the sensations of orgasms so they won't be as attracted to sex thus spending more time conquering the goyim.

Then why is it that everybody gets cut in America

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Not true at all about the grannies. My grandma and grandpa fuck. And they're very much in love in their 70s. I only know this because I walked in once. Recently. The mental scarring is helping with nofap.

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>posting a bunch of quotes to justify your argument

Why do you weirdos cling to the nofap? I mean, your taking it too far, I'm sure even Hitler would agree with me.

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>spoonfeed me the benefits of nofap


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File: 44177acdfac491a⋯.png (512.19 KB,713x662,713:662,1523465444962.png)


>I'm sure even Hitler would agree with me.

Nice bait.

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>Replied to a post about semen retention(no sex at all)

>now I'm pro masturbation


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File: ce86220b0bc68db⋯.jpg (225.86 KB,849x1024,849:1024,jesuslevel.jpg)


gtfo root drone. jesus kept is semen and so should we. PRAISE JESUS

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The man adopted the swastika which is a religious symbol in the Vedas. Vedas preach sex only for the purpose of procreation and never pleasure as that is seen as an abuse. Now go be a kike somewhere else.

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If sex is not for reproduction then it is indeed degenerate.

Sex is meant to reproduce and in turn pleasure is given. The pleasure is there to entice both parties to reproduce. It makes sense from an evolutionary sense.

When reproduction itself is casted away for pleasure (hedonism), then it is degenerate. Condoms are themselves degenerate, along with birth control pills.

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The problem with modern relationships is that they are founded upon vanity and pleasure. Looks become the most important and the other redeeming traits are ignored because "duuuuuude, she is so hot… but a cunt… worth it duuuude!"

A result is degenerates being with pretty cunts that engage in a relationship with no future. When time passes and the pleasure derived from sex and the looks fade, what made the relationship exist in the first place vanish and it makes means for the relationship to end.

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File: 25a9c59935e329f⋯.png (157.94 KB,1165x664,1165:664,Birth control.png)

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File: 713457d4d5d2103⋯.png (Spoiler Image,137.31 KB,350x350,1:1,only the dead can know pea….png)


>The problem with modern relationships is that they are founded upon vanity and pleasure.

What else do you expect if old values have been forgotten?

There's is nothing left to look for if virtues in modern people are a) faked or b)nonexistent

Sometimes I wonder if it was always like this and if looking for anything in a partner/relationship other than vanity or pleasure is just a tale disney made up and forced upon kids.

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File: 5d514319936d6b5⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,1440x2464,45:77,1530885858346.jpg)


Wihelm Reich too.

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File: 685f1d9b098a1cf⋯.webm (10.67 MB,640x427,640:427,Utopia.webm)

Reminded me of this webm. Though I've heard about a book relating the differences between amative and creative sex. Given that we've been finding these related books, I think it might also be a good idea to create a library thread to share them.


> Sometimes I wonder if it was always like this and if looking for anything in a partner/relationship other than vanity or pleasure is just a tale disney made up and forced upon kids.

Don't be fooled, the fairytale is a big part of why relationships are screwed nowadays, because kids expect relationships with the chosen one to be all smooth and pretty, and with culture of finding the "just right one" and dropping out at the faintest sight of trouble. In reality though, relationships just take a whole lot of commitment, from both sides, and that's what its lacking in modern society.

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File: aaeeca1c8866cd4⋯.png (177.65 KB,1009x505,1009:505,codreanu_swamp.png)


I have come to the conclusion jews are simply God's wrath for embracing a culture of luxury, vices and most of all sexual degeneracy. Jews were simply the agents meant to deliver the punishment of nature. Jews being nature's worst enemy, will naturally find allies among those non jews who reject nature themselves.

Basically, white men (and other goyim of color suffering under this globalist jew world order) are themselves to blame for everything that is happening to them and their civilization. Codreanu would probably agree.

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File: b83df8b946d3de8⋯.jpg (97.73 KB,1069x706,1069:706,retention1.jpg)



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>porn is bad


>fapping is bad

>ok, makes sense

>all forms of sexual gratification are bad

You guys go from realizing that excessive onanism is bad to any kind of sex outside of procreation is bad?

I sincerely wish you luck in relationships (if you desire one) without sex.

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File: ae567f9e34177c5⋯.jpg (120.33 KB,800x566,400:283,regulative-principles-sp.jpg)

I have been pleased by this thread because there are many redpilled people opposing all forms of sexual pleasure (unless it comes as a side effect of copulating for procreation) which is the ultimate ideal and tool of a man striving to free himself from the limitations of this material world and fulfill his true potential. I have been pleased, and so I will drop some really valuable knowledge here. I know you all do not like reddit, so I have made an archive.is link. If you follow the information in it, your life will be saved.

If you think it is too much information, at least read the two reddit comments linked in the post on the subject of women - https://archive.is/GQEa5

Learn about semen sublimation, learn about Ojas, learn about how women are the main trap of maya. Ask me about it here and I can elaborate but I ask that you at least read all the comments linked in the post if not the articles and the google document marked MUST READ (!).

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File: 323808bfc2b2b5c⋯.jpg (87.83 KB,960x636,80:53,018-prabhupada-holocaust-1.jpg)

File: 8a4a8092c942b31⋯.jpg (907.85 KB,1000x1469,1000:1469,019-prabhupada-hitler-1.jpg)

File: 7b047fa2cb187d0⋯.jpg (916.64 KB,1000x892,250:223,020-prabhupada-hitler-1.jpg)

File: 956b1a521f1cdb6⋯.jpg (404.2 KB,1216x2092,304:523,021-Easy-Journy-to-Other-P….jpg)

File: 618e2147c945695⋯.jpg (93.98 KB,810x320,81:32,028-prabhupada-with-father….jpg)


For those who don't like text, here is some motivation in the form of videos that Srila Prabhupada is worth your time, even if you don't like reading. Force yourself, for saving your life.





https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5aZGIoqtl4 (part 1) , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efNp6e4KN8c (part 2)

If you watch all of these videos your life will be changed. You will be saved. All the best. Please ask me any questions at reddit.com/u/conquersex or shera10001atgmail.com

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File: 94948719eb44b77⋯.jpg (309.54 KB,1223x1541,1223:1541,Flee Sexual Immorality 2.jpg)

File: a27cc4f81f3343b⋯.jpg (1.62 MB,4920x4161,1640:1387,Flee Sexual Immorality.jpg)


The argument for Fleeing Sexual Immorality is a simple one. Just look at the fruits recreational sex yields. Even if the biblical scriptures aren't enough for you, the statistics don't lie (and neither does God).

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Please read the articles to find out more. Semen exists in not only the gross form in the genitals but also in a subtle form throughout the whole body. When we think sexual thoughts that semen flows downwards and is converted into the gross form. But when we abstain from sexual thoughts and sexual activities the semen is transformed into Ojas which is a spiritual substance which gives us great benefits in all parts of life.

Physical Benefits -

1. Longer lifespan.

2. Stronger immune system, less diseases.

3. Greater physical strength. A person in the same weight class but with less Ojas will lose to you in every physical competition.

4. Brighter and more lustrous eyes, skin, face, body. Tejas around the body (healthy glow). Darker and thicker hair.

5. More masculine energy and traits.

6. Greater physical stamina. Can churn out immense physical work in a short amount of time.

Mental benefits -

1. Stronger determination, willpower.

2. Amazing photographic memory. Amazing auditory memory (can repeat things heard once perfectly after years. Part of why the vedas are so perfectly well-preserved).

3. Fixed intelligence, concentration.

4. Lots of mental stamina. Can churn out immense mental work in a short time.

5. Noble character.

6. Natural inclination towards spirituality.

A special nerve grows in the brain of one who has followed Brahmacharya perfectly for 12 unbroken years. It gives one the physical and mental faculties required for God realization. What people take many lives to realize, a perfect brahmachari of 12 years can realize very quickly.

In the link I posted and in the google document in the post there are contact details if you have any questions. I'll check this thread for a while too.

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tits or gtfo

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Kellogg was also the one to get american goys to start circumcising themselves. Terrible practice. Bad for psychological development of babies.

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