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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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I’ve already confronted them about this once. They just kept saying “on god I swear it wasn’t us. Yallahi i swear it wasn’t us. On my momma for real I swear”. What would you do?

I live in an upper class neighborhood in north Texas and ever since they moved across the street they’ve turned the place into a trash filled ghetto. They never litter on their own property, but they’re happy to leave trash on everyone else’s. They say “nigga” loudly in front of kids and openly slap box each other on people’s yards. This shit is causing me to lose it. Idk how they even afforded to move here in the first place.

They’ve only been here for 3 months and the place has drastically changed for the worse

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>They say “nigga” loudly in front of kids

That's horrible. Tell them that you will only tolerate hard-r utterances of nigger around your children.

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>trusting the jewish legal system

You'll get in more trouble reporting a shitskin for any wrongdoing than they will for murdering a person

Arabs/nigger/hispanics all trash that have higher rate of crime and using welfare compared to white.

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>install cameras

Dumping trash / Fly tipping is usually treated as a serious crime.

Once you have it on camera, and recorded all the evidence you can, you can give that to the local govt trash department and to the police and they should do the rest.

3rd worlders often really think if they chuck their trash out any old place then it's problem solved.

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I live in an middle class neighborhood. Arabs figured out that a street by my house doesn't have timed parking. They now use the spot to park their uber/whatever cars overnight. Ever since they started using the street to park their cars, litter and trash has started to become a nuisance.

I hate shitskins so much, they just live in trash and see nothing wrong with it.

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This is the most classic of the Jewish property scams. You can bet this is happening all over with the current wave of 'migrants'. It's a relatively long game but at the end of 10 or 20 years the Jew gets to cash out with tens or even hundreds of millions.

The posher the area targeted, the more profitable the scam.

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Arab neighbor? I feel zero pity for any white who lives in a City or close to one. Zero pity. If you're not targeting these sand niggers for vendetta then why are you fucking complaining? This is what you voted for.

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Arab neighbor? I feel zero pity for any white who lives in a City or close to one. Zero pity. If you're not targeting these sand niggers for vendetta then why are you fucking complaining? This is what you voted for.

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he is doing it purposefully. Just admit you are a slave to whatever job that makes you live in a multicultural society. you also can't do anything because single childless women are your politicians and that is who the police take orders from and the police say that you are the enemy


then why don't you shot them?


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Get an old smoky or similar cheap grill. Get box fan. Light pit. Put old newspapers in bucket. Shit in bucket and combine with newspaper. Go ahead and piss in there a bit. Turn on fan oriented to blow smoke towards neighbor. Dump contents on grill. Cover with vents open. Blast spic music. Purchase fly bait and activate, then throw over fence to opposite side of neighbor's yard. Fling burnt contents on neighbor's roof after dark.

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> Collect trash

> Throw it right back at their property

> Shoot their brown asses and yell "yeehaaw" like a true texan

> Tell the judge that you were simply a white christian man standing his ground

> Be a hero

Alternatively just antagonize them to show up on your property and then stand your ground, texas is a stand your ground state right? You can like just shoot someone if they intrude or make threats? Simply say that you fucked their dog mother in the ass like their uncles did to them, and they will be running at you crying, looking for a fight.

Or >get a black friend

>tell him about your issue

>record them saying nigga

>claim they said it to your friend

>hate crime.exe


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Fuck is that white bitch

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File: 3e9e49f5b1ebec4⋯.jpg (138.27 KB,1024x768,4:3,1737213280945653m.jpg)

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