Israeli Spy Threatens To KILL Any Politician Who Does Not Support Israel On Live TV, Shocking Viewers
Mosab Yousef, a documented Israeli Spy, said on Peirce Morgan's TV Show "Anyone who gets in the way, even if they are politicians in the West, they are going to FALL. We have the right to bring them up, and to bring them DOWN."
Yes, you read that correctly, an Israeli spy just THREATENED to MURDER Western politicians.
Mosab Hassan Yousef (born 5 May 1978) is an ex--Palestinian militant who defected to Israel in 1997, thereafter working as an Israeli spy for the Shin Bet until he moved to the United States in 2007.
His father is Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a co-founder of Hamas. A New York Times bestselling author, he is known for his outspoken criticisms of Hamas and Islam.
The Shin Bet considered Yousef to be Israel's most valuable source within the Hamas leadership.
Here is the entire video segment so you can see it and hear it for yourselves:
To my surprise and delight, a man whom I RARELY-IF-EVER agree with, Cenk Uygur, jumped on this quite well, while Peirce Morgan just seemed to sit there… perhaps stunned… on his own show!
Israel says it will kill US politicians if they don't support Israel. Now do you see how dangerous this Zionist occupation is?
Stunningly, they ADMIT they are deliberately destroying everything to bring in a "New World Order" with all governments gone except a "Sanhedrin".
These lunatics are coming for you, too, Jewish people who don't buy this crap. They say they represent you, but they represent your destruction. All of us had better wake up to the mentality that rules you while you still can.